
The daughter of my boss

My name is David...I'm working in a big mansion as a private security of a girl called Tania,, When l started to work and make her security everything was going very well and normal but, Something started to change..

wps1234 · Thành thị
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30 Chs

The Daughter of my boss.

''David comes in, I need to talk to you,'' Governor said to them. So David, Lidia, and Tania started to walk towards the Governor who led them to the living room.

''What's going on? Who is she?'' David whispered to Tania.

''I don't know, I just met her today. My father will explain to you better what's happening.''

Livia looked at them and she smiled to see how confused they were.

But there was someone who was so confused as them. The driver, while he saw Livia and Tania getting away. What the heck. I had just a feeling, but now I'm sure that I work at a crazy house. The driver whispered bewildered with that.

When we entered the living room the Governor asked us to seat on the sofa.

We did it.

''I'm sure you are confused, David. But I think my daughter can be in danger, you aren't still totally recovered. So I hired another private security for my daughter. At least until you get better.

She will accompany my daughter everywhere from now on. And don't worry David, she is also good as you. You will still work as her private security but, We hired her just for precaution and also to confuse who wants her bad.

''Tell me, David. Who is better Tania or Livia?'' Governor asked David while he gave an evil smile.

Let me see how will he escape from this now. Governor thought while looking at David's confused face.

''What the heck is this question?'' David wondered.

He looked to Tania and Livia. Tania was staring at him waiting for his answer. But her eyes were saying: It's better to be me.

''Tania,'' David answered the Governor.

Relief was stuck in Tania's face and she was happy with his answer.

''Why?'' The Governor asked David.

on the outside, they may look like a lot. but Tania is not only a beautiful woman on the outside, she is also inside.

Livia raised her right eyebrow with such an answer.

David and Tania were blushed. The Governor laughed.

''I see. I'm glad that you think like this about my daughter.''

The governor's phone rang. He answered it. ''Okay, Brad I'm going right now.''

''So,'' The Governor got up from the sofa.

Now that I explained to you guys I need to leave for work. You guys can stay here and talk to know each other better.

''Good work Sr. Governor,'' Livia said to him.

''Thank you, Livia. I hope you do good work, you know what to do.'' The Governor said to her.

''Yes, don't worry, I will do my best to keep your daughter safe. Even if that cost my life.'' Livia answered him.

''That's great. I liked your answer.'' the governor answered her.

''Goodbye, Dad,'' Tania said to her father.

''Goodbye, sweety,'' Governor answered her.

''Goodbye, Sr. Governor,'' David said.

''Goodbye David.''

When the Governor left, Livia turned face to face with us and said: ''So let's talk?''

Governor entered his car and his phone rang. He answered it.

''Charles called me and he said that he wanted to talk with you,'' Brad said to the Governor.

''Did he say to you what he wants to talk about?'' Governor asked Brad.

''No, he didn't say anything,'' Brad answered.

''Okay, I'm going right now,'' Governor answered him.

David, Livia, and Tania were in the living room sitting on the sofa while speechless looking at each other.

''So, How long do you work for Governor David?'' Livia asked David.

''About seven or eight-month,'' David answered her.

''Eight-month,'' Tania answered while looking at David.

Livia looked to Tania. She could see clearly that Tania was jealous of David.

''I want to talk with Tania.'' Charlotte the security who was in front of the mansion's gate.

The Phones rang.

Tania answered it.

Hi, Ms. Tania. There is a girl called Charlotte here, she said that she wants to talk with you.

Tania got confused. ''What does she want with me?'' Tania wondered.

''Okay, you can let her get in,'' Tania answered.

Charlotte entered.

''What does Charlotte want?'' David asked Tania.

''I also don't know. She had never come here before.'' Tania answered David while confused.

''Who is this girl? Charlotte that you guys are talking about?'' Livia asked them.

She is just a girl who first David every time when she sees him. But she doesn't present any danger to me, I believe in me as a woman, and first of all, I believe in David. Tania answered her.

''Hum! That's good. Truth above all. Huh?'' Livia answered her while smiling.

''Here she is Ms. Tania.'' One of the Gate security said to her.

Charlotte entered when she saw Livia and Tania together she fainted.

They ran to help her. The security took her from the floor and put her on the sofa.

On that day in the car.

''Stop Jerry. I don't believe in ghosts.'' Charlotte said to him scared.

Look, something like this happened before. Jerry said to Charlotte.

''I'm gonna tell you a short story.

A girl was driving her car home when she saw her best friend walking alone. She invited her to get in the car that she would take her home.

They talked about good moments together, Laughed, like a normal friend talking to each other.

So when she arrived she stopped in front of her friend's house. She pushed the doorbell.

''Guess who opened the door?'' Jerry asked Charlotte that was already afraid.

''I don't want to know,'' Charlotte answered him while driving.

Her friend opened the door and she hugged her welcoming her. The girl widened her eyes and looked back to the car.

''What bring you to my home today?'' Please come in. Her friend said to her.

She entered she saw her parents and greeted them.

She didn't told nothing to her friend anything.

So she went back to her house. When she arrived at her room she saw her sister.

And then she told her about what happened.

Her sister made a scary face and ran screaming for her parents.

Daddy, mom.

They came running asking what was happening.

''Why are you so scared?'' Her mother asked her.

She crying said to them. My sister said that she saw her best friend walking alone in the street,

she said everything that her sister said to her.

Her parents looked forwards and saw her standing in front of her room.

''Sweety are you okay?'' Her mother asked her.

''Yes, mom why?'' she asked her mother scared.

''Because your best friend and her family died about one month ago.'' Her mother answered her.

''Don't believe her she is lying.'' she looked on her side, she saw her best friend decomposing.

She widened her eyes and opened her mouth trying to speak. But unsuccessfully.

''Don't believe her she is lying.'' The decomposing girl said to her.

You aren't my best friend, are you? She asked her.

With a devil's voice, she answered. ''Of course not.''

''So who are you?''

''You.'' the decomposing girl answered. She widened her eyes.

''She who had died and didn't know,'' Jerry said to charlotte.

What do you mean? I'm dead? Charlotte asked him.

''Who knows,'' Jerry said to her while he gave an evil smile.

''I think it's better you go to Tania's house tomorrow and see with your own eyes,'' Jerry answered her.

Charlotte when she got home she asked her parents.

''Dad, mom, you guys can see me?''

They looked at her confused.'' Yes, why?'' Her mother answered her laughing.

''Nothing mom.'' Charlotte said while she went upstairs.

''What the heck.'' Her father said while looking at her getting upstairs.

She is so dumb. I wonder if she will really go to Tania's house tomorrow, this will be epic. Jerry thought while laughing.