
The death bearers

World War 3 and Another war has struck the Korean Peninsula and the giant meteorite Apophis is heading towards Earth!! And!! The death bearers who are watching it??? Please read the biggest and most sensational story in human history.

communicat · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Main Story Compassion Part15

Still, unbearable pain radiated from the wound, enough to make him drop to the ground. The only good news was that he had already taken out more than half the Chinese army he'd already taken out more than half the Chinese soldiers by himself. With a bayonet in each hand, I had a question that needed to be answered. that needed to be answered.

"Why was there a human race on this planet?"Was it just to divide into non-privileged and privileged groups to kill and sacrifice each other? to kill and sacrifice each other? Or is it all just an illusion of being at the top of the food chain of the gods we worship who think they are at the top of the food chain? worshipped by humans who mistakenly believe they are at the top of the food chain? If so, I wanted to check it out. 



Was this all the will of the gods? My mind racing with my mind in turmoil, I carefully and swiftly took out the remaining Chinese soldiers one by one under his cover. Chinese soldiers one by one. 

"Bang! Bang!" 


Like a stopped cog in a wheel, the city was filled with screams again. The incessant screams created a scar on my heart that would never heal. a scar of guilt that would never heal, and my instinct was to reject it. I rampaged even more, swinging my bayonet as if to reject it. 

Why have we been marginalized by the establishment? Who really allowed it, and why couldn't we even reject it? The more I killed, the more bitterness built up inside me. Most of all, it was the reality that I had no choice but to kill the marginalized non-privileged who were in the same position. Whatever the case may be, we non-privileged have always had to sacrifice each other for the benefit of the privileged throughout history. 

This is an undeniable reality. And it was a question I had to answer before I died. I agonized over it endlessly, choosing to continue the easy, boring killing rather than snap a lowly, insignificant twig. 



"Bang! Bang!" 


I had already lost my sense of self by the screams that rang in my eardrums. Relying solely on instinct, I became a murderous demon as I felt the knife I wielded pull from the flesh that held it, and my body, stained with black blood, reeked of disgusting gore. From my blackened body.

It was the silence that stopped me in my frenzied killing spree. 

The screams that had been ringing in my eardrums were no longer audible. I looked around and saw bodies strewn about, cut into pieces of meat and stained black with blood, but I didn't care. I didn't.

All that mattered to me now was the man coming toward me with a single assault rifle slung over his shoulder. I was reunited with him after all these years.

"Long time no see."

If there are any problems with translation, please let me know anytime!! thank you!!

p.s A new character full of charm will soon appear. Please look forward to it~!!

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