
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: Chess and how to capture a pawn.


DAY 7.

GOLD: 8,050.


Tyler woke to the feeling of a slender girl in his arms that was INCREDIBLY warm. He opened his eyes to see Asia cuddled into the curve of his body with his arm around her narrow waist. She was pressed against him and her golden hair was drapped across them like a blanket. He found it super warm and very cute. He leaned into her ear.

"You are the cutest devil and the sweetest angel I have ever met."

She woke with a squeak and a blush at the move and she rolled over with a blushing smile.

"Mornin to YOU too!"

He chuckled at her naked appearance and the fact her bust was larger then she let on and her slit was bald.

"Mornign sweet, sexy Asia."

"That's me!"

He hugged the sweethearted girl and she smiled.

"I liked it. i think I snuggle with you more!"

"I always got room in here for a sweethearted blonde."

"Good. I'll ask Seria then!"

"She will LOVE YOU."

Asia smiled as they got dressed. Tyler walked out with the friendly blonde to relight the fire as the camp also rose. Rias came over with a smirk and dragged her friend away for her interrogation. Belfast sat beside the warrior as he passed her some fried deermeat.

"Thank you."

"Sure thing Belfast. Unicorn here?"

"She is. And is with Enterprise."

He smiled.

"Name a better teddybear I dare ya."

That made the silver haired lady chuckle.

"LAdy Enterprise as grown quite fond of Little Unicorn. They are roommates and share a single bed."

"It weird I'm jealous for the both of them?"

"No it is not."

Tyler smiled at that as they had breakfast. Once fed Strand appeared before the warrior.

"Today you are to hunt a bear. On THAT side of the river."

"Got it Strand. The worm?"

"The report was sent to the queen and the Deepground Brigade awakened."

"Alright. I'll head out."

The warrior geared up with Belfast getting taken aside by her own ranger. Tyler forded the river by way of some well placed stepping stones and found the other side to be a rockier section of ground. He walked towards the trees on that side noting the bonfire was visible from a good sitance away and that made him chuckle. Loud and blatant. makes sense. The hunter entered the forest without issue and noted the ground had more dirt and open ground then the leaf littered western region. He then quickly found a large dent in the ground that he recognized.

"Yeah. No mistaking that. Black Bear and a BIG ONE too."

He followed the track with one hand on his greatsword as the trail wound it's way through the trees. The warrior noting the trail was still evenly spaced and he had no way of telling if it was fresh or not when a low grunting got his attention. He looked up and was faced with a fully grown black bear looking at him curiously as if trying to figure out why he'd followed it. Tyler blinked as he looked at the immense beast and the bear growled as it decided to not like him. The greatsword came out and the bear charged. Tyler pivoted on a leg around the bear's tackle and lunged atn the bear's right leg. His azurite sword pierced the bear's flesh cleanly and the result was the bear dropping to the ground with a thud. Tyler smiled widely as he removed the blade.

"Alright. we got bear meat."

Strand appeared from behind a tree with an approving nod.

"You had luck with the bear trail. And need to learn how to properly track. Now. Skin it."

She taught him how to properly butcher the 600 pound bear before he hunted down another for her to prove his skill. He brought his kills back to the camp and found the rest had yet to return. He set the bear pelts beside his deer pelts and the meat by the fire. Strand came over with some materials.

"The pelts are to be used."

"I'll upgrade my bedroll and blankets then."

The skilled Elf taught him how to properly work the pelts into VERY comfy bedding and blankets that when added to his tent made the thing surprisingly comfy. Once that task was complete Tyler sat at the fire with his sword to clean and sharpen it. Strand vanished into the woodland and he shrugged at her disappearence. Happy with the sword's razor edge he set it aside to relax until his next challange. Victoria appeared over him then with a smirk on her face.

"BORED, Berserker?"

He shrugged.

"Not really. You?"

"Nope. If you're free, then you can aid me in a hunt."


He grabbed his sword and the purple haired captain led the way into the forest.

"MY prey is a Forest Wraith."

"A tiger?"



He looked around at the forest now as the knight captain moved without a sound on their path. The warrior used his knowledge of tigers and big cats to keep track of the forest around them, well aware of the tiger's penchant for rear ambushes. As the pair walked Tyler noted Victoria smirking at him from the corner of her eye and he looked at her curiously.

"Something interesting?"

She chuckled.

"Just admiring a warrior."

"Oh. Well. An agreement has been made."

"OH HAS it?"

"Seria does not be shamed in front of the court."


Tyler stopped then with a smirk of his own now.

"Okay. If you really wanna play THAT game, Vicky, need I remind you what i did to Secor?"

The knight captain stopped to look at the Berserker.

"Are you THREATENING me?"

"Nah, just reminding you. AND the one you work for to NOT fuck with the Demon."

