

the sun has set, the darkness began to swallow the ruin of the dying world. the only light sources currently awake are from the killer machines watching, waiting for their prey. the little lamb inside the protection vehicle with only one pistol to defend himself from death at every corner.

the pod slowed down and parked inside the building, the computer told Jake its battery needed to be recharged. about 8 hours of waiting until it is done.

Jake now snapped out of it, and the sudden realization hit him hard, "What am I doing?! Why did I... am I going insane?!" he leaned back at the seat, hands holding his head with his eyes wide open at the roof of the pod "dammit... John, Cornie, I might die"

"The pod is still on with its cloaking camo. I can't even return, god..." he takes out the supplies in his backpack and has a small snack while looking around outside the vehicle, there's nothing besides ruins and the light from night vision. Sometimes he will see H.rC passing by, and sometimes he sees Hunter. with their giant canon head, the red light from them, and their height far more than any person and common machines. terrific and menacing, like a sniper with an anti-warship weapon.

"Death-stare, heh funny" Jake was still somehow being quite positive, despite how he had just experienced a near-death situation a time ago. 

silence went by just like that, and the morning came, light from the sun shining through the dark field. the vehicle unit began to move on again. passing through the city, maybe he will find someone to befriend with. 

"God, the coordination is so far from the bunker, I just make about 1/3 of this road trip" *sigh* Jake takes a look at his phone, even tho there's no signal, for some reason, there's a bar he can connect to one device.

"What the..." Tap on the bar, the phone went black and then showed a bar of red line. still doesn't know what is this, Jake just taps the screen, but nothing...

the bar began to shake like a sonic wave after a little time, Jake carefully looked at it, and then he recognized what this was. "Radar..." Jake looks outside the moving pod, and just like he expected, there's a machine outside that's flying from afar. "Woah, this is useful, but, when did my phone do this?". he controlled the pod to move closer to the H.rC, the closer the vehicle got the radar kept shaking move violently, at one point there was a red arrow on the screen, pointing at the direction where the human core at.

"Cool" he took a picture of him outside the base, then continued to wait until he was at the location. the road was long and so was his future.

hours and hours passed.

Jake has made over half of the trip, but at some point, he needs to stop to rest. going outside is not safe, but staying inside is boring, Jake stopped the pod to have a break outside, he took a long breath and then let it out, smelling the metal taste air. 

danger lurked at every corner, at the moment when he was about to go back to the car, a charged shot was fired at it, making the pod explode, Jake jumped back from the sudden attack, and the red energy trail of the blast came from one of the Human Hunter, it slowly walking out at the broken house at the second floor, looking straight at Jake with it cannon head.

"Oh shet!" he began to run, gun ready, the hunter jumped out of the building, it load in another round, and aimed straight at Jake then fired. The speed bullet will surely pierce and blow up his skull, luckily, Jake trips over and falls into the sewer, and the round hits the nearby destroyed truck. Jake began to run into the sewer system, escaping the hunter, but it wouldn't let it sly that easily, the machine followed Jake's footsteps, pursuing him. 

"crab crab crab crab!!!" he tried to shoot it, but the bullets ricocheted by its thick armor, the machine fired back its cannon, devastating shot caused the sewer to almost collapse Jake found a way up, so he couldn't miss the chance, climbing up from the ladder, the machine almost slashed his leg if he slowed down just a bit. 

"am I inside another building?!" 

the machine is catching up, Jake takes the stairs and continues fleeing. the chase went on until they reached the top of this 30-floor building, with no way to go left.

Jake then hid behind the crate up here, soon the hunter watched up on him, holding his breath, the machine slowly scanning the area, making its way to his position 

when all paths are closed, another one will open for him, Jake saw a cable connected to the ground, it looked like someone had been there before. 

"ok.... do or die!!" burst out from the hiding spot, the machine immediately spotted, but before the cannon could blow his body up, Jake risked his luck on the only weapon he had, a single bullet of the pistol had been fired, caused the cannon to titled away slightly away before the beam hit him. the round shredded a side of his hoodie, and then Jake jumped down with a metal bar he picked up, then used it as a tool to ride down the strong cable wire. 

"AAAAHHHH" his scream echoed through the area, causing a lot of attention to the H.rCs around.

upon reaching the ground, he heard lots of mechanized screams from afar, "Oh frick..." proceed to move on foot, John suddenly got grabbed on the leg by a machine, "AH!" thinking his life are over, but no, it was just a string of structure that pulls him onto the hidden cannon, there can be seen someone has predicted this. when everything was set, the canon shot Jake through the sky, inside a landing pod. 

the ride was quick, struck through tall structures, and landed not very smoothly. "oof" Jake kicked the door open, he couldn't help himself from throwing up, puking all of the protein bars he consumed last night.

