

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Endangered world 3

Su Ming sighed. Of course, the clown's money is also money, but he has never described the task well.

Cindy put on the helmet and fastened the lock again: "It's useless to think so much. Why not think about where Brice Wayne went? Before coming here, I went to her home, the Bat Cave, and the police. At the top of the bureau, she could not be found, and now the company can also be excluded."

"When she was a bat, she liked to overlook her city on the dripping stone beast on the top floor of the Wien Building." Su Ming continued, putting on his helmet as well.

"Yes, then I found you. Obviously, this is not my best day." She picked up a short stick, threw it to Su Ming, and picked up her own.

Su Ming inserted the short stick into the constricting groove on the back, and moved his neck to make sure it would not affect the movement:

"Obviously, it's not mine, because I'm here for no reason. I'm obviously in my own world, doing my own things, and then, whoosh! I'm here."

"Well, it looks like you are more unlucky than me. You can consider saving some money and then hiring me to help you find a way to get it back." Cindy took the lead and went downstairs.

"A good suggestion, but now, I have to confirm what the clown said. If things are really as I thought, we will all be in big trouble." Su Ming sighed and followed her.

"Oh? I thought we were the same person. Is there anything else I don't know about you?" She opened the door and walked down, smiling but not smiling, her voice dull in the helmet.

"It's not about me, but about the world."

This seems to never stop the heavy rain, and the disappearance of Batman. In Su Ming's view, it is more like the beginning of the doomsday event. If he can, he still wants to live, then he must quickly find the bat.

"Do you know what I hate?" She turned her head and poked Su Ming's chest with her finger: "I hope we can see each other frankly. I told you my mission, but now you are hiding something.."

"I'm not sure yet, but I can tell you, but you can only listen, don't ask, because I can't explain how I know."

Su Ming gently moved her finger away, walked past her quickly, and walked to the front. While going downstairs, he told her about what is going to happen on Earth minus 11.

The news made her stiff, but she quickly returned to normal. She held her head and shook it:

"What shall we do next?"

"Did you believe me so easily?" Su Ming said he was very pleased. He didn't want to explain that he learned this information from comics. It sounds like crazy.

"That's because I understand myself. If I travel the world to spread such an exaggerated fake news, I think I won't do it for any money, I'm not so boring." Cindy quickly followed Su Ming, and He surpassed him again and went to the front: "You are me in another world. Although it is strange to say that, I think I should also know you. You don't need to tell such a lie. Then the only possibility is This is true, our world is heading for destruction."

Su Ming didn't understand. The jester asked to see the bat at this time, indicating how much she knew what she knew, and she should also know where the batwoman is, so why she wanted to do this extra work and hire the death knell to find someone without explaining it??

"If you are willing to join me to prevent the destruction of the world, it would be great. Now the best thing is to see the clown. If anyone can find a bat, he is the only person."

There are not many options to prevent the flood from submerging the earth. The most effective method is to prevent Brith from killing the Sea Queen. It is useless to find the Amazon Council. The death knell is not clean, they will not believe it. You can't find Atlantis, they hate all terrestrial creatures.

Behind this incident, there is also a Batman who was infected with the blood of the clown at minus 22 on Earth-the Laughing Bat as the command, and the real behind-the-scenes man, the ultimate dragon of the dark multiverse, Barbatos.

They are the culprits of everything, and at this time I don't know where to hide, watching the development of things.

"I don't want to participate in the self-help action? I don't know what kind of guy your clown is, but our jester is a crazy, true lunatic. For this task, I received a tape. Many minutes of laughter and hysteria were analyzed." Cindy shook her head and explained the more specific situation: "The jester is in Arkham now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com but she is completely crazy, Now there is no one but the bat."

"It seems the good news is that our clown is exactly the same as your jester, it's worth a drink... Since she doesn't work there, how about we go find her girl?"

Su Ming changed his attention. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the bat, there are a few people besides her.

such as Catwoman, Thalia from the Shadow Dancer League, and Harley Harley.

Among these people, Catwoman is completely a stray cat, she has no home, and the ghost knows where she is now. As for Thalia, the base of the Shadow Dancer League is in Nantes Bar, which is far away. Among these people, Hallie is actually the best to find. Although she is crazy enough, in some cases, the big and the wrong can still be distinguished.

Cindy was silent for a while: "Well, let's go to Hallie, but she is not her girl. According to Hallie, their relationship is called..."

"Sister Amoy?" Su Ming rolled his eyes under the mask.

"Probably what it means? Her original words are Little Pumpkin and Little Pudding... I find that you are more talented than me in terms of madman language."

Although her voice was very hoarse after masking, her tone sounded a little helpless.

Helplessness is normal. Anyone dealing with clowns is either afraid or admired. People like Death Knell are more helpless towards clowns.

It happens that the clown also knows this, so he prefers others to show other emotions, such as anger, such as curiosity. Of course, he is the most happy to see others laugh.

He kept provoke Batman's anger in the comics. It seemed to outsiders like death, but he just wanted to see why the bat...

so serious?

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