
The Day He Came, Everything Changed

Presenting Zainab Hassan, who has a fair complexion and is plump and vivacious. Her hair, which she wears a hijab over, is darker than the gloomy evenings. a set of glasses that are usually worn on her symmetrical face, perfectly forming her nose and concealing her stunning grey eyes. Her presence is not anyday the talk of the town as with an average height and weight she can usually go unseen by many. Though she does not fit the description of being fat, she tries to lose weight and wonders what it is be skinny and naturally beautiful just like her friends. However, it is said that beauty is subjective and that God is the best judge of beauty. Zainab might not be aware of this proverb because, like many of us, she is self-conscious about the way she looks. In the world where being beautiful and skinny is the mostly a way of making money, Zainab is oblivious of her actual beauty which is her amazing character, helpful nature and a beautiful soul in which her Lord resides. Tragedy can not strike twice right? Wrong! For Zainab it has. A huge incident has taken place in her life. If that is not enough, she now has to go and stay at her relative's place. However, there is a catch! She will live there not as a family member but as a maid.Though strange but true, there comes a time when our own loved ones can neglect us and backstab us. Tommorow is her first day as a maid in her own realtives house....join her to know what circumstance and tragedy led her to where she is and how her life unfolds. ****** Every smile has a backstory that deserves to be shared. Let's see how Zainab's journey turns out to be. Possibly a new house? New people? What will happen? Will some people love her and others not?

sunehra_sokwala · Thành thị
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88 Chs

Chapter 8 Excuse me Sir, am only a Maid

The road may seem dark but put your trust in Allah and keep walking for HE is the best planner...

The moment we realize everything happens by the will of Allah our worries fade away.


I felt so out of place and uncomfortable, I just asked him a simple question but I did one mistake since he took so long to answer a simple question.

I glanced up but couldn't figure him, my eyes were halfway to his face and  I realized my mistake and gazed down, immediately. It was so wrong of me and I knew he was staring back at me, I cleaned everything since he didn't want to answer my question. Fine, I won't bother! Let them wait, I just did my work the way I had done before he came.

Once I completed cleaning everything I thought of asking him again.

"I asked you a question, "I told him looking down but still there was silence as if I was talking to the four walls. ..damn him and his silence.