
Chapter 1

In a forest located on the outskirts of the Kingdom of BrightFall, King Royster and his royal guards are currently searching the forest when King Royster asks his guard "are you sure the beast is located here because all I've seen so far are trees and more trees" starting to get annoyed he's searching the forest when someone from his guard speaks up "yes my lord the beast was last spotted at the cave a bit further from here" the King then responded "this thing better still be at that cave" then gave the man that answered a fierce glare while quickening his pace this man shivered than thought "The king really lives up to his title 'The Fiercest" then he told the rest guard to pick up the pace after the king. At the location of the cave was Leon siting in a tree holding a crystal he stole from a merchant "I really hope this crystal works that beast really just had to come and still my home" he then pulled out a piece of paper that had the instructions for the crystal and he read the paper "okay so the paper says to attach the crystal to the target and then to chant these words 'with contact all shall burst' then to wait a couple seconds and all your targets will burst into motion" he stared at the last part of the instructions for a minute the stated "I swear that last part was a pun" he then put the paper back into his pocket and stared at his home and said "now all I need is a way to bring out the beast without bringing me face to face with it" he then leaned back on the trunk of the tree he was on while keeping a constant lookout at his home and the surroundings while trying to think up a plan. Back in the forest the king and his guard were still going through the forest when someone frome the guard stated "once we past these last couple of trees well be at the cave my lord" the king then responded "great then let's take point here" then the whole guard responded with "yes my lord" as they started to set a temporary camp at their position. Moments after the guard finished the king said aloud "we will waste no time me and three of you will kill the beast while the rest of you keep watch here understood" the guard then responded with "yes my lord" then proceeded to pick out which three of them would go with the king while the rest keep watch. Once the guard decided the king and the three chosen guardsmen walked out of the trees to spot the cave then the king shouted "come out and meet your end beast" then readied his weapons as did the three guardsmen. Up in a tree above the cave Leon heard the a shout and looked down to see four men pointing there weapons at his home and he thought "found my bait" as he grabbed a firm hold of the crystal and prepared himself. Moments later a beast crawled out from the cave and stood on all fours at 8 feet tall with a grizzly look to it with four horns popping out of its head with a tail hanging from its rear released a loud roar and startled the men in front of it all except the one standing in the center. Leon looked on as the beast stepped ever so closer to the men then when the beast was right under him he jumped down and landed on the beast back but before he could plant the crystal the beast launched him over its head. Leon now found himself face to face with the beast he grunted then yelled "damn beast" as he charged at it the beast responded by swiping it left claw at him only for Leon to jump and push himself up at the beasts head the beast roared in turn and this gave Leon the chance he needed he then threw the crystal in the beasts mouth as he flew back from the roar he then land next to the king who just stared at him but Leon didn't notice as he got up and looked at the beast he was coming closer and closer he then chanted the spell for the crystal "WITH CONTACT ALL SHALL BURST" then moments later the beast stopped moving then all of a sudden it burst into a thousand pieces. Leon then shouted with cheer "finally rid of that pest!!!"then he started to walk towards his home. King stared at the dead beast in pieces then to the boy then he finally looked towards his men and stated "there the beast is taken care of" he then shouted the the boy walking towards the cave and shouted "young one come over here and speak with me for a moment."Leon face palmed then thought "damn forgot they were here" he then reluctantly went to speak to the man that called out to him. When he stepped up to the man he looked at him with a annoyed face and the man asked "boy do you know who i am" he responded " no should I" the man then said "yes you should and do you know what you just did" he responded "killed a annoying pest" the man stared at him for a moment the started to burst into laughter Leon then said to the laughing man "did i say something funny" the man responded "no boy you just killed a beast that has been destroying villages then blow it off like it was nothing" Leon then stated "now that I think about it there were a lot of destroyed villages this week" he looked at the man the told him "well if you don't mind I'm gonna go now" but before he could turn around the man asked him "boy would you like to be my squire" he then looked at the man like he was crazy "look man you look super strong and all but I know nothing about you that I can trust not even your name and what makes you want me as a squire I'm just a thief. I even stole that damn crystal from a traveling merchant" The man stared at him and said in a serious tone "look boy you can single handily kill a 8 foot beast and come out unscathed that there is enough to want you as a squire and I asure you that I'm trustworthy I'm King Royster ' The Fierce so boy are you my squire because it doesn't look so" Leon then kneeled and stated with a meaningful tone "I greet my lord" the king then said "yes boy my squire you are that's good you can project your voice and you know how to act towards your lord" he looked down at the down then pulled him up to his feet and told him "take us to your home boy so you can grab your things and we can go to the castle" Leon then told him "we're already here my lord but don't judge the house by the outside but the inside" the king then stated "then take us in boy" and so he did. Leon, King Royster and his three guardsmen entered the cave but to everyone's, except Leons who just laughed, suprise the inside looked the same as any house there was a kitchen, a living room then there were four doors one leading towards the bathroom while two of them led to bedrooms ,but Leons had a sign on the door so they knew which one was his, while the last door lead to a room that seemed like a storage area but something was off. Leon told them all to sit on his couch and went to fetch some drinks for them then he went to fetch his things from his room then once he left the king stated "I'll be honest I'm surprised" the three guardsmen all said "agreed" Leon then came out with a single bag on his back then went to the storage room and packed more stuff in his pack and came out holding a crystal about the size of his head and set it in the living room then he gestured to all of them to follow him out and once they were outside the king asked him "boy what..more like how is that cave like a house on the inside" Leon then looked at him and said "what can I say I'm resourceful" though this was just a excuse Leon always used since he barely remembers anything before his 17th birthday this cave is the place his father brought him sometimes so the two could hangout, king then asked "ok but where is all your stuff I told you that your going to be living in the castle" Leon responded "it's all in my bag I enchanted it to open an infinite storage that only I can access" the king asked "how" the boy looked at him and he instantly said "wait I already know 'sigh' let's just get going" Leon responded "okay but let me put the ward around my house up so that all my stuff stays safe" he then raised his hands the started to chant "AS FOOLS ENTER WHE.. wait give me a second" he then ran inside then came out with a ring on his finger and a necklace along his neck then he went to chant again "AS FOOLS ENTER WHERE THEY DON'T BELONG HIDE THE PRESENCE OF THE TROVE NONE SHALL SEEK TIL DEEMED WORTHY" Leon then breathed for a moment "okay we can go now" so as they were walking with the rest of the guardsmen in tow now the king asked the boy what he just did and he explained how the crystal in the living room hides the house from anyone who enters the cave without his permission and that he could use any way to enter just that he would have to recast every time he would want to hide his home the king pat the boy on the back and congratulated "great for being so resourceