
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Day two in my new paradise.




TYLER'S CASH: 1,250.

THE VAULT: 70,950.

Tyler's alarm woke him and he opened his eyes to see the stirring face of Rias Gremory herself. The beautiful girl was waking on his chest where she'd rested her head and he had an arm around her back and his hand on her head. his OTHER hand was holding hers close to his heart and he smiled.

"Good morning Rias."

She smiled tiredly at the boy she slept with.

"Good morning Tyler. I haven't slept that well in a long time."

He smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Me either."

She smiled at the hug and the fact he hadn't even REACHED for her naked rack or her bare ass in favor of stroking her thick blood red hair.

"I'm naked you know."

"Best look yet."

"So true. Sadly times up."

"Always next time."

"Cocky prick."

They showered together where she got help with her lovely hair, which made her smile.

"wow. So this is how you care for your girlfriend?"

"I try to make her WANT to stay."

"GOOD mindset. And this never happened."

"Outside Akeno?"

"Good. You know."


"So true. And you want t sleep with her too?"

"Rias. It's AKENO for fuck's sake."

"GOOD point."

She chuckled as they cleaned u and once dressed tey headed to the kitchen where the pair made a breakfast of toast and some eggs. Tyler smiling as he danced around Rias' body in the kitchen until a yawning Yoshkia came down. The shorter girl still in her night robe and the heavy garment made her petite frame seem even smaller.

"Morning guys."

"Morning Yoshkia. Here. Wake up."

She accepted the coffee gratefully and drank deep. Asuna and Kirito came down next dressed in their adventurer gear and Tyler smiled.

"You two going raiding?"

They nodded. Kirito smiled as he sipped his coffee.

"We'll get a feel for the monsters and see what the payouts are like. You?"

"Hm. No clue. I'll hit the dungeon at SOME point, but other then that I got nothing."

Rias smiled.

"I'll be with my devils setting up this world's branch of the Occult Research Club. Our front for our contracts and payments."

Tyler smiled.

"If you see Akeno before I do, Rias tell her I'm looking for her."


Hestia and Belfast came down now ad the silver haired beauty smiled as she got her breakfast.

"Good morning to you too, Tyler. and thank you."

"Sure. So what you got on the docket ladies?"

Hestia smiled.

"I'll be at the guild booth today. I need my payment for next month."

Belfast nodded.

"I will inquire at the school. Your plans for the day?"

Tyler shrugged.

"I'll hit the dungeon again at SOME point. Other an that I got nothing."

Yoshkia smiled.

"I'll be around the house for a while. Not entirely sure what i want to do so."

She shrugged and the friends all chuckled. They ate breakfast together and it was Kirito and Asuna on dishes while Tyler sat in the recliner by the TV with his laptop. Kirito and Asuna left on their raid with Belfast, Hestia and Rias. Yoshkia smiled as she was alone with the hulking warrior on his laptop.

"Soooo, now what, Tyler?"

He smiled at her.

"relax if you want."

She laid on the couch beside him still in her robe and he looked at her curiously.

"Something bothering you?"

She blushed at the callout.

"Just....what did you think of them? really?"

He smiled at the blushing witch.

"I like them, Yoshkia. You're not flat. You're beautiful."

She sighed with relief.

"Oh I feel better. Thanks Tyler."

"Sure thing, Yoshkia. Yu okay?"

"Yeah. I am. So you slept with Rias last night."

"wanna join me for tonight?"



She blushed HARD but smiled.

"I've never slept with a boy before. Um. Sure. JUST cuddles, right?"

"Until you say otherwise, yes."

"Phew. Kay!"

He patted her and she smiled at the affection as he returned to his story. He sank into the thing and a few hours flew by in a blink. When he next lifted his eyes he saw Yoshkia was gone and a note was hanging on the fridge.

"I went to see Commander Mina and my friends. See ya later! Yoshkia."

He smiled at that and smirked as his blood rose. The warrior went up to his room and got dressed in a tight fitting tanktop and jeans before retrieving a jetblack double bladed staffsword from his trunk.

"Oblivion and Oathkeeper. Let's go to war."

Tyler smiled as he headed down the street to the dungeon with the staffsword on his back in it's twin longsword form. The trip took him a mere fifteen minutes. As he walked to the elevator he smiled as he saw the place was even busier then it had been the night prior. In a booth to the right he spotted Hestia taking crystals and stones from raiders with a warm smile. The warrior waved fondly as he passed and she smiled back just as warm. Tyler got into the lift and he smirked as the thing started dropping and the other occupants began psyching themselves up for the soon to come bloodshed. A ten minute decent later Tyler stepped off the elevator and drew his staffsword with a twirl. This section of the dungeon was made of rotten brickworks and had a red sandstone floor. He held the sword out to the side and noted he had plenty of time for his routines and to manuver as the ceiling was close to twenty feet high.

"Alright let's go to hell."

Tyler set off along a corridor to the left whistling arrogantly and turned a corner....only to get hit by a fist the size of his torso and the impact launched the caught COMPLETELY by surprise teenager into the brickwork wall with enough force to leave a crater close to ten feet wide. Tyler spit out a mouthful of blood as a 45 foot tall naked creature stepped into view. The creature roared at him with such force it rattled the chamber and Tyler noted it only had one eye in the center of it's forehead. A cyclops. And a BIG ONE too. The wounded warrior forced himself to his feet as his eyes went ice cold and he hefted his staffsword while coughing up blood.

