


Meghan and Ray crouched down in front of the B block building entrance, scanning outside for any signs of Erratics. As far as they could see, the coast seemed more or less clear. But Meghan knew better than to drop her guard. These things could come out of nowhere.

"See anything?" Ray asked her.

"Nothing." Said Meghan, "The mound should be right behind this building right?"

"Yeah, I thought there would be at least one or two Erratics guarding the front too but I guess I was wrong. So all six of them are protecting the mound, huh? That's interesting…"

"How so?" she asked.

"I don't know why but I kind of get the feeling like they're doing this in response to our recon mission last night." Ray answered.

"What? You mean like they're taking precautions in case we make a move on the mound?"