
The day my luck disappeared

Naoi was born with amazing luck but an inability to be social. Part of her feels her luck is the cause of this, in this heartfelt romantic comedy, she meets a colourful cast of delightful, wacky, and mysterious characters. as Naoi slowly begins to lose her luck, she slowly starts to gain some love with the new transfer student. Fear not though, despite the comedy and self-awareness this will also have serious moments, finding the perfect balance of plot, humour, characters.

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Chapter One - lets get to know (almost) everyone

Ever since the day I, Naoi, was born, I have been gifted with incredible luck. From the small things, such as always winning rock, paper scissors, or getting one-hundered percent on any exam despite not studying at all, to the bigger things, such as having amassed a great deal of wealth, having the boys swoon for me, and having all the girls jealous of me, However, the wealth had changed my personality greatly and negatively. I was always looking down on those around me in middle-school. Everyone called me lucky, everyone knew me. So I couldn't help but wonder, why is loneliness a side-effect of luck? Or perhaps, it was a side-effect of arrogance? I suppose it's the karma I deserve really.

"Hey, there's this new movie coming out soon. Wanna go with me?" one of the girls asked another member of class. "Yeah, sure. What time?"

I would have loved to go with her. I laid my head down onto my desk and rested it into my hands. For a moment, I peeked out and stared at the girl like I was a lost puppy, hoping she'd perhaps see my expression and invite me. Yet, unsurprisingly, she didn't. Everyone here already knew who I was but none of them had ever gotten to meet Naoi.

"Wasn't there supposed to be a new student here today?" A boy with dirt-brown hair asked.

"Skipping his first day of highschool isn't going to bode well for him unless he's got a good excuse."

"What would a good excuse to that even be?"

"Hmm… what's the best excuse-"

I wish I could join in on dumb conversations like that. What can I do instead? I can flip a coin an endless number of times in a row and always get the result I want. Sure… I have money. And yeah, I've tried to bribe a few of them to be my friends before, but they thought I was joking. Everyone somehow has this misconception that because I'm lucky, I'm also popular. They probably think I'm friends with celebrities or something. Maybe I could try it again but bribe them with more money this time… well, worth a shot.

"E-excuse me?" I said, walking up to the boys that were making excuses for being late.

"Oh, Naoi!" The one with dirty brown hair said. "You've never been late to school before have you? In fact, I don't even think you've been ill or had a single day off. That's so lucky."

"Y-yeah," I nervously replied. Though he clearly had no idea what I was going through. "An-anyway. Listen up peasants. I'm willing to offer the both of you a very large sum of money if you're willing to be my friend?"

Crap! I thought to myself. Even though I knew I had been completely arrogant in the past, I'd never really bothered improving my social skills because I had nobody to practice with.

"Oh! Is that it Naoi? Do you think the new person is worried about not making friends? Knowing your luck you've probably guessed it dead-on! I'll be sure to greet the new guy when he gets here. I'm willing to make friends with just about anyone."

I returned to my chair in an elegant defeat. Oh well, at least i'm able to make friends for other people. Though… I probably should try making friends with the girls first rather than the boys. If I make friends with the boys they're just going to try and pursue a romantic relationship and I really can't be bothered with that.

I suppose while I'm at it, I'll introduce you to the important people of the class. The people I spoke to were just background characters. I figured I'd be able to interact with them, but I was very wrong.

Anyway, let me introduce you to the girls first. There's a tsundere in our class called Mi. Except she's a tsundere about literally everything! One time she sharpened her pencil and said, "i-its not like you're my favourite pencil or anything!" Her face looked like a beetroot at the time. Nonetheless, despite her awkwardness, she managed to become popular very quickly. Actually, looking at her now, she's still using the same pencil by the looks of things.

She was comforted in her embarrassment and made friends that way. My luck prevents me from embarrassing myself, as shown before when I tried to bribe people. I knew capitalism wasn't going to work but at least it was worth a sh… no… no it really wasn't. What am I talking about?

Moving on, the next girl in here is Q, or at least that is what everyone calls her. Q for quiet. She hasn't said a word since coming here. She's usually reading a book or something.

OR NOT! I looked over to what she was currently reading and she was holding it upside down! Can she even read? I sighed in exasperation. However, despite her lack of communication she was somehow the most popular girl in the class. Everyone found her mysterious aura alluring. 

Now, let me introduce you to the third and final girl. Miso. Yes, like the soup. What was special about her? Well… she was kind of like a detective. She sort of just knew everything about everyone and would freak out whoever interacted with her. The difference between me and her was that she was pushing them away intentionally. And she had ni mercy, she'd expose crushes, (My name was brought up a lot. But it was a crush on how I looked, not on who I was. I knew that.) dark secrets, embarrassing stories, anything. So people usually avoided her. Part of me fears that my luck might even be too weak to withstand her.

I'll introduce the boys later. I'll introduce one right now though, the new boy that locked eyes with me as he entered the classroom. Taro.

Thank you for reading. Ither chapters may be longer or the same length depedning on reader preference. I didn't want to put too much here as I wanted to leave the reader wanting more, and if that is the case please comment so and I shall provide. A like would be appreciated too if you're feeling generous.

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