"Okay NOW I'm pissed."

He charged the gigantic beast and it swung another fist at him but Tyler saw it coming this time. So he spun the staffsword with a dizzying speed and carved a mass of lines in the cyclops' nearly 4 foo thick arm. A mass of purple blood flowed and it roared in pain befoe Tyler leapt onto the arm and ran along it spinning the sword in a manner it carved lines with blood as the monster moved as slow as a snail while trying to react. Tyler reached it;s immense head and it snapped at him. Only for the wily teenager to leap and stab it in the eye. The monster shattered into dust there and then and he fell 45 feet to the stone floor. He hit hard and bounced before the creature's mass of loot landed around him as he panted and fought against the pain of his horrendous injuries.


He forced himself off the ground and winced at the puddle of blood he'd left behind. Then he saw the loot and smiled.

"A big bag of cash, a 5 foot thick stone, three locked boxes, a sword, a few gems, and that dress. weird as hell, but cool."

He gathered the loot and limped back to the elevator. Then he rode it back to the surface fighting with all his strength to not passout or he'd never awaken. When the lift reached the surface and the doors opened a cry went up.

"Hey we need a healer over here! He's hurt bad!"

Tyler smiled as Hestia came SPRINTING with worry on her face.

"I won! Barely."

The goddess pressed her hand to his head.

"Shut up. Goddess Healing."

He shivered as her intense power restored his powdered ribs and battered organs to before he got hit. Tyler smiled as he felt his strength return.

"Thanks Hestia. i walked around a corner and got popped by a 45 foot tall cyclops. It was only my second raid! NOT cool man!"

She slumped at this news.

"So you step off the elevator and got the floor boss as a first fight. Dick move Ganisha. Dick move."

"Hey. Decent surprise. I'm fine now."

"Idiot. Be more careful."

"Will do."

He brought the loot over to her booth and she smiled as he pased the stone.

"That's worth 3,500. And a moneybag too? Pass it over."


"Alright. This is worth an extra 3,500. 7,000 all told."

"Thanks Hestia. The boxes?"

"Look at the name on the lid. Only the one the box names can open it. if you try to it'll burn you."

"Ah. Thanks."

He carried the stuff back home and smiled as he walked.

"Gotta watch that. Getting jumped by a floor boss at the wrong time would REALLY suck."

The warrior walked into the house and set the loot on the counter when he noted Belfast's shoes were by the door and he smiled for one of the boxes had her name on it. The warrior carried it up the stairs and found her door open so he looked in.

"hey Belf-"

The silver haired beauty was flat on her back naked and legs spread with a long toy moving in and out of her lovely slit with a frenzied need and her face her a perfect ahegao expression of pleasure. She was CLEARLY in the midst of a rather potent orgasm and Tyler merely closed the door without a sound and went to his room with the box and shut THAT door without a sound. DAMN Belfast! I did NOT think you such a dirty girl! Ha. I love it. He sat on the bed and a few minutes later a tap was heard

"Come n in."

Belfast had thrown a long gown on as she walked in with a flushed face and sweaty frame. She shut the door and sat beside him on the bed.

"Never mention a WORD of what you saw, and you may claim one boon from me."

He smiled.

"Just remember to close the door and I'll call it even."

She smiled at that.

"I will. and NEVER A WORD."

"I promise, Belfast."

"And you saw."

"Actually? Not really. I saw what I was looking at, and kinda zoned out."

"GOOD. Now why did you need me?"

He slid the box over.

"I got this as a loot drop in the dungeon and it's got your name on it. Hestia says only you can open it. So here."

"Ah. Thank you. And are you injured?"

"I WAS. I got jumped by the floor boss one turn in and he got me with a suckerpunch. Hestia healed me when i returned to the surface."

The sexy lady smiled as she looked to the wooden crate.

"I will be mindful. And you may watch."

She flipped the latch and opened the lid. Inside was a dress of blue in her size, a wad of cash, a dagger, a rather large bra of velvet mesh, and another toy with ridges along it's length and a slight curve. Tyler looked at her and she smirked.

"I am quite acitve."

"Wow. They never mentioned THAT in the show."

She chuckled at that as the strapless dress was retrieved.

"I will let that go as I showed you. Now. I love this dress."

"Go try it on."

She went to her room with a smile and Tyler looked at the rest of the boxes.

"Oh. One for Rias and the other's for Yoshkia. I'll leave them on their beds."

Belfast came in then with her new dress and Tyler smiled at how she looked. The thing was sheer with a light blue silken fabric with no straps and a set of ruffles around her massive bust that also seemed to help support them. The thing hung to her ankles with a ling slit up the side for movement and showing off and Tyler smiled at the way her silver hair clashed with the blue.

"Wow, Belfast. You look beautiful."

She smiled.

"I do like it so. Thank you."

"I guess the boxes are tailored to our own interests and personalities. Though that bra seems outta place."

The maid smirked thinly here.

"I like the added lift for certain occasions."

"Sexy. And nothing was said or seen."

