
The demigod's mate: Enchanting her blood

Axella moved to Las Vegas with her mom, as she was admitted into Blue Moon high. It has some secrets that was only disclose to a few members in the school. As time goes on she met Terrick, who happened to be the most powerful half vampire, half demon and the coldest guy in Blue Moon high school. the first day of Axella's stay in the school, she found her way easily as she met a friend who happens to also be her roommate. Although, Axella never knew about the existence of vampires in the school but she believed they existed and was so much interested in them. Alnord was another powerful vampire who was interested in the new girl Axella though he pretends not to be but deep down him he was madly in love with her. However, Axella was only interested in Terrick, she don't know why she was drawn to the cold and antisocial guy, but she found herself getting closer to him. With time, the vampires found out about Axella's special blood that draws them to her. Alnord was interested in being the leader but he needs to enchant Axella's blood to achieve his aim which was evil.While Terrick who wasn't interested in her blood had a good aim cause he fell in love with her. who will enchant her blood and claim her?

Tolu_17 · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

chapter two (stay away from him)

Is there something on my face that you're staring at?" Axella asked.

"Nothing really, you're just too pretty," answered Pearl.

"I would accept that as a compliment," Axella grinned and Pearl to burst into laughter.

Let's go," Pearl suggested as everyone began to leave. Axella held her friend's hand, and almost immediately Pearl stylishly removed her hands from Axella's own which was strange but Axella let it go.

They walked back to the girl's locker to change into the school uniform. With that, they returned to class.

Reaching the class, Axella received some sarcastic expression about her, while others were smiling at her, but her eyes caught a guy at the back seat of the class.

She could feel his aura from a distance, his dim and dark blue eyes twinkled with a ray of light that only accentuated his pale face.

His eyes were too intimidating to look at, so she turned back to the class and walked to her seat.

Axella could hear scorns from some of the students, but she wasn't bothered about what they said about her, she was bothered about the guy she set her eyes on.

Pearl opened her social science text book and was going through it with Axella when a male teacher walked in.

He is a fat man with a big round belly, he walked in and almost immediately many students started murmuring and laughing at the same time, Axella almost laughed but held it in.

" Woah!! never seen such a fat man with a big belly like this"Axella whispered to Pearl referring to Mr Micheal who was writing the subject on the board.

Axella was really trying her best to suppress her laughter, when Mr Micheal turned from the board and faced the students, but she couldn't hold it in for a long time, cause she immediately placed her head on the desk and burst into laughter.

She was still laughing when the teacher voice ranged in her ear, and her eyes widen immediatly, as she bit her lower lips.

" stand up "he commanded in a cold and rebuking voice, and Axella already knew she was the one.

" Fuck!! I shouldn't have laughed"she bit her lower lips as she stood up slowly and she could feel those intimidating eyes on her.

she felt like the ground should open and swallow her up, as fear crawled Into her heart.

" Are you a new student?"he retorted coldly and she snapped out of her thought and nodded slowly

" Don't you have mouth"he half yelled and she shivered in fear, as her hands became sweaty, and her stomach was churning.

" Yes"she said almost impossible to hear.

" You're lucky because you are a new student, if not I would have sent you to the detention room this minute, I don't like a student joking around when am teaching"he said and turned to the board.

She immediately sat down and breath out and held her chest .

" thought I would have missed my first class as a newbie" she said breathing out again.

Pearl shifted closer to her, " Mr Micheal is a very strict man so better be careful around him"Pearl whispered and immediatly turned to her book when Mr Micheal turned to look at the class ....

✴✴ After about two hours of lecture, he finally left and the class became so noisy, cause everyone was busy doing their thing.

Suddenly a guy walked over to Axella, one stern look from him the student who owns the seat stood up and walked away.

He sat beside Axella, " thank your stars you happened to be a new student, if not he won't spare you at all"said the boy.

" I know right, I was really lucky" answered Axella.

" Am Arnold by the way" he said and Axella smiled

" I guess you already know my name, since i already introduced myself" Axella said and he nodded.

Arnold gaze shifted from Axella to Pearl and met her cold gaze on him.

Though she was really afraid of Arnold, cause only a few students know how cruel and eccentric night creature he is, but she kept her stance and didn't change her cold and adamant face.

Arnold gaze flickered back to Axella and he smiled charmingly at her.

" if you don't mind I can show you around the school during break time" said Arnold.

" am sorry but Pearl is going to show me around" Axella said smiling like a sheep at him

" oh it's fine then, see you some other time" he said, stood up and walked away, leaving Axella to stare at the handsome guy that just left .

" Such a jerk he is" Pearl muttered and Axella turned to her.

" Are you talking to me" Axella raised a brow and Pearl shook her head.

" Axella be careful around him okay, he isn't as nice as you think he is" Pearl warned and Axella furrowed her brows.

" he seems nice to me though" Axella said sarcastically.

" you're new here, not every one seems nice as you think they are" Pearl retorted and Axella's lips pursed into a thin line.

" Okay I will be careful around him" Axella said and Pearl smiled .

" I love your platinum gold hair, your mesmerizing brown eyes, and lastly your frail body" complemented Pearl and Axella smiled .

" you're making me blush" said Axella as she covered her already flushed cheeks.

" you're great too.... and I was supposed to ask you a question" Axella said and Pearl raised a brow with keen interest.

" On our way to the court room, you mentioned two demigods can I know them?" asked Axella

" the first one is the guy at the far end of the class, the antisocial guy, and the second is Arnold, the guy who just left here" Pearl said and Axella eyes widen and her lips parted in surprise.

" I have met one of the demigods without even knowing I did?" Axella asked and Pearl nodded.

" I guess the other demigod doesn't talk to people" Axella said turning to look at him.

He has his headset on, and his head was on the desk.

" Doesn't he have friends?," Axella asked and Pearl shook her head.

" then I guess he is a lonely guy" Axella muttered.

They had two other lessons before the school closed. Axella took her bag pack, alongside with Pearl as they head to the girls dorm.