

Adira squinted and woke up, and sat up to see the source of the loud noise that woke her up. It was Saturday, and a beautiful day. And the ruckus that had caused her to wake up was coming from the living room. She rubbed her eyes, and got out of bed, and folded her sheets. And she discovered that the direct source of the noise was from Madison's mouth and not the toaster as she'd suspected. Madison was apparently trying to cook something, but it was a complete disaster, as Madison's cooking skills were enough to make a person faint, and lose the taste-buds on the tongue for a fairly good time. "I told you I'm alright, cooking for the both of us" Adira said, trying to scrub off the pan whatever it was that her roommate was frying on it. The contents of the pan were so burnt that the pan itself lost some of its colour while Adira scraped it off using a knife and a fork alternatively. "Here now, cheer up. I'll make something real quick" Adira said trying to wipe off the gloomy pout from Madison's face. "I was just trying to help you know. Besides all my family members turned out fine in cooking, what happened to me?" Madison said, now sitting on the countertop. "well anyway, I have something really important to tell you" said Adira. She still hadn't told her about the scholarship she'd received. Once she finished telling Madison, her roommate, was evenmore enthusiastic than Adira herself. "oh my gosh! Congratulations, I bet there a lot of guys who wear turtlenecks, if so report to me immediately" she finished while giving Adira a hug, that squeezed her so hard, she couldn't breathe for a moment. "well if you're going to university from the day after tomorrow, then we must get ready. come on let's go pick your outfit and everything" she cheered dragging Adira. Now Adira was pouting and Madison was grinning. "what if I don't make a good impression?" she asked quietly. Madison n stopped, turned around and said, "if you can handle me, you can handle all of them. Besides, if they don't think you've made good enough of an impression, they'll have to answer to ME" . "Well, I hope so, but please don't beat anyone down, really!" Adira answered, her heart warm at her roommate's protection, but also alarmed as she knew that Madison was never the one to joke around on serious stuff. And off she was dragged again, to rummage her closet for her first day of university, by Madison who had a smirk on her face.