"Good. and if such a thing were to occur AGAIN, I would ask descreteness."

"Sorry. I don't ogle girls from their doors as they relax, Belfast. That's really freakin creepy."

That made her smile.

"I believe we can make this work then."

She tpok her box and Tyler placed Yoshkia and Rias' boxes by their beds before laying the enchanted dress on kirito's with a note detailing a backup get outta jail free card. A ploy that made Belfast laugh.


"I know how to wingman. Now I need a shower."

"As do I."

"Would you like some help with that silver mane?"

She smiled at the offer.

"I do think you've earned such a boon. Come."

They went into her room and the doors were locked before they stripped down. Him loving how her breasts bounced when released and how her sit was still moist and small. They got into the water and Belfast smirked as she passed a sponge.

"Do NOT abuse this."

"I won't. And DAMN."

She chuckled as he got to work lathering her lovely body up with a loving tenderness. Though she moaned a little as her massive melons were fondled.

"Jesus lady."

"I am most well built."

"Yeah. That's one way to put it."

She smiled at the awe in his voice before she smirked.

"I will do my spot."

"I got the ass!"

She smacked him in the dick and he winced.


"Worth it! And come on. I had to make ONE joke like that."

"Just. ONE."

"I guess that makes you a once in a lifetime inda girl, Belfast."

She shivered at THAT turnaround! And the fact it was dripping in his trademark sincerity made it even more potent.

"I love how that made me feel."

"I meant it."

The silver haired lady smiled as he got to work scrubbing her hair now.

"Are you interested?"

"In you? Absolutely."

"For one night?"

"I'd love to have you as my girlfriend, Belfast. Same time if all YOU want is a one night stand? That's fine too. So long as we remain friends."

She smiled at this as her silvery mane was rinsed and he hugged her from behind for a moment before going to her narrow back.

"I think I can spare you one night."

"You sure?"

"I may prefer the feel of women. But I DO partake of men when I find a suitable specimen."

"Wow. Tomorrow?"

"Very well. I am aware Yoshkia claimed cuddles?"

"Girl's insecure and i DO NOT know why. So wanna help her with it."

"How kind. And we're all on watch."

"Pff. Yoshkia's a better shot then I am. And she's got nearly as fire as Asuna does when you piss her off. TRUUUST me. Do NOT make her mad."

"GOOD mindset."

"You think I'm kidding? i'm not. That girl fought aliens with her bare hands and WON."

Belfast chuckled at the awe in his voice as they dried off.

"I suppose she would be safe with such a devoted fan. Have it said."

"I get it. And I AM gonna get a hug off Unicorn."

"I saw her among the Refugees. I do believe she is rooming with a friend of Rias'. Gasper was his name?"

"Oh crap. Watch. Unicorn'll latch onto Gaspy like her plushie."

"Oh dear."

"relax. Gaspy's EXTREMELY shy as he was kinda shunned in his world before Rias picked him up."

"So he knows."

"Oh yeah. That guy is as kind and sweet as Unicorn but as a dude."

"Then if such a relationship forms I shall approve."

"Did Illustrious come too?"

"She did. dear Sister is rooming with Akeno."

"HA. Oh Akeno is gonna have a field day teasing THAT illustrious beauty."

Belfast smiled at the play on her sister's name as they dressed.

"This never happened. And tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting for you."

Again she shivered at the romance of the scene before they left the bathroom and he returned to his room. there he split his payout and put his share in the rentsafe.

"So we got 74,450. Hm."

He sat at the counter now in a fresh tanktop and jeans with the house' notebook out as Belfast came down in a light shirt and shorts.

"Is there an issue?"

"Nah. Just thinking about the house and what needs working on. And deciding what I wanna do with the rest of my day."

She looked at the notebook.

"We have a fair amount of funds. What needs upgrading the MOST right NOW?"

"Fencing. We need to fence off our yard from the neighbors and the pool. Sorry. I DO NOT like nosy neighbors. Alright. I'll go get the scale on the yard and see about some hardware shops. Thanks Belfast."

"Would you like some assistence?"


He and the beauty grabbed the deed to the house and the warrior had a small shovel he would dig lines in the dirt to cooridin off their property with. They started at the sidewalk and Tyler looked at the details on the deed.

"So we got from this spot here to about...here. So a good 40 yards along the sidewalk. And now we just need to see how far it goes.....wow. Says here we got close to 500 yards in that direction to ourselves. So the fencing will go right to the forest rim and encase a solid portion of the forest too."

Belfast looked at the work involved and at the deed.

"What manner of fencing are we discussing?"

"Solid and tough. The front yard we'll put in some hedges and grow our own wall."

"That sounds rather nice. And the ground floor windows?"

"we'll start the fencing there on the side of the house as like an extension and it'll be a door."

"Ah. I see how you intend. Kirito will be needed."

"We'll do it together as a household. I'll go down to the hardware store and get some estimates on types since I AM a licensed contractor."

"I will give the word to the others here."

"Thanks Belfast"

"Excuse me."

The pair looked up to see an older woman in a guady red sundress looking at them from the sidewalk. Tyler smiled politely at her.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Tyler, this is Belfast. what can we do for ya?"

The woman frowned.

"Are you intending to put up fencing young man?"