"Now where the heck am I?" looked around panting to gain back his stamina, and spotted himself in the middle of a tall grass field, and how surprised, he was here at the location. in front was a crash site, of something, and it pulled him closer with an unknown sensation.

zoomed from above, a giant symbol with 4 arrows printed on the burned grass with the coordination pointed at the middle. the machines are closing in quickly, once they are here, Jake is surely dead.

but how strange, the first thing he saw... was a girl with white hair and purple at the end of every hairline, laying there on the ground with a black cube fused onto her heart. She looked pretty at this age, her outfit looked very weird. a long grey shirt, a black jacket with red neon light, black high-thigh socks, and a pair of colored shoes. 

confused about why he was sent here, his time is dropping down, the cores are coming fast. don't know what to do.

his phone rang up, its screen showed the objective he had to do "Remove the lock!"

The human core is closing in, there is no choice he has to do it quickly, closes his eyes. "please god" Jake quickly holds onto the cube, using all of his strength to pull it out of her chest.

when the machines are about to slash him, about to reach for his head, the cube has finally pulled out, and the mysterious girl immediately gets up, her eyes flash red then her hand clenched into a firm fist, her arm open up like a machine, a strong wave of energy fastly form into a giant claw on her right arm, and some material began forming behind her into a figure, seeing those bastard infected behind the boy.

 "Thank you..."

in 0.0000000001 seconds all of those cores have been obliterated into dust. and a strong wind knocked Jake over.

don't understand what just happened he quickly got up, looking at the girl who was now standing above the crater with some robotic figure behind her, letting out some red electric wires, looking very serious.

"Woah..." He is amazed by her appearance.

the girl saw him from below, her energic claws retracted and her arm became normal again, she landed down like a superhero, and choked Jake up, bringing his body upward, she wasn't a human or those infected beings.

"What are you?" her voice sounds very sharp and full of danger.

Jake: "I'm Jake, I'm a survivor-"

"Are you one of them?!" the machine behind her brings its claws near his neck

Jake is very scared, he closes his eyes and covers his face with instinct.

"H..." she slowly lowered him down "Guess you aren't those things"

Jake falls to his knees, relief, "Oh Jesus... you welcome by the way"

"yeah I should thank you for releasing that lock on my core"

Jake: "Core? Are you-"

"not those machines, I'm a Death-Core, a superior A.I, but I think you didn't know about that" Her machine pulled Jake up on his feet "Luna... that's my name. how do you know I was here?"

Jake: "Luna... nice name. some kind of signal sent to me, on my phone"

Luna seems surprised: "Dad..." She looked at the mech floating behind her, her eyelids lowed down, sad or happy, he couldn't tell.

Jake's phone slipped off his hand and flew right up to Luna. before he could say, she gave him a cold "Shhh" just like that. With the device levitating next to her, she looked at it with questions in her mind.

"Dad... are you watching me?" 

no response from the phone, it was unusual because for a moment ago, it told Jake to release her from the cube.

"I know... I know you can't reply to me by any means, but you can hear me, so please give me a signal, mom is gone, she died because of my safety, dad, can you please do something!" she sounds desperate.

Jake: "Umm are you okay?"

Luna: *sigh* "Don't mind about what just happened" She brings his phone back, using her power "soo... where you came from?"

Jake: "From a community in that direction"

Luna: "No one follows you?"

Jake: "Yep"

Luna: "Okay... Jake, since you saved me I'll protect you like a favor, and that's probably the good reason since the world is ending right now"

Jake: "Oookkkayyyy..... so are you gonna go with me and... heh?"

Luna: "Mhm, and you will take care of me. C'mon" her machine figure then slowly decays away into small cube particles.

Jake: "Wait, what?"

Jake follows her out of the grassy field. 

Luna: "Aight, hold onto me"

Jake: "What why?"

Luna: "Do you want to get back to the bunker fast?"

Jake: "You kno- never mind. you don't mind?"

a quick nod from Luna, Jake then got on her back, she lifted him with ease, the two levitating up, the amazement for Luna kept growing up in Jake's eyes, "hold tight" after she told him that warning. the two blasted through the sky, breaking the speed of sound.

Jake for some reason can adapt to this speed without being hurt, he knows she's protecting him using her strange abilities. this is cool and all but he screams pretty loud.

just like that they are here where Jake came from. she dropped him down nearby at the car wreck, Jake trying his best not to throw out by how quickly he had just traveled.

Luna: "Oh, first time?"

Jake: "You think?! urgh"

Luna: "Hmp..." She helps him get up, by pulling his back "Let's move to your base"

Jake: "Wait, you can't just go in like that"

Luna: "Oh yeah, they probably gonna try and kill me" With a quick snap of her fingers, her clothes changed to fit with the apocalypse style, and her tail disappeared into matter, the round thing floating on her head also gone. 

"Alright good now?"

Jake: "Errrrr- yeah, I don't know how you do that but that's pretty cool" *thumb up*

the new friend and the boy get out of their cover, the sun is bright, and the clouds are coming, indicating it will be raining today.

Jake: "Uh oh... they will seriously be mad at me..." *gulp*

Luna with a joking voice: "Someone in trouble..."