
The Demon Lord Walks Among Us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dropped. Will be rewritten at some point, but with much more focus on the plot and character development, rather than the "plot" and character "development". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A world in which humans and demons live near, but separately, divided by hatred, fear, religion, and a long canyon. A war, begun by the human lands, that ended with the assassinations of several of the demon generals and the Demon Lord. A retaliation by the demons, poisoning a river without thought of the consequences. That is the most recent continuation of the cycle of hatred, war, death, and fear. A girl, orphaned by the war, fed up with the cycle of hatred, crosses from the demon lands to the human lands. Witness her journey as an ordinary adventurer to end the cycle of war and death, as she gains her own harem and accepts the fact that she's the new Demon Lord. Witness the Demon Lord as she gets into all kinds of situations that she shouldn't have gotten into unless the goddess of fate felt miserable and wanted to distract herself. ** Note: please, for the love of everything good, cute, and fluffy, THOROUGHLY read the long-as-hell author's note (and the later edits/postscripts, which I have separated FSR) that I made be its own chapter. It's just that long, sorry. I ramble in those somewhat often, okay? It does, however, have a lot of useful information scattered around in it... ** Upload schedule... None. Finally, two things. First, this is written in the style of Japanese novels, but without the honorifics... though, every now and then, I might put them in and not remember to remove them. I'll try to keep them out, just because of my personal preferences. Second, I'm sorry about the chapter naming system being screwed up and hard to follow. It ended up as stuff like "Chapter 6: Chapter 1 (3): [slight spoiler], part 2" which can be confusing. To break it down, it goes something like this: [release number] (in this case, "Chapter 6:") [chapter number the way I wrote it in a word processor] (in this case, "Chapter 1") [part number after I split the chapter to upload on this site] (in this case, "(3):") name ("[slight spoiler],") and then a potential further split due to the name, if the name applies to several parts (in this case, "part 2")

CaTastrophy · Kỳ huyễn
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72 Chs

Chapter 5 (2): First day of classes, part 2

Chapter 5 (2): First day of classes, part 2

After a while, Elise and I went to Miss Healing's class alongside Char, while Mae came to watch. The start was normal, listing names, elements, and mana, and then came the interesting part. Char learned storage magic, and the two of us, as well as one of the other students who could use spatial magic, learned about void magic. Simply put, it's the most powerful element in terms of pure offensive power, as it can cut anything. However, it has an absurd mana consumption and extremely short range to compensate for that. Char couldn't pull it off, the other kid managed to cut a block of wood once, before he ran out of mana, and I managed to obliterate the block of wood and a large chunk of the ground behind it before Miss Healing said that I should never use it unless I'm facing a large monster alone or something like that. It seems that I'm a bit too powerful... It's hard to control.

Fortunately, healing magic was easy for me, perhaps too easy... I mean, I was supposed to be healing a cut on the horned wolf's foreleg, not its shattered hind legs. Well, I could heal its cut and nothing else if I focused, but being able to heal the shattered leg like that is something that normally can't be done. After all, Mr Axe is having his broken arm heal the normal way because healing magic is costly to use on bones. As in, 1000 mana to heal a broken finger levels of costly. For me, however, my healing magic is more like regeneration magic that can be cast as easily as magic to heal a scratch. That, too, was sealed until I got better at control, because a healer like that is one that a noble or even a king would do anything to monopolize.

After that was Blast's class, then Fubuki's, Alicia's, which was a pain due to my having to change my fighting style to one I'm really not used to, and then general studies, which I breezed through. Last, but certainly not least, was Souta's class... well, it was more like a one-on-one class, as I was the only one interested, but Char, Elise, and Mae were there and listening, so they could help me take care of Ver.

At the end of the day, as well as at lunch time, we went back to the dorm, I fed Ver, and then we did whatever we felt like, while we went on quests as a party on weekends. Of course, we only could do D rank quests, due to Elise's lack of combat abilities, but still... two weeks passed that way, and I learned that Ver was the rare kind who could learn telepathy. A week later after that, I woke up before anyone else did, to find... a naked girl, appearing to be about twelve years old, bearing an impressive pair of breasts for her age, sleeping on top of me. Her lips were soft as she sucked on my nipple, even in sleep, and her long hair, a beautiful golden color, was spread around her head, obscuring her face. Even without seeing her face, I knew that I didn't know her, nor why she was in my room and able to handle my full aura with no prior experience with it, so I gently shook her awake to ask who she was.

6/8! Who's that Pokém- wait, wrong reference. Who's that girl? Will Ryuu's harem grow larger? How will the others react? Find out all this and more, next time, on Dragon Ba- Wrong reference again. Besides, you'll get the answer in a chapter that's probably going to be out before you finish reading this. Also, sorry for the super short chapter. Don't worry, the next two are longer.

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