"we are."

"Hmph. Have you filed the proper forms out with the Home Owner's association?"

Belfast looked at Tyler curioously and he shrugged.

"Think of em like say...the harbormaster but as a council and they have no real power."


Tyler looked back to the draft of the fencing to be put up around the house.

"Okay where were we? Ah. I'm thinking 8 feet tall."

The maid looked at the house.

"I would suggest an even ten. That way we can add a roof to the layer if we so chose."

"I see what you're going for, Belfast, but that's a VERY bad idea."

"Is it?"

"It is. In the winter when the snow flies, the snow will pile up where?"

"Ah. I see now. We shall need snow fighting equipment."

"Lessee.....it's only September. I'll see what they got at the store and we'll go from there. Kirito and I are both extremely skilled snow battlers. Worst case we just blackmail Rias into using her fire."

That got a chuckle.

"I am STILL here."

They looked to see the woman on the sidewalk and Tyler smirked.

"GO away. We're putting up fencing. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. And I don't care."

The woman produced a phone in an offended huff.

"I will have you removed from the neighborhood-"

There was a click and Tyler had a loaded model 1887 lever action shotgun in his hand pointing at the woman's face.


Belfast was looking him over curiously as no obvious spot for the odd weapon was seen.

"I have a secret holster inside my pantleg."


"I got a few tricks."

The horrified woman gulped.

"I will call the police-"

The gun went off and Tyler flipped it as her phone was shattered.

"THAT was your only warnign shot. GET off our property. NOW!"

The terrified woman ran for her life and Tyler snorted as he hung the gun on his belt.

"My GOD do I hate people like her."

Belfast nodded as she looked at him.

"As do I. And NOW I understand what you were saying."

"Just shoot da bitch the next time she comes here. I'll head to the store."

"I will keep watch."

He passed her the weapon and she smiled.

"I have my main batteries you know."

"True. yet a shotgun is more satisfying to use."

"Oh very well."

Tyler went to his room and grabbed a backpack and a skateboard from his closet before he hopped onto the thing and rolled along the street. The warrior whistling as he carved along the streets at a decent clip occasionally ollieing into some easy tricks. Tyler skated through the suburbs of the city until he came to a large plaza with a chain hardware store among the offerings. The board was kicked up and stored in his bag as Tyler went inside and over to the fencing section of the high ceilinged place.

"Okay. Solid, tough and weatherproof. price is not a sticking point as we bust our asses."

He had his notebook out as he moved along the aisle taking notes of the different options and smiled as he found one section of solid oaken planks ten feet tall and easily painted.

"That could be fun. We design our own inner wall mureals. 250 per 100 feet and we'd need close to 3,240 for the entire perimeter. That'd be 33 sections and so 3,300 dollars right there not including shipping and the rest of the supplies. Hm."

He wrote the numbers down and moved along to another few options and frowned as he found the oaken planking to be the best deal when it came to sturdiness and price.

"Plus since it's real oak i can fabricate replacement planks if need be."

Next he went to the landscaping section looking for fencing tools. He found a pair of ground augers for 75 dollars each, a 500 yard tape measure and laser pointer for straightness for 50, a selection of sledgehammers for 30, and a bucket of nails for 25. He wrote everything down before heading to the outdoor plant section where he found a set of hedge seedlings for 15 bucks a plant and the means to plant them for an extra hundred. Happy with the notes thus far, Tyler smiled as he looked at the list.

"Alright. Alls that's next is having the council and seeing what the girls want....OH that'd be a good idea."

He went back to the fencing and used his phone to take photos of each style of fencing so the group could have something to look at as they talked.

"Hello, sir. Do you need assistence?"

Tyler looked over to see a girl with brown hair in the red apron of the store smiling at him.

"No thank you. Just planning our newest project."

"Give a holler if you need anything!"

"Will do."

The girl left and Tyler chuckled.

"Classic. NO I am NOT stealing stuff."

He saved the last photo to his phone and looked at the time. 3:30.

"Good enough."

He left the store and skated out of the plaza along the sidewalk. The route home taking him along a sleepy section of road and so he took advantage of it by skating in the street enjoying the peace of the evening until he returned home. He walked in and found Yoshkia and Belfast sitting on the couch watching TV with a tired looking Asuna and Kirito cuddling beside them. Asuna and Kirito in light tanktops and shorts while Belfast was in a soft robe and Yoshkia was in her one piece without a shirt. Asuna smiled as Tyler walked in.

"So we raided the dungeon."

"Gimme a sec."

He left his boots by the door and sat beside the redhead.

"Alright how bad?"

Kirito chuckled.

"Those monsters are TOUGH man. We made 8,500 on that run alone. You?"

"I was nearly killed by a cyclops. I got off the elevator, took a left, and BAM. Surprise floor boss. There is no boss room and they roam freely like the other monsters."

Asuna blinked.

"A cyclops? How tall?"

"45 feet. 20 wide at the shoulder. it got me with a suckerpunch I DID NOT see coming."

They whistled and Kirito flashed a VERY subtle thumbs up, and the warrior noted the insurance was secure. Yoshkia smiled.

"So the box?"

"was a lootdrop from the monster. Guess they drop personal loot boxes for people here based around what they like."

"I got a new pillow and other stuff! And a toy!"

Belfast and Asuna slumped at Yoshkia's happy chirp and the silver haired beauty patted her.

"OOOOH Yoshkia. Why did you feel you needed to tell him that?"

She blushed.

"I wanted to?"

Tyler chuckled at that honesty as he looked at Kirito.

"What'd your monsters drop?"

"Eh the usual mats, cash and stuff. We got a box to drop too. Had your name on it. S'upstairs by your bed."

"Thanks. Think it'll be a regular thing?"

Asuna frowned.

"No. the risk is too high for consistent raiding. Kirito and you will keep hitting it. Since you two are that type of IDIOT. But I'll see about a job at a resturant as a chef."

"You get a job as a waitress Asuna I am GIVING you one o my guns."

She smiled at that force.

"Thanks Tyler. And I completely agree. I don't WANT to work as a waitress though. So there's that."

"Kirito was telling me how you liked showing off those good looks. So why don;tchya try out s a model? For like dresses or something? you have that slender frame they love."

Asuna hugged her husband for his all-too-true flattery he never said.

"maybe. It's worth looking into at least."

Kirito flashed another subtle thumbs up as Tyler set the notebook on the counter. Belfast smiled.

"Were you successful?"

"I got a few ideas on it, Belfast. we'll wait for Hestia and Rias to get back though."

Asuna looked at him curiously.

"What's the first project, Tyler?"

"Getting the fencing in place."

"Ah. How bad?"

"We're looking at a 4,000 dollar job. And a LOT of hard labor to get it in place. Same time we only have to do it the once."

Kirito came over now and Tyler showed his notes.

"We got like 5 sets of fencing to pick from. I got photos of em all too so."

"I looked at the ground. we'll need to work with some VERY rocky soil, Tyler."

"I figured. Tomorrow after school I'll look into some better digging gear. Maybe the best option is we dig a trench along the property lines to remove the stones and bury the posts that way."

"Seems a lot of unneeded extra work. even if I see the logic. Hm. See in the moment?"

"Most likely. Worst case we rent a bucketloader since yes I am skilled in their use."

"We met the community karen."

"I already shot at her once. What'd she say?"

Asuna smirked.

"I was in a croptop and shorts and she said I wasn't dressed a self-respecting girl should be dressed in public. I told her I will shove my rapier so far up her ass it'll be her new spine she keeps irritating me."

Tyler chuckled before he went back to the plans.

"We'll shoot for a weekend for the heavy lifting. Sad to say we'll be doing a lot of digging Kirito."

"Makes sense. teh girls?"

"They'll help too. Since we all share this house, we all put in the work to make it better."

"That's fair. hestia will be back in a few hours. No clue on Rias."

"She'll be back by dinner. Girl's punctual like that. Oh. We all got cellphones, right?"

The friends smiled as they exchanged numbers. even Yoshkia.

"I got it from the box and Asuna's teaching me how to use it."

"Alright then. I'll go get a look at the box."

He left the fencing material on the counter and went up to find a large wooden crate by his bed. The warrior smiled as he opened it. Inside was a wad of hundred dollar bills, another sword, a black leather jacket in his size, a mass of snacks that made him laugh, and four pairs of fresh denim jeans also in his size. he took the leather jacket and smiled as he put it on.

"I always wanted one a these."

The snacks he put on shelves and the sword he hung on a peg before he headed down with the new leather.

"hey look what was in the box, Kirito."

The guy looked and chuckled.

"WHY does that make sense?"

Tyler chuckled as the tight fitted jacket added some bulk to his arms while also being comfy.

"I always DID want one a these."

Yoshkia smiled as he hung the thing on a coat rack by the door.

"You looked good in that, Tyler."

"Thanks Yoshkia. YOU look great."


He sat in the recliner and the smaller girl sat by him on the couch. Belfast smiled as she looked at him.

"I have made progress in your story. And I must say I love miss Aki."

"I had a lotta fun making her. Kiria?"

"SHE is Unicorn. And you cannot convince me otherwise."

Tyler chuckled at that one as the door opened and Rias walked in.

"Hey Rias. There's a box with your name on it upstairs. I got it n a loot drop."

The redhead smiled.

"I'll take a look, thank you."

She went up and Hestia came in right behind her with a tired expression.

"Hiya Hestia."

She smiled at the way he said the greeting as she too went up for a shower. Rias came down after a few minutes in a fresh night robe of blue fur tied around her middle with a black sash.

"I got this simple DIVINE night robe. Thank you, Tyler."

"Sure. HOw's akeno?"

"She wants to talk to you at some point tomorrow. And we have school too. I think she's in your home room, Tyler."

"That'll be kinda cool. Going to school with you all."

"Go easy on Rasweisa please. She's.....excitable."

"Sure thing, Rias."

She sat on the couch and he smiled as her meons bounced and she was bare foot.

"So what did you do today?"

He retold the tale of the cyclops while Yoshkia snuggled against the warm devilgirl; earning her a warm hug.

"Wow. So you nearly got killed today. Be more careful."

"i will. Other thing I did was look into getting fencing put up around the house."

"So the notebook has the details."

"Yup. We're waiting on Hestia and we'll see what we like."

"I'm here."

The goddess came down in her usual white gown and smiled as the notebook was passed around. Asuna nodded as she saw the options.

"So you want to use the oaken plank style, Tyler?"

"I do. Because it's easy to put up, maintain and very strong. Plus the price is decent too."

Rias nodded as she looked at the plans for the perimeter.

"for what we need? It is. and if we shoot form a weekend we'll get a large portion of it done since we work well together."

Kirito smiled as he stroked Asuna's hair affectionately.

"Since Tyler and I are used to this knda thing all you guys need to do is follow up with the actual siding."

Belfast nodded.

"I like this plan and agree. We DO need to establish some form of boundary with the rest of the neighborhood as I do not wish to be bothered in the hot tub."

Tyler then moved to the next bit.

"The hedges we can plant in the front yard as a living wall. We do it right we can basically keep those idiots out."

Rias smiled.

"Plus we can shape them into some really cool things. Say a hedge tunnel?"

The warrior smirked.

"For that we'd need to line the walkway in hedges. But I don't see why not. Halloween'll be AWESOME so there's that."

They chuckled and Asuna smiled.

"Alright. we'll shoot for this Friday. Now where are we for the safe, Tyler?"

"I'm keeping it in my room for the time being, Asuna. Funds we've got 78,700."

Belfast smiled.

"we all made a contribution today. This is good. Will we keep adding to it?"

They nodded and Rias explained with a smile.

"More we have in it now, the less we need to worry about later."

"Smart. and now we need set terms for school, CHILDREN."

Tyler smirked.

"If you REALLY wanna get techincal, Belfast? You're a ship. And. The ship you are based off of is a mere-"

"Say one more word an I will hit you in your screws with a hammer."

"HAve I made my point?"

"You have."

He chuckled then looked at Rias.

"one hour study session per day."

"Homework before going off."

"NO screwing with each other during said homework."

"OR during study."

They nodded and the deal was made before Yoshkia's belly rumbled. utterly HUMILATING the poor girl. Tyler smiled as he patted her.

"Pizza first. We DO NOT waste good pizza in this house."

They laughed and the leftover pizza was reheated and they all sat at the counter for dinner. Rias smiled as she produced the chessboard.

"one nothing."


They played three games and this time RIAS came out the winner and Tyler smiled.

"What's the demand?"

She smirked.

"YOU have to summon Akeno for a contract."

She slid a paper emblazoned with a red circle on it to him.

"And make her your summoned devil."

"Sure thing, Rias. YOU too?"

She smiled.

"Her first please. She wants to talk to you."

"I'll summon her tonight then."


They chuckled at Yoshkia's disappointed noise and Tyler patted her fondly.

"Oh come on Yoshkia. We only LIVE together."

"I wanted to snuggle."

Rias smiled warmly at the pouting girl.

"You can join me, Yoshkia. Sound good?"


Tyler hugged her.

"TWO nights then."


"We'll make you a weekender."

"Yay! full snuggle!"

They laughed at her adorable smugness and Tylet took the summoning circle up to his room as Asuna and Belfast got stuck on dish duty. The warrior smiled as he set the paper in the middle of the floor and held his hand out to it.

"Arise: Akeno Himejima."

The thing caught fire with a deep purple glow before the purple haired beauty herself rose from the floor cross armed and with a mysterious smirk on her face.

"Hey Akeno."

"Oh it's you."

She smiled as Tyler waved at her and dropped her imperious demonic entrance act to sit beside him.

"So Rias told me everything. about YOU and HER and ME."

He patted her.

"The mismatched wings suited you best, Akeno. You're amazing."

She smiled at this.

"You don't think I'm a monster?"

"NO. You are NOT a monster or an abomination or ANYTHING but a beautiful girl. FUCK where you came from and who your parents are, Akeno. YOU are HERE and that is nothing but a good thing. YOU are NOTHING but AWESOME."

She hugged him hard for that forcefulness.

"Thank you."

"And I am GOING to keep telling you this until it sticks. GOT it?"

The pink eyed devilgirl smiled at the promise and he held her.

"Got it. Can I stay here? Please?"

"So long as you become my Summoned devil."

"Ha. So long as YOU keep summoning me."


"Hmmm, every other day."

"Sure thing my queen."

She shivered at that.

"OOOOH not fair! My heart fluttered!"

"Allow me to old you till you feel UNfluttered by dear angelic demon."

"Okay you can stop attacking my heart now."

"Yes Akeno."

"I am going to attack you if you keep that up."

"Me plan!"

She laughed at THAT cocky reply before grabbed him in a harder hug.

"Thank you."

"every time."

She smiled and he stroked her long purple hair lovingly.

"Hey Akeno."


"Can i get a copy of your wings please? the mismatch i mean."

She smiled so hard it kinda hurt.

"And my flight too?"

"Of course. i'd like to go flying with you some time."

"I'd love that. And since you summoned me for a contract, I'll give you the power as my demand."

"This weekend I kinda promised Yoshkia a two night snuggle....soooo you'll have to share."

"OH I am WELL aware of such sharing."

"Oh that's right. I forgot you're a professional."

She chuckled and plucked a feather from a black wing on her back.

