
The Dawn Of A Life

→ In which a girl wakes up in the world of her favorite novel. She wants to spend her time admiring the characters from the sidelines but little does she know, the female lead isn't the one the characters have eyes for.

Fatima_Niang · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Maybe traveling into the town on this particular day wasn't the best idea. You had initially planned on giving Silas a visit down at his bakery since it had been a day or two since you last saw him.

You promised you would visit him

again, after all.

Some mishaps seemed to interfere with your plan though. When you entered the town, you didn't fail to notice how the streets seemed to be even more bustling than they normally would be. You also noticed the.. well, lack of men.

The streets were full of women and by the looks of it, they ranged from the homeless all the way up to the nobles.The women excitedly chatted with each other, some even jumping up and down with glee.

'What's going on?And why is it so Crowded? I can't get through. Silas might be waiting for me.

Was some kind of event going to take place today? You wondered what was making all of the women cause such a fuss. Deciding that you wouldn't let this stop you, you pushed pass the people blocking your way while frantically apologizing to each one and you rushed down the cobblestone street.

Hopefully Silas would be able to tell you what was going on. Perhaps somebody important was visiting the kingdom or an event was going to take place?

Silas' shop seemed to be closed and the door wouldn't budge so you knocked on it a couple times. A moment later, the door was opened by Silas who was wearing a gentle smile.

"Ah, Eliana. I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Come in, come in." He stepped to the side to make room for you.

"Hi Silas! Smells good in here, what are you making?"

"I was just working on a cake that someone ordered. I'm glad you're here though; I was getting quite bored." He sent youa closed eyed smile which you returned.

"Say, do you know what's happening out there? The streets seem more crowded than they normally are." You asked, holding your hands behind your back.

He tilted his head to the side a bit and

put his pointer finger under his lip.

"You mean you don't know? The king of the Rosian kingdom and his son are visiting to discuss private matters with King Florian."

You nearly let out an audible gasp. The king of the Rosian kingdom, Vildar Irvine, was the father of Damien Irvine.

You felt excited, thinking about the possibility of seeing yet another one of the main characters of the novel.

You didn't necessarily hate Damien, but you didn't like him either. In the novel, the flirtatious prince was a playboy who slept with every lady he could get his pale hands on.

He longed for the love his mother never gave him yet he remained feeling lonely, no matter how many women he had slept with.

He met Sabina at the ball just like the rest of the love interests and he fell deeply for her.

The plot of the stereotypical playboy falling for a girl of lower status got repetitive so his character just wasn't your favorite.

"Oh, I didn't know. When are they going to get here?" You asked. He was about to reply before the sound of Screams full of excitement filled the town.

You and Silas both rushed over to the window, more like you rushed and he calmly walked, to see everyone in the crowds moving to the side to make way for the exquisite, deep purple carriage riding down the street which was being led by two beautiful white horses.

Your eyes widened in amazement and you pressed your hands against the glass of the window, pulling your face closer. "Damn, I never thought I'd see something like that in real life!"

Silas laughed and moved his gaze to you, deciding not to question your choice of words.

You watched as the carriage carried on in the direction of the castle, the sounds of the hooves against cobblestone went unheard as the screams raged on.

Silas sighed and shook his head, moving away from the window to grab a broom so he could sweep the wooden floors that were becoming dusty.

You followed him, sitting on one of the chairs as he swept the ground. "What is it?" You asked, noticing the strange way he was behaving. He was smiling not even two minutes ago.

"It's just that whenever the king of the Rosian kingdom visits, he always brings his frivolous son. When the prince comes into the town, it makes such a commotion. Don't even get me

started on his way with.. women. I believe you should choose one women to be love and cherish.

You rose an eyebrow and leaned back in the chair. "Well, that's something that we can both agree on. I've heard that Prince Damien really is a piece of Work."

Silas laughed and moved to the other side of the room where the dust still lingered. "Prince Damien is very different from Prince Elias.

Sometimes I lay in bed at night thinking about what it would be like if Prince Damien was the prince of our kingdom instead of Prince Elias.. I get shivers just thinking about it."

You laughed at his words, but you knew something that Silas didn't. If you put Damien Irvine's ladykiller habits aside, he could be quite intelligent and skillful.

Of course, you Would have to read the novel to know that.

On the other hand, Elias Milton, the prince of Laidora, was everything Damien is and more. He was the perfect prince and everyone could agree that he would make a fine king when the time called for it. He was known to be harsh, cold and brutal but he had outstanding leadership skills that made the people of every kingdom admire or fear him.

Realizing that you had left Marlin alone for a bit too long, you stood up and faced Silas.

"Anyways, I just stopped by to say a quick hello. It was nice talking to you, Silas! I'll come back later, see you!" His expression seemed to falter for a second before his mouth morphed into his trademark, calming smile.

"That's a shame.. come back again, farewell."

You stepped out of the shop and covered your mouth with your left hand, letting out a few quiet chuckles. 'Farewell? Seriously, I never thought I would hear someone unironically say that.'


It took you a while to enter back into the forest and into the cottage you had been residing in. As you entered the oak door and greeted the giddy black cat, you couldn't help but wonder when the mystery owner would finally show up and kick you out for trespassing.

When that time came, where would you go?

It made you worry, it's not like you could just buy your own house in this strange new world. Oh god, would you have to become a beggar living on the streets, wearing nothing but a cardboard box as the nobles threw

rotten tomatoes in your face? You didn't want to find out.

You plopped down on the worn out sofa and stared up at the ceiling, thinking to yourself about the types of jobs that were available to you.

"Shit, what kind of jobs are even out there? I'm not about to forge swords all day and accidentally chop off my finger. Hm.. I could work at a restaurant or maybe even Silas' bakery but I'm no good at cooking... Hold on!"

A thought had suddenly popped into your mind. Your clever, perverted mind. There was one job that would allow you to make a generous amount of money and even be around the novel's hot character's all day.

"I can work as a maid at the palace!

Ohoho, if I get lucky I might even catch a glimpse of Elias! I might just pass out on the spot from a nosebleed!"

Marlin just so happened to be walking

past you while you were talking to yourself and the poor cat ran off, spooked by your frightening aura.

"There's one problem though. How am I supposed to apply for the job? It's not like I can just walk in there and put on a maid outfit."

Two people came into your mind. Killian and Asa both had connections to the palace. 'Maybe I can ask them for help.. Well, maybe I should ask Killian for help.

Not risking it with Asa.'

And so, you began making your way towards the town in hopes of finding Killian, unaware of the person who would unexpectedly help you.