
The Demon Lord’s Ploy

Damian White. A man in his 20’s. He wasn’t really remarkable and had few friends. But, he wanted a free and peaceful life. But, fate took it away after a friends betrayal and another one’s death. He was committed to get stronger and defeat these evil’s himself. But instead he became the leader of these villains, and the new ‘Demon Lord’. But all Damian wanted was freedom and peace. But as hero’s from another world were summoned to defeat him, he was planning to use them to fulfill his master plan.

NotRenZu · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


"It seems another one has appeared."

The words were spoken in a tiresome tone.

The voice speaking belonged to Damian White, a man who always dreamed about living a free, and simple life.

Though this was impeded by the fact that he was living in a fantasy world, constantly sprouting world ending threats.

He was currently replying to some information that he found out.

The information being, a traitor in his village.

"This person, he will be troublesome." Damian said to himself in worry.

He was thinking that since there was one traitor, there could be more, and more traitors means that there will be more security and less sneaking out to party after curfew.

"This will definitely ruin my free time."

"But I have to deal with it, at most I could leave the kingdom if it gets too chaotic."

Damian was currently leaving a local tavern after overhearing some chatter while resting.

He briskly walked back home to get some rest until a voice called him.

"Hey Damian!" The voice energetically said to him.

Not wanting to seem rude, Damian reciprocated. "Hey Charlie, how ya doin."

"Pretty fine, I was just about to ask if I could crash at your place tonight."

"Ah, sure, but why?" Damian questioned.

"Well… I got evicted today…" Charlie squeaked out.

Charlie was currently in debt approximately 55 silver and 67 copper.

This was due to many things coming together such as, divorce, alcohol, and treating his friends most of the time.

"Then come inside, quick before the guards get here."

"Alright, alright I'm coming in."

In his town called Dorohein, it was usual for the guards to throw the homeless in the forest outside the city walls.

"Goddamn, this place is clean as hell, do you have anything else to do?" Charlie stated in surprise.

"Now that you mention it, no, I don't." Damian said.

"Get a life you glorified mop."

"Says the Alcoholic."

"Take that back you clean freak!"

"Go! 5 minutes in The Naughty Corner!"

"Make me." Replied a smug Charlie.

"My house my rules, Charlie."

"Fine." Humfped Charlie.

They spent half an hour in silence, which was enough time for Damian to set up both the beds.

"Come on Charlie, let's go to sleep now."

"Alright." Replied a tried Charlie.

As they both dozed off to sleep, a shadow moved outside the window, unbeknownst to the 2 men.

Around 2 hours later, around midnight, Damian was woken up by a bad dream.

He looked around taking a second to process his surroundings.

But, he was greeted by a familiar face. His boss, and friend, Micheal.

"What the hell are you doing here Micheal!" Damian shout whispered.

Micheal, who noticed him wake up, quickly rushed over to Charlie.

Damian who saw what he was going to do, logically, rushed over as well.

To Damian, Micheal was currently intruding on his private property, so he has the right to harm him if necessary.

Micheal, who reached the sleeping Charlie first, quickly held a dagger over his throat, and let it cut through a bit of his skin.

Charlie, awoken by the sudden pain almost jolted, if he had not seen the current situation.

"Why Micheal, why are you doing this. Does our friendship mean nothing to you!" Damian's voice kept escalating, but it didn't leave the house.

"What?" Micheal asked questioningly.

"Is our friendship meani-"

"Ever. We never had a friendship. It was all lies. Our entire company was a lie. Mining was just a ruse to cover up our actual purpose. Smuggling rare goods."

At this point Damian and Charlie were both in tears.

"I..I.I I Do… Don't Wa-a-a-nt t-t-t-to-to die. H-h-help m-m-me Damian." Begged Charlie.

"Shut up rat." Micheal condescendingly said to Charlie.

"It seems that I gave too much information. I guess that I have to silence you too Damian."

"You were already going to silence Charlie?" Damian questioned.

"The rat was apart of us, until he betrayed us and sold us out to the guards. We then took back all that we gave him and they sent me to assassinate him tonight."

"I told you this because, dead men tell no tales." Micheal then slit Charlie's throat and jumped towards Damian.

Damian, however, was prepared and rolled out of the way. He then stood up and frantically ran towards the kitchen while strafing, as Micheal could easily throw his weapon.

Micheal, after landing, took off after Damian.

Damian then parkoured over some chairs and a table and quickly brandished a sword and a knife that he always kept as back up in one of his drawers.

Micheal, around 10 meters from his location, quickly stopped when he saw the weapons in his hands.

But unbeknown to Micheal, Damian, while he grabbed his weapons, alerted the city guard by cutting a string that was tied to a bell in the guard quarters.

While the city guard were fast approaching, Micheal and Damian were circling each other. Then Micheal quickly ran closer trying to make it a knife fight and nullify the advantage of a sword.

Damian quickly ran in with his sword and knife, staying close but not close enough that a knife would hit.

Micheal quickly slashed towards Damian's left arm, which was holding the knife. While Damian blocked it with the combination of his sword and knife, just barely though.

Micheal followed up, this time attacking his left leg, which connected as his sword wasn't fast enough. But Damian knew that, so instead he attacked Micheal's defenseless body.

He got a few slashes on his shoulders and on on his back, but those were just flesh wounds.

Micheal, didn't retreat but instead dashed behind Damian and tried to stab his heart but was offset by Damian's knife and instead pierced through some muscle instead.

Damian then tried to stab Micheal in the neck, but Micheal evaded to the left, but it was a trap and Damian's sword cleanly sliced his left arm.

Micheal retreated, and surveyed the situation.

But Damian couldn't just let him regain his bearings, and lunged at him with his knife.

Micheal dodged and with his right hand stabbed Damian's shoulder.

Damian, on an adrenaline rush, and not feeling the pain, attacked Micheal in a frenzy. A sword slash to the right shoulder, a knife stab to the liver. Another slash at his hip. A failed stab to his lung.

Micheal was catching on to the flow of Damian, but Damian had a massive advantage, Micheal had a time limit! A time limit that Micheal didn't even know about!

Here, Michael counter attacked, Damian stabbed too far and got stabbed in the back, but a sword slash quickly cut off Micheals right arm before he could retrieve his dagger.

Now, Micheal had no arms, no weapons, and no chance of winning, as a knock on Damian's door interrupted the fight.

The knock soon turned in to a *BOOM*, as the door was knocked down. Smiling, Damian rushed towards the surprised Micheal and tackled him.

"Right here guards, this is the guy!" Damian shouted.

The guards quickly came over and quickly confirmed both of their identities.

They then left to tor- *ahem* interrogate Micheal, but not before 5 healers came and healed Micheal enough so that he wouldn't die before he went to the church for specialized healing.

The healers then left.

Damian, not wanting to pass out before his adrenaline rush was over, quickly ran over to the church.

On his way there, Damian though, 'I really need to get stronger.'