"I read this is how I'd gift my powers. We'd need to agree on the power before hand but you know. Just press the feather into your chest and you'll be able to fly."

He did so and a pair of mismatched, jet black wings grew out of his back. His left wing was a skeletal devil's wing while the other was a jet black fallen angel wing that shimmered like a raven as he spread them wide. Akeno smiled as her own set came out now and he noted her rleft wing was a fallen angel and the other was a devil.

"I guess I complete your image."

She hugged him.

"I like it."

"I do too."


"I'm not going anywhere Akeno. I promise."

She shivered and that was when he noticed she was wearing a strapless tube top and tight fitting booty shorts while bare foot.

"Still wow."

She chuckled at that awe.

"I brought a bag since we DO have school in the morning."

"I'll walk ya to school then."

"How romantic!"

"If we were to take a shower together Akeno, I'd love to do your hair up for you."

"Oh my! Sure!"

"Would you like a massage after?"


The pair busted up laughing as a mass of enraged girls' voices were heard from their respective rooms. Then Rias' ICE COLD voice was heard on the other side of the wall.



"WHEN were you going to tell us you gave massages?"

"When I got around to it."

"I hate you."

"I guess you shoulda demanded THAT one Rias!"

"I will reach through this wall and SET YOU ON FIRE."

Akeno was laughing hard at the scene and Tyler smiled warmly.

"I like surprising people, Rias. Belfast's got tomorrow's slot. so I'll give you the next. Kay?"

"Any OTHER surprises you want to tell me about NOW?"

He smiled at this and looked at Akeno.

"Not just yet."

The purple haired girl picked RIGHT up on the nudge and smiled.

"Oh my. I see WE need to chat!"


the pair went into the bathroom and stripped. Akeno's marvelous rack not needing any support as they flopped free of her tubetop while her firm heartshaped ass had no jiggle at all as she dropped er shorts. They got in the hot water and she smiled as he closed the door.

"Be nice! I'm a Thunder mage."

"Bitch please you're the thunder goddess."

"Ha. so. Rias."

He smiled and leaned in her ear.

"I got a lootbox drop with my name on it. Kirito got it actually. Well. when i opened it, there was a ring. A sapphire and jet ring encased in gold all topped off by a glimmering diamond. THIS on in fact."

He produced the item from a well hidden cubby in the shower and Akeno gasped.

"It's beautiful!"

The golden band had a set of scales as if it were made from the tail of a mighty dragon while the sapphire was in the shape of half a heart. the jet the other half and the diamond sat in the spot the two gems met. Tyler smiled as he returned the ring to it's hiding place.

"THAT is RIAS' ring, Akeno."

She blinked. Then smiled a wide, slow smile as she saw the desired plan.


"NOPE. JUST because I can."

"WOW. So you DO want her as your primary?"

"As my WIFE dammit."

"Oh my hell. I FELT THAT. And she knows."

"NOT the true DEPTH of it. She knows I want her. HOw much? NO clue. So. I'll hide it in her room with a note I wrote. While she's asleep."

Akeno smiled at the plan to make her best friend smile.

"I will not say a word, Tyler. I promise."

"I know you won't. Asia and Koneko may have been further up on my list of favorites then you, but DAMMIT if I didin't trust you the MOST."

She hugged him hard for that.

"Thanks for the faith."

"Having faith in YOU Akeno is no big thing. Since so long as it IS in you, that faith will NEVER be for nothing."

She shivered at that one and he held her tightly under the flowing water.

"You're not hard."

"I'm holding a dear friend, Akeno. And I know how to spoil you and NOT be a horndog pervert."

"I like it."

"I love it."

"I want some more of it."

"I try so hard,"

"I forget the rest of the lyrics."

"I didn't forget your spoil."

She smiled as he got to lathering her long beautiful purple hair.

"So you'll sneak into Rias' bedroom tonight?"

"Yup. I'm kinda good at being a ghost."

"I'll keep it warm while you're gone."

"Sounds toasty. I like cuddling heaven and hell in the same sexy body."

"OOOH YOU'RE good."

"I got you to work with as inspiration Akeno. I could NEVER run out of ways to flatter such an amazing girl as you."

"Okay. You keep doing that I will end up fucking you here and now. And....do it right?"

"I will."

She smiled.

"I like it though."

"ME too."

Her hair was deep cleaned and her lovely body was too. And she giggled like a ticklish child as her triple ds were lathered and fondled at the same time.

"easy! They're awesome!"

"h you have NO idea."

They dried off and she laid on her belly on the bed for her massage. Tyler smiled as he mounted her unbelievably firm ass and started pressing into her back. Akeno moaned in a loud, lewd, over the top manner to screw with her friend as she listened with her ear pressed against the wall. The warrior chuckled at the teasing as he cracked the enchantress' back.

"She just might come through that wall you keep screwing with her, Akeno."

"I HOPE she does! we can make it a threeway!"

"Ha. I love the way you think."

"So. Can I ask you something?"

"It about Issei?"

"Yeah. Rias said you're waiting for him to self-destruct. What did you mean by that?"

"I'll explain it like this."

He pulled a note he'd written for the beautiful redhead in question and let Akeno read it while he worked her legs over. The best friend would gasp in awe or aww at some line before she had to wipe a tear at just how touchingly heartfelt the words and vows were. Tyler smiled as he took the loveletter back.

