
The Daughter of the Ambassador

In a world divided by political intrigue and hidden powers, Rima Crown, the daughter of a high-ranking figure in the Lion Crown kingdom, finds herself on the run in the hostile city of Toleito. Betrayed by her old friend Sophia, Rima must evade capture by the relentless Colonel Leonidas Valerius and the military forces of the Fence Republic. As she navigates the treacherous streets, Rima crosses paths with Haytham, a mysterious traveler with his own secrets. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to Elysium, a legendary place known for its academy that teaches the ancient art of Aura—unlocking hidden supernatural abilities. Along the way, they encounter Ava and Arieh, twins with their own reasons for seeking Elysium. As the group bands together, they must outwit their pursuers and uncover the secrets that lie within the academy. Their adventure is a high-stakes race against time, filled with danger, deception, and the quest for truth. In a world where trust is scarce and every step could be their last, Rima and her companions must rely on their wits and newfound alliances to survive and achieve their goals. Join Rima, Haytham, Ava, and Arieh as they navigate a world of shadows, unravel hidden mysteries, and discover the true power that lies within them in this thrilling tale of courage, friendship, and the search for identity.

HaytamB · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 8

As the train continued its journey, Rima found herself alone after David had disembarked at an earlier stop. She settled back into her seat, her thoughts drifting back to her mission. The rhythmic clatter of the train was both soothing and a reminder of the long road ahead.

A few stops later, the door to her compartment slid open, and a young man with black hair and striking green eyes stepped in. He carried a small bag and a book, looking around briefly before taking the seat David had vacated.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked politely.

Rima shook her head. "Not at all."

The young man settled into his seat, immediately engrossed in his book. Rima stole a few glances at him, intrigued by his focused demeanor. He seemed absorbed in his own world, and she couldn't help but wonder what he was reading.

As the train continued its journey, Rima and the young man seated across from her realized they had more in common than they initially thought. The initial tension had given way to a genuine connection, forged through their shared passion for words and languages.

However, little did they know that fate had a way of weaving unexpected connections. The journey to Toleito would soon take an unforeseen turn, forcing them to reevaluate their initial impressions of each other.

Rima seized the opportunity to broach a sensitive topic, her curiosity about the political situation between the Fence Republic and her supposed homeland, a place she had never truly been to.

"So, Haytham," she began, her voice laced with genuine curiosity, "I've been out of touch for quite some time. Could you tell me about the current political situation in the Fence Republic and its relationship with this Lion Crown kingdom?"

Haytham paused, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the train window. The topic was weighty, and he chose his words carefully before responding.

"Ah, the political situation," he sighed, "It's been quite tumultuous, to say the least. A military coup took place not too long ago, leading to a change in leadership. Relations between the Fence Republic and the Lion Crown kingdom have grown increasingly tense."

Rima, or rather, Kelly, furrowed her brow, absorbing this information. "Tense relations? What do you mean?"

Haytham nodded somberly. "Well, the Lionese citizens living here were ordered to return to their homeland, and all political relations were abruptly severed. It's as if they've built a fence around their kingdom, figuratively speaking."

Concern welled up within Kelly for the unknown family in the Lion Crown kingdom, even though she had never truly been there. "And the Ambassador of the Lion Crown kingdom? What happened to him?" she inquired, her voice soft with concern.

Haytham hesitated before responding. "The Lion Crown kingdom's Ambassador was charged with espionage. He's currently under house arrest in an undisclosed location. But I can assure you, they won't do anything abusive to him. That would risk starting a war, and neither side wants that."

Kelly's heart sank at the news of the Ambassador's predicament, a feeling of empathy for a family she didn't really know. She couldn't reveal her true identity, not in these uncertain times. She needed to maintain her guise as Kelly, the traveler, and find a way to navigate the uncertain path that lay ahead in the Fence Republic, all while keeping her own secrets close to her heart.

The train ride to Toleito was smooth, the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks providing a sense of continuity amid the uncertainty. However, that sense of security was shattered when the train came to an unexpected halt, and the atmosphere inside the carriage tensed.

