
The Demon Queen's Contract

In a world where magic intertwines with reality, a dying human girl named Elara awakens to find herself in a foreign land. The air smells of ancient forests, and the sky is painted with hues she’s never seen before. Before her stands the enigmatic Demon Queen, Seraphina, her eyes as cold as the ice that encases her throne. Seraphina proposes a desperate bargain: a contractual marriage between them. In exchange for Elara’s hand, Seraphina promises to save the crumbling human kingdom from impending doom. Elara, with nothing left to lose, accepts, thrust into a web of intrigue, danger, and forbidden emotions. As they embark on their perilous adventure, Elara discovers that Seraphina’s icy demeanor hides a tragic past. The Demon Queen’s power is unmatched, her wrath swift and merciless. Yet, beneath the frost, Elara glimpses vulnerability—a longing for connection that defies her ruthless reputation.

Huli_Poline · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

 A Stroll Through Abyssia

After leaving the boutique, I followed Anara down the bustling streets of Elarion. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, children laughing, and the occasional roar of a distant beast. The town was alive with activity, and despite my initial reluctance, I found myself growing curious about this strange new world.

"Do we really need to walk around?" I asked Anara, glancing nervously at the lack of guards. "Isn't it dangerous?"

Anara smiled reassuringly. "You'll be safe with me, Lady Elara. Besides, it's good for you to see the realm you'll be living in."

I sighed, resigning myself to the walk. "Alright, lead the way."

We wandered through the narrow streets, passing by stalls selling all manner of goods. Exotic fruits, shimmering fabrics, and intricate jewelry caught my eye. Demons of various shapes and sizes mingled with each other, their conversations a mix of languages and dialects.

As we walked, Anara pointed out notable landmarks. "That building over there is the library," she said, gesturing to a grand structure with towering columns and stained glass windows. "It's one of the oldest in Abyssia, filled with ancient texts and magical tomes."

"It's beautiful," I remarked, admiring the architecture.

We continued down the street, and I couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of the demon realm. Some demons had wings, others had horns, and a few even had tails. They moved with a grace that was both eerie and captivating. Despite their fearsome appearances, most seemed to be going about their daily lives without a second thought.

Anara led me to a small stall selling delicate pastries. "You must try one of these," she said, handing me a small, flaky treat dusted with powdered sugar.

I took a bite, my eyes widening in surprise. The pastry was light and sweet, melting in my mouth. "This is delicious!"

The stall owner, a portly demon with scales on his cheeks, beamed at me. "Glad you like it, miss! Best pastries in all of Elarion!"

I smiled and nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thank you."

We continued our walk, stopping at various stalls to admire the goods. Anara insisted on buying me a small trinket—a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a crescent moon. It was simple but beautiful, and I couldn't help but feel touched by her gesture.

As we walked, Anara told me more about the demon realm. "Abyssia is vast," she explained. "There are many different regions, each with its own unique culture and traditions. The queen oversees it all, maintaining order and peace."

"She must be very powerful," I said, thinking of Seraphina's commanding presence.

"She is," Anara agreed. "But she also cares deeply for her people, even if she doesn't always show it."

I nodded, filing that bit of information away. Despite her cold demeanor, it seemed there was more to Seraphina than met the eye.

We turned down a quieter street, and I noticed a group of demons gathered around a small fountain. They were talking animatedly, their expressions a mix of excitement and curiosity. As we approached, I heard snippets of their conversation.

"Did you hear about the new arrival?"

"Yes, a human, they say!"

"Strange times indeed."

I felt a pang of unease at their words, but Anara squeezed my arm reassuringly. "Don't worry about them," she said. "You're under the queen's protection."

I nodded, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. As we continued down the street, I kept glancing over my shoulder, half expecting something—or someone—to jump out at me.

We passed by a shop selling various magical items, and I paused to look at a display of enchanted rings. Each one glowed with a different hue, promising various effects and abilities.

"See anything you like?" Anara asked, noticing my interest.

"I'm just curious," I said, turning away from the display. "Everything here is so... different."

"It takes some getting used to," Anara admitted. "But you'll find your place here."

As we walked further, the streets became less crowded. The buildings were older, their facades worn and weathered. I couldn't shake the feeling of being followed, and I quickened my pace, trying to keep up with Anara.

Just as we turned a corner, a figure lunged out of the shadows. Before I could react, a demon with sharp claws and a menacing snarl leaped at me. I stumbled back, my heart racing with fear.

"Elara!" Anara shouted, reaching for me.

But before the demon could reach me, a burst of red flames erupted between us. The attacker screamed in agony, the fire consuming him in an instant. I turned to see Seraphina standing there, her eyes blazing with fury.

"People are so stupid here," she said coldly, lowering her hand as the flames dissipated.

I stared at her, my heart pounding. "You... you saved me."

Seraphina's expression was as cold as ever. "Of course I did. You are under my protection."

I nodded, still shaken by the attack. Anara helped me to my feet, her face pale with worry.

"Are you alright, Lady Elara?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"I think so," I said, trying to steady my breathing. "Just a bit shaken."

Seraphina stepped closer, her gaze piercing. "You must be more careful," she said, her tone stern. "There are many who would see you harmed."

"I understand," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Seraphina turned to Anara. "Take her back to the castle. I will deal with this."

Anara nodded, leading me away from the scene. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of fear and gratitude. Seraphina's power was terrifying, but it had saved my life. Despite her cold demeanor, she had protected me.

We made our way back to the castle in silence, the weight of the day's events pressing down on me. As we reached the castle gates, Anara turned to me, her expression serious.

"You must be careful, Lady Elara," she said. "The demon realm can be dangerous, especially for someone like you."

"I'll be more cautious," I promised, feeling the gravity of her words.

Anara nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Let's get you inside. You need to rest."

I followed her into the castle, my mind racing with everything that had happened. The walk through Elarion had been eye-opening, but it had also shown me just how precarious my situation was. I was a stranger in a strange land, and I had much to learn if I was going to survive.

As we entered the castle, I couldn't help but glance back at the town. Despite the danger, there was something captivating about Abyssia. It was a place of mystery and magic, and I was determined to understand it. But for now, I needed to rest and prepare for whatever lay ahead.