
The Demon King’s Assistants

Jamie (DemonKing2200) was one of the greatest players in the VRMMORPG known as “Rings.” However, after an unlikely event that leads to his death, he is reborn as the 2200th Demon King of a world named Kaden. As Jamie, the handsome and badass man who is destined to bring the Dark Age to Kaden goes forth on his new journey, he encounters a few people that change his journey in ways he never expected. Watch as our 2200th Demon King ventures across Kaden to take this new world into his hands. *** ARC 1: DOWNWOOD Right after his Reincarnation, Jamie meets a couple of strangers that assist him in many ways, without knowing that he is the Demon King. As the Shadows march towards the Demon King in search to guide him, rumors about the Rise of the Demon King spreads across Kaden. Meanwhile... our Demon King makes himself home at a peaceful cabin as he secretly levels himself up while learning the way of the Dark Lords. Releases: 2/per day (Though I might be unable to update if I’m sick or life happens!) **** Author’s Note: Sup guys, good day to all my readers. I hope you enjoy my work... and as of now, I have no idea how it’s gonna turn out, so read and leave reviews, comments and gifts if you wanna support me! [The story will be continued if this gets enough positive feedback!] What to expect? - Western Fantasy - System with RPG Elements - Action - Harem - Overpowered MC - Vampires - Kingdom Building - Genius MC - Modern x Fantasy World - Slice of Life - Dark - Video Games Mainly... expect comedy, a heart warming story of a fantasy world very relatable to our world and drama between characters that make the Story the wholesome story I want it to be. [Foxverse] Discord Link: https://discord.gg/rspPpU7ShV

The_Dark_Fox · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

C25: Texting

Claire went back to her room and read a book about [Moody's Ways to Resist Demons]. She did need to collect more information and do everything she could on the next mission she joins with the Guild. But after an hour of reading, she felt weary once more.

"Sigh… what should I do," she asked herself, dropping down to her bed and sighing. "What… should I do…"

From her open window, her cat Crowley leaped. As always, the cat cutely gazed around the room with its large green eyes and hurried along, jumping from her table to the ground. Upon seeing the cat, only one thing came to Claire's mind. Jamie gazing at her in the woods and the way he made her blush.

Claire never had such feelings for men, never. But Jamie was an exception. He had this aura in him, an aura that didn't just feel odd. It felt strangely familiar to her and even his likings matched hers! Books about demons… and not to mention him being a Demon Hunter!

Suddenly, the cat jumped on the bed and circled around her.

Crowley came to his little mommy and cuddled himself near her boobs. He wagged his tail and brushed it against her soft cheeks.

"Hmm? Crowley? What are you trying to say to me," the girl asked.

The cat covered his face in her breasts and held her boobs with its soft paws. "Crow... are you saying…. You need Jamie too?"

The cat wasn't paying attention to what Claire was saying. It was simply cuddling with her and purring. He was in his own world inside his head, with his mommy's boobies. But -- for Claire, it told a whole different story. The cat was recreating that moment in the woods.

Claire placed the cat on her soft thighs and got the phone from her bed. "I need to send this text, even Crowley needs him!" she said to herself and started to type a message.


Finally, Eric reached "Sewer Juice."

The last time he spotted this place was just 3 days ago, and when he saw this before, that sign reading 'Sewer Juice' was flickering with light. Only now, there was absolutely nothing to be seen, and half of the street lights were already flickering too.

The rain was heavy, so Eric didn't wait around for the lights. He tied Rib on the concealed stable by the side of the bar and entered through the door with the colorless [Open] sign greeting him.

Three knights were drinking at the counter and his ear seemed to be catching the moans of two people, possibly having sex in a nearby room.

The three knights turned to the Vampire and scoffed. "HA! Jesus! A vampire…" Hendrick cried out as he stepped forth. "You decided to come… finally –"

"Yeah yeah. Tell me what to do quickly if the princess's life is in danger!" He replied before they could speak further. Then, he gazed around, only to see a couple of Frog whores sitting around there. "And… you three like slippery things or slimy stuff – or – why here?"

The three knights sighed.

They sat him down and explained the situation to him and he got back on horseback soon as possible.

He looked at Rib and smiled. The rain was just slowing them down if they went there through the sewers, but, good thing Rib was special. "It's time for your upgrade buddy," Eric said, grabbing a potion from underneath his cloak.

He poured the potion down the horse's throat and a dark aura released from its body, removing the skin of the horse, and underneath his skin, were two skeletal wings! The horse was born cursed, not a pegasus or a normal horse. This dark nightmare knight was Eric's destiny – his soul creature.

The skeleton wings spread out in the rain and Eric climbed onto Rib's back. "Let's go… Rib!"

The skeleton horse took off from the ground, heading straight towards the castle of Downwood.


Jamie kicked an undead rat and his leg went right through the rat's flesh, ripping it in halves. Then, with just one punch, one rat's head blew up.

Jamie and Andy cleared a path through the crowd of rats towards the secret passage.

One punch after another, Jamie felt like he was using his muscles to their full potential, and seeing that he had no energy left in him didn't make him worry now. The Demon King was simply fighting for his life.

"Die! Die!" He kicked rat after rat, stepping on their heads and even crushing their skulls. Yet, from the crushed brains, the rat reformed.