Rima, or Kelly as she was known, felt a rush of nerves course through her. Her heart raced as she imagined the worst: discovery and arrest. Her hands trembled, betraying her anxiety, but she couldn't reveal her true identity, not now.

Haytham, ever perceptive, noticed Kelly's unease. Without hesitation, he stepped up to shield her from scrutiny. As the soldiers boarded the train, Haytham displayed a medallion bearing the emblem of a merchant group, a symbol of respect and privilege in these trying times.

"Good day, gentlemen," Haytham greeted the soldiers with a calm demeanor, his green eyes reflecting unwavering confidence.

The soldier in charge eyed him skeptically but took note of the merchant emblem. "Merchant group, eh? You folks are granted certain liberties. We're conducting a routine check for rebels. Mind if we look around?"

Haytham maintained his composure. "Of course, we have nothing to hide. Please, proceed."

The soldiers conducted a swift but thorough search of the carriage, inspecting the passengers as they went. Kelly's heart raced with each passing moment, her concealed identity hanging by a thread. But thanks to Haytham's quick thinking, they escaped undue attention.

Once the soldiers were satisfied and departed, the train continued on its journey. The weight of relief washed over Kelly, and she turned to Haytham with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered.

Haytham offered her a reassuring smile. "We look out for one another in these times. We travelers must stick together."

The train finally arrived in Toleito, and the passengers began to disembark. Kelly and Haytham were forced to part ways, their paths diverging in the bustling capital of the Fence Republic. Rima knew her journey was far from over, but her encounter with Haytham had given her a glimmer of hope and a reminder that she wasn't entirely alone in her quest.

As she stepped onto the platform, she felt a surge of both relief and anxiety. The bustling crowd of travelers moved around her, oblivious to the young woman who had just made a daring escape. She blended into the diverse tapestry of passengers, her face concealed beneath a hooded jacket.

Her first priority was to secure a ticket for the next leg of her journey. However, she knew she couldn't go directly to her final destination. It would be too risky. She decided to head to a smaller, nearby city first—Baxterville—where she could lay low and plan her next move.

Rima approached the ticket counter with caution. "Un billet pour Baxterville, s'il vous plaît," she requested in French, using one of the languages she had practiced during her year of solitude. Her accent was far from perfect, but it was enough to convey her intent.

The ticket clerk, a middle-aged woman with tired eyes, nodded and began processing the transaction. Rima's heart pounded as she received the ticket, a tangible symbol of progress on her journey.

With ticket in hand, Rima navigated through the crowded platform, her senses on high alert. She knew that she had to remain vigilant, as the dangers lurking in the midst of travelers were numerous. Her family's safety depended on her ability to uncover the truth, but for now, she had to make it to Baxterville.

As the train pulled into the station, Rima boarded, choosing a seat near the middle of the car. She kept her hood up, attempting to conceal her identity as best she could. The passengers around her chatted, engrossed in their own worlds, unaware of the young woman with a mission hidden among them.

The train ride to Baxterville was long, providing Rima with ample time to reflect on her journey. She knew that she was just beginning to scratch the surface of the mysteries that had engulfed her family, Fence Republic, and the enigmatic organization known as the High Council.

When the train finally arrived in Baxterville, Rima disembarked and found herself amidst a quieter, smaller crowd of commuters. The city's modest skyline stretched before her, a mix of old buildings and new developments.

With determination in her heart and a ticket to the truth in her pocket, Rima began her quest to uncover the secrets that had torn her family apart and, in doing so, reshape the destiny of the Fence Republic. Baxterville would be her first stop, a place to gather her thoughts, find temporary refuge, and prepare for the next leg of her journey to Toleito.

Her journey had only just begun, and the challenges that lay ahead were vast and unknown. But she was no longer the sheltered daughter of the Ambassador; she had become a force to be reckoned with, a young woman driven by love, courage, and an unquenchable thirst for justice.