

Lucian looked ouch.... master please stop Lucian keep thrusting hard in her with each thrusts his balls come in contact with her pussy Her father sold her as a slave he despite her and her brother he make their life like a living hell and treat them as a slave she had to watch her father and stepmother killed her mother right in front of her. Her father sold her to Lucian. " I hate you" he smile at her " I don't expect you to love me" How is the love between Lucian & Mirabel watch out!!!

Cynklope · Kỳ huyễn
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85 Chs

chapter 5 Lucian wrath on Mirabel

Lucian sent Steve to call Mirabel for him he left and went to Mirabel room " you are summoned by lord Lucian " she followed him immediately. she entered and looking around until her eye landed on Lucian she looked his eye closely and see his eyes was filled with lust his eye keep running through her Body.

" come closer " he said she moved closer uncomfortable knowing that her nightdress isn't covering her nakedness well.

" I would love to change before we can start any discussion " she said

before she could take two steps backward he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed.

" what are you fucking doing " she struggled

" you are my slave and I have every right to do what I want "

" what the hell are you talking about who the hell is your slave let me go bastard " she bit his hand which were trying to unbutton her nightdress.

" fuck " he slapped her and used his leg to pin her down

" don't fucking touch me " she said but it felt on deaf ears. he was tempted to stop but he didn't.

with the first thrust her scream filled the room. he wasn't making love to her but was punishing her. he grabbed her breast and kissed her roughly. while she sobs and curse her father for putting her in this situation.

After he was done he saw that her blood has spilled the bed while she gather her torn nightdress.

' leave " Lucian said

" you will fucking regret this, I will never forgive you " with that she left.

she wore a new clothes and ran to the kitchen and started shedding tear because she don't want to shed tear in front of him " she is all alone" she said to herself " Mirabel don't let him get to you he just a bloody bastard " not long after Tracy appeared from nowhere " what happened? " she asked " its just that I miss my mum " Tracy was so sorry for her and hugged her " I'm sorry " " it's no problem alright let's go " " OK"