

There are those who first know and do not know how to be happy and travel around the world .. Every leaf that flies, and a bird that is free.

But hair is removed, it is useless to write but continue to rise even when the situation is difficult.

WORLD FULL OF ME on the other hand is, EVERYTHING is just the other way around.

Characters? They are the life, something is missing .. loved by the reader but it left?

Keep up the good work .. will the problem arise in this world? you try to resist every test.

Is that ready to recognize them? can you accept their personality? Life full of secrets.

Many things, many do not know but just one mistake of yours?watch out. The world is round and there is a new ME. You will know who is true to you or not. It is happier to live with the truth around you.

who are they? Watch out, there is ashes, there is sadness, there is tears, there are erasures.

but the world NO NEVER LOSE DOUBT, world? Where did you go. Watch them go up, with you until DEATH.