'Whatever the fuck Melloni brewed – she brewed it right!' Jamie thought, inwardly.

However, no matter how much the Demon King wasted his muscles, he wasn't out of breath. Each muscle that stretched with each intense punch, intense swing from his sword that slashed the rats right in halves, he felt more and more powerful. It was more like an exercise to him than a battle.

"Yeah, come on~ You can't beat me, losers!" He got his fists up and the rats backed off a little, screeching at him. Behind him was a large mess of blood, guts, and rat brains. "Cunts… Come at me – take me on!" Jamie screamed.

He didn't entirely intend to say that even, it was as if his body was asking for more.

'The Demon King sadism is hitting me,' he thought.

Meanwhile, Andy was blasting every rat with his simple paws, summoning flames like his mere hands were goddamn flamethrowers. "I'm not running out of fire until I extinct the race of fucking rats!" He screamed as he erased the rats from the flames, but even the bones were regenerating.


There was the sound of a notification from Andy's phone – this made his whiskers twitch and the fur on his body rise like he was having goosebumps. "Jamie get the fuck back!" the cat cried out, throwing what seemed like a bomb toward the rats.

Jamie dashed back just as he heard him, and there was an explosion right in front of him.

<Forcefield activated!>

A message appeared on the cat's retina. He sighed and sat down right there on the ground and laid his back on the not very comfortable magical barrier that was the only thing separating Jamie and the animagi.

Jamie gazed at the cat with a confused look. "Dude? Are you tired?"

The cat fetched out his phone from his pocket and smiled at Jamie. Suddenly, there was a notification on Jamie's phone too.

"Tired? – is that a question? However, this… this break isn't for a quick rest. My wife is texting me," Andy replied.

"The shit?" Jamie asked, raising his voice. 'He has a twinkling sound for his wife's notifications?'

"Sit down, Jamie." The cat said.

Jamie looked at the rats scratching and bashing into the magical forcefield like the last thing the rats wanted to do was kill them.

"Fine ~" Jamie sat down beside the cat.

[Hi! Honey!] the cat typed.

"You know Jamie… sometimes, you have to risk your life to truly show that – that you're worth it, that you're better than them."

Jamie was utterly confused.

[Honey! What took you so long! You know our rules! You can't wait for more than 4 minutes to reply to me!] sent by Yuki.

[I know, I know… darling. Got a lil too busy with a couple of rats.]

"And? What are you trying to say, man? Chatting with your wife during a goddamn mission? What the hell does that show?"

"Hmm… what? It gives me my freedom. She's the air that I breathe man – my wife. She's the one I love – and one day I told her that I'd stop time just to love you."

"She took it literally?"

"Wha – No, no... man. You see, we have this thing. Whatever happens, it can't come between us…"

[Honey? Will you hit me for being late?]

"...it just can't man. Whatever the situation you're in, I must reply to my wife. She sends me a text, I hear that sound of that twinkle she loves so much – I pick my phone up, make four walls around me, sit down and lie back and text her back. Even if this horde behind me will break through in the next 5 minutes."

[Hon… no, no. I'll bite you!]

Yuki sent a gif.

[Awww bae… actually, ah. Your bite feels too good.]

"You see, Jamie. We say we can do anything in the world for our loved ones. Especially your wife. Love…. Or something rather we have in our hearts that makes it beat faster and faster. And my guy – we can't be the most powerful guy in the world without this. This goddamn feeling man~" The cat stood up and gazed at the rats.

[Oho? Does it hon? Lemme do more than just bite you… can I?]

[You're turning me on in front of the monster rats hon!]

"You think that you're the most overpowered guy in the world – without doing what you want. Standing behind this field, gazing at those rats… this feeling man, fucking stand up."

Jamie stood up.

[Hon – doesn't matter. I'm gonna kiss you like I kiss you every Sunday night]

Yuki sent a gif.

"MMM ~ now, where were we? Oh – we call ourselves sigmas. A man beyond the social hierarchy, but what about this? Who are you – you choose. I'm a slave when my wife opens her legs wide at night, but here… fear isn't taking me today, Jamie. Fuck the rules, live the life. Be free. Rule the world? Why try when you're your own God. I don't think I perfected everything, Jamie. But do trust me… texting your girlfriend during anything – even when the skies fall down isn't a bad thing, if you can return to her safely, the way she wants. She misses you, right? That's not a thing to ignore, their love."

The cat sat back on the magical force field and kept chatting away as the rats scratched and tried to rip apart the magical barrier, but what the hell –

<5 minutes left until the barrier is broken!>

Jamie wiped the sweat off his forehead from his hand. Simply listening to his speech was… making him sweat.

Jamie took the phone from his pocket to check whether Goldick was messaging him.

But, what he saw was something entirely different.

[Hi, Jamie] from Claire.

Jamie gazed back at the cat and sat beside him. "You're right cat. What makes me a – a God of my own world, huh? Fear shouldn't be a thing if I want to rule the world. And I should be able to do what I want if I want to rule the world… I'll do exactly that."

"See, you get it."

[Hon, sorry… I was making excuses for a lil there, to a friend. I'm your baby… forever yours. Your baby! Your cat, honey! Your little cat!!]