

Jak goes to a bar to get a drink to calm himself down and try to help with his anxiety. A woman, by the name of Zoe, walks up to Jak.

"Hey. I heard about your family in the news. I'm so sorry for your loss. If you want, I can help with your mental health." she says. "Oh, thanks. I've already tried to help my mental health and it hasn't worked. I tried many different things. Nothing helps." Jak said with a frown.

"Well at least let me buy you a drink."

"Ok I guess if you insist."

Jak goes home that night and thinks. "I think I recognized her. But i'm not too sure."

The next morning, he remembers, she was his moms friend. He was just too drunk to remember her at that moment.

/2 weeks later/

Jessie knocks on Jak's door. "Jak open up, it's Jessie." Jak doesn't respond. "Ok well I'm coming in if you won't open the door." Jessie opens the door and he sees Jak sitting on the floor. "What're you doing??" Jessie says, while looking at Jak, confused. "Um. Nothing you need to worry about." Jak says as he gets up to greet Jessie. "So what've you been up to lately Jessie?" "Nothing much, just trying to find a new job since resigning as a P.I." "Nice." Says Jak. "So you wanna go grab some dinner?" Asks Jessie. "Sure!"

Jak goes home.