"HAs HE ever done ANYTHING of THAT magnitude for her? JUST to make her happy?"

Akeno sighed at that.

"No. No he hasn't."

"Would YOU trust him to do your hair for you?"


"Or a massage?"

"Not without backup."

"And the PLAN?"

Akeno sighed deeply now.

"YOu are not even DATING Rias and yet have down more to make her smile and show you truly care for her in a day and a half, then Issei has in the ENTIRETY of the time we've known him."

"Plus. With just how aggressive the ladies in this world can be? I DO NOT think for a MINUTE he'd turn down an offer like that. ESPECIALLY if the lady is GOING for it."

Akeno looked at him intensely now.

"YOU believe he'd cheat?"

"Oh in a FUCKING heartbeat. He doesn't care about you. OR Rias. The only thing that bastard cares about, is his dick. i can prove it too."

She was glaring at him now.

"Do so."

"Boobylingual and dressbreak. If he claims to love you all as much as he does, WHY peep? just FUCKING hop in with ya. Anda HI? If he needs a SPELL to READ THE MINDS of the girls he PREACHES he loves? He's not in love with you. he just wants to make sure HE gets the first BEFORE someone else does. And the same for dressbreak. if he has to FORCE you to be naked around him with a SPELL, again. He's not in love with YOU. JUST your rockin bod."

akeno had a look of anger on her face and he smiled.

"YOU see it too."

That made her sigh. Deeply and dejectedly.

"When said out loud I do. DAMMIT."

"And here's a thought."

"Go on."

"HOW often do you tell him to stop peeping?"

"Dozens of times a time-"

"How do you know he'll listen when the time comes.....and it HURTS?"

She froze at that VERY nasty scenario.

"OOOOOH my blood just ran cold."

The girl looked at him now with a FEAR in her pink eyes.

"I do not trust that boy anymore, Tyler. YOU just raised a SCARY point. we have to HIT that guy HARD when he peeps to get him to stop. If we were in BED and that happened? He'd..."

"He'd rape you in the depths of his own need."

She shuddered and pressed her head to the pillow as she turned the disturbing point over in her mind.

"I can't defend him in this, Tyler. You're right. We tell him EVERY time to NOT peep on us in the bath and he does anyway. I need to talk to Rias."

The door opened and the redhead walked in with a serious expression. Tyler smiled at her.

"want the girl? I want the other girl."

Yoshkia poked her head in all smiles.

"yay! THREE night cuddle!"

"Get over here you minx."

Rias smiled at the exchange as Akeno got dressed.

"She;s too cute. and we will have a talk tomorrow Tyler. I agree."

"Just one last thing, Rias."

She nodded.

"Go on."

He looked her in the eye.

"I am NOT out to ruin your relationship here. I PROMISE you that."

That made her smile.

"So WHY exactly?"

"Two reasons: keep you from going through that hell. And to make sure it is REAL."

She smiled warmly at her friend.

"I appreciate it, Tyler. And....tomorrow."

"Provided Yoshkia hasn't SHIVED me,"


"See ya then."

The door shut and Yoshkia smiled nervously as she looked at the boy on the bed.

"Sooooo hi?"

He just chuckled and hugged the girl.


She smiled and Tyler took his shirt off as she laid in the bed in her cute little night robe that hung to her thighs. The warrior set the alarm for seven and got in beside her. Yoshkia wasted no time in pressing against him and he wrapped an arm around her waist. She smiled at him and he looked at her.

"Night Yoshkia. DAMN you're warm."


He lifted an eyebrow as she blushed now.

"Yoshkia? What do you have in mind?"

She loked at him with HUGE hazel eyes.

"fool around?"

He laughed at her RIDICOLOUSLY cute ask.

"Jesus CHRIST you are TOO CUTE. Sure."

She smiled eagerly.

"I like screwing around!"

A heavy banging was heard on his wall and Hestia's irritated voice was heard.


"Ahhh! I wanna have FUN dammit!"

The door opened and Belfast's sweetly smiling face poked in.

"Yoshkia dear. COME WITH ME. NOW. We ladies need to have a CHAT."


A now ONCE AGAIN dejected Yoshkia followed Belfast out of the room pouting as Tyler just laid on his back chuckling at the utter BULLSHIT.

"Jesus CHIRST this house is a deathtrap."

Hestia poked her head in with a smirk.

"I'LL be the filler this time."

"Ha. Sounds heavenly."


The busty goddess shot the door and came bopping over in her own thin night robe to snuggle up beside the warrior. her long twin tailed hair had been undone and was rather soft as she rested her head on his chest.

"Ah! Comfy!"

"So what's up?"

"Just be aware Yoshkia hasn't been...PROPERLY taught on boys."

"Ah. I kinda figured."

"Soooo yuo were still going to."

"Her name was Selena."

"Ah. I see now. Alright. NO. NOT when we can help."

He wrapped an arm around the goddess' waist and she smiled as she got comfy.

"And I read Demon in the Dungeon."

"Love you too Hestia."

"I spoke to my reality sister. And...let me make SURE first."

"As you wish."

"Ha. Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Hestia. Damn. You're almost warmer then Yoshkia."