Victoria nodded with a knowing smirk.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

There was a howl and his greatsword slammed into the dirt by her feet with enough force a small trench was dug. A few strands of her hair was seen falling to the ground and Tyler tilted his head.

"Oh. Sorry I was aiming for that snake."

The knight captain had a new look of shock at this BLATANT attempted murder and Tyler smirked at her.

"Do i need a SECOND attempt? or do you get the fucking point?"

She let out a slow, shivering breath at the laughing death smile on his face.

"I get the point."

"Ya freakin better. THIS was your LAST warning."

A sound of snapping branches was heard from behind the warrior and he sidestepped a large tiger as it pounced. Victoria tried to jump out of the way of the midleap cat but was far too late. The tiger landed on her chestplate and took her to the ground with a roar of fury. She screamed as the claws fought to gain purchase on her armor....but for the cat to grunt and fall dead to the dirt beside her with Tyler's greatsword in it's flank.

"Pro tip? Tigers attack from behind."

She was panting at the EXTREMELY close call and rescue from the warrior. Tyler smirked as he tugged his sword free.

"I just saved your life."

That knowledge made the honor-bound knight captain slump as she got off the dirt.

"DAMMIT. I owe you a lifedebt now."

"WHO bought you?"

"You haven't met her yet. But her name is Duchess Venia. She's a High Duchess in the Queen's court. And has wanted the throne for herself since she was a girl."

"And ME?"

"you're the Hero leader. And Venia's dream prince. Since she's not a Princess she wants to destroy your chances with the princess and sweep in for the rescue."

"Uh-huh. and the buying price?"

Victoria sighed.

"Her and her three daughters as my bedmates."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Ha. Looks like I have a new weed to pluck."

"And ME?"

"YOU still OWE me."

She sighed.

"Great. What's the oath?"

"You swear your life to me as MY Knight Captain and Servant. Oh. and First VAssal as well."

She blinked at that one.

"I thought you did not want to be king?"

"I don't. but I will be DAMNED before I allow snakes like YOU to ruin MY Princess' home. I will not be the king. But I WILL be that which you all fear."

She sighed in defeat at this and knelt before her new Lord.

"I swear my Sword, my Body, My Soul, and my Life to you, Sire. I will serve you until the day I die with everything I am."

He took her offered sword and the lady glowed to seal the oath.

"Alright then. This is a secret of the highest level. You will be as you were to all."

"Yes Sire."

The tiger was retrieved and taken back to the camp as Victoria resigned herself to her new role. The pair returned to the camp to find the rest of the heroes had returned. Tyler brought the tiger to Rias and Belfast and the redhead noted the s cratches on Victoria's armor and the tiger's claws.

"Looks like SHE had a close call."

He chuckled at that one as he set the tiger down.

"And learned a few lessons."

The experienced redheaded leader looked at him sharply then.

"Should we be concerned?"

"You ever hear of a story called Game of Thrones?"

"I have not."

"Okay. Royalty is a game."


"And a piece was aquired, and has changed hands."

She blinked at the implications before nodding.

"I WILL expect details later. But I get it."


Strand appeared then with a smirk to aid in the skinning of the tiger.

"The forest hears many things."

"I DO hope we have an understanding."

"We do, Berserker. The forest does not care."

"I sincerely hope so."

The tiger was skinned and the valuable material collected. Tyler smiled as he worked the pelt into a cloak for Seria, much to Rias' amusement.

"Giving her a gift of tiger fur? How cute!"

Tyler smiled as he put the gift into his pack.

"I gotta spoil my Princess don't I?"

"You do indeed."

The remains of the carcasses were dumped in the forest fringe for scavangers. Tyler returned to the camp where Strand took him into the trees.

"Now you will learn plants."

The next few hours passed with the warrior getting schooled in plants and tracking by the skilled ranger. When he returned to camp he had a good base of knowledge to build on as he sat by his fire. The rest of the tired heroes returned as well and Tyler smiled.

"One more day of this, then we return to Berun. I'll see Seria, and we'll head for Dunkrick."

Belfast appeared beside him with a smile.

"You miss her."

"I do. A lot."

She smiled happily at this.

"I am happy for you. And am here for you."

He hugged her.

"Thanks Belfast."

She smiled as they relaxed by the flames before her smile turned knowing.

"And I would like tonight."

"Sure thing, Belfast."

The silver haird beauty siled with excitement for her upcoming night. Tyler merely relaxed by the flames as the day wound down. He didn't have first watch for once and when the Fire's Out call he and Belfast went into the tent. She smiled as he closed the flaps.

"And do no worry. Not a sound."

He kissed her.

"As you wish."

They played for a few hours in the tent before she got her cream and orgasm. Then the pair settled down for the night with her on his chest.

"I admit I looked forward to this."

"I did too."

She smiled as he stroked her soft silver hair adoringly.

"Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, dear."

"Oh my."

"I had to at least once."