
Chapter 1

I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the inevitable. Now, what can be inevitable for a

seventeen year old teenager. Of course, it's the annual report day, where students are shown their hard

work of a whole academic year in the form of some measly grades in a flimsy little piece of paper.

"I know, I worked hard. I'll get excellent grades. I am going to make papa proud." I chanted in my mind

like a mantra.

I'm currently sitting at the very first bench in my classroom, waiting for my homeroom teacher to arrive.

The said lady was always a punctual one. However, today it seems she broke her own rule. The chatter

of students around seemed a little blurry today. Perhaps because I'm quite anxious and zoning in and

out every now and then. I was very peacefully minding my own business but still someone just had to

break my inner peace.

"Are you still going to ignore me?" Came a soft masculine and dark voice which was albeit a bit cold and


"What do you even need from me? I'm nothing but a mere high-school girl, your highness. I wonder

what would have forced you to talk to this peasant." Came my retort with a sophisticated eye-roll I


"That was horrible attempt of yours making a British sarcasm. Honestly how do you expect to get new

friends if you keep such atrocious attempts of sarcasm." He said uninterestingly which caught my

interest funnily enough.

"That is none of your business, Louis Mackenthie Morgan." I hissed back.

"My name sounds so enchanting from those succulent lips of yours, Aethra. Why don't you just turn

around and talk like a normal person would."

"That's the point. I'm definitely not normal. Now, leave me be Morgan and Its Sephtis to you. Not

Aethra. I never allowed you to address me by my first name." I calmly replied barely holding onto my


"Death. Mourn. Sorrow. Those are the terms that can be described as your last name. I wonder what

kind of parent would have named their child 'Death.' Certainly not a sane one. Whoever it is did a

horrible job at choosing your name." I could literally feel his smirk on his stupidly pale and handsome

face knowing that he got under my skin. A loud screech resonated though out the classroom. At this

point I was holding back from showing wrath to the outer world by a sliver of thread. I hastily stood up

from my chair and turned around to see a disgustingly horrible smirk on a place of oddly beautiful face,

albeit something similar to a Greek god.

Aquatic purple orbs stared coldly back at my maroon ones. I slammed my both hands on top of his desk

which created a large sound impact. The nerve of this guy to actually to say shit about the very person who raised me better than any human being on this ramshackled world. Gave me the love which can't

be fathomed by this world. I could not get what was this guy's problem. There's always those people

who want nothing but to ruin others day. I was so immersed in staring at him I couldn't decipher the

clicking of Mrs. Green's heels coming towards me nor the harsh clearing of throat. I only got it when I

saw Louis holding back his stoic face by not trying to smile in front of me. Then came a hand on my right

shoulder which squeezed harshly that brought me out of my stupor.

"Ms. Sephtis. I believe this is an unacceptable behavior you're presenting in front of your homeroom

teacher. It would be much appreciated if you could sit down like a good student would. I'm about to

distribute your annual report card." Came a soft but strict voice.

"I apologize miss. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. The situation won't repeat." I replied

back with as much politeness I could. Holding back my rage was one of my drawbacks as girl. People say

a lady shouldn't show such rage and hostility. But do I listen? No. Will I ever listen? No. Rage is an

abstract feeling which doesn't discriminate among genders then why should I.

I calmly and steadily sat back on my respective seat and tried to calm my throbbing heart which was

resonating through my whole body as if it would jump out of my ribcage. I was so sure even Louis could

hear it. Now, that would be embarrassing as if my stupidity to show my anger in front of a whole

classroom was good enough work. Mrs. Green had already started her work of distributing the reports

cards. Honestly, I would be biting my nails if not for my sanity which was left a little bit that helped me

calm down.

"Miss Aethra Sephtis. 90 per cent. I am glad you worked hard this time." Mrs. Green announced. Why do

you even announce the marks. What if it was lower than expected. I feel sorry for those who didn't even

passed this grade. Announcing the grades feels outright atrocious and self- damaging. Good thing I

worked hard this time. At least I have something to show to papa. He would be proud, right? Yes! He

would. A voice whispered at the back of my mind. I ignored it thinking it was just my inner unconscious

comforting me at a situation like this. I get up from the chair to receive my card. As soon as I got hold of

the card, I decided to not check it. What has been done is done. It can't be changed. So, for now just

relax and wait till I go back home and show it. For the first time I felt my muscles relaxing and not


"Congratulations! Miss Sephtis. You did quite well." A monotonic voice echoed near my right ear. I felt

his warm breath blowing on my hot red skin which was due to his actions. Before I could retort back for

what in the devil was he actually doing. That oddly comforting warm breath was gone before I could

realize. A very odd day indeed. Today I was feeling so overwhelmed that my brain is not working

properly at all.

The bell rang obnoxiously and blared through the corridors of the school. I got up from my chair in a

hurry to reach home as soon as possible. The walk to the home alone was begrudgingly boring. But

could I make friends. Yes I could. If I put enough effort. But was I going to work worth the effort.

Absolutely not.

I gently pushed the door of my abode open. I could hear murmuring of several people. All male. I could

already feel the gears of my brain whirling around to maybe understand if some sort of robber as broke

into our beloved house. I quietly tiptoed towards the voices. Weirdly enough, the lights were left on.

Maybe it was the unannounced burglars. I took hold of a cricket bat that was fortunately near me, which

was also unfortunately collecting dust just by serving the purpose of showcasing the house. After

wielding the bat in one hand, I approached the drawing room door which I definitely unceremoniously

opened up and startled whoever was planning Satan knows what. Everybody names God so why not

Satan. I was weird in many more sense. But back to the situation at hand. Inside the room were three

male adults who were strangely staring at each other and every few moments at me. Perhaps they were

at dilemma of what should they do now that I caught them red handed loitering around in someone

else's house.

"Pardon me miss. But who are you and what are you doing here in this house?" One of the males

inquired me as if I was the one who shouldn't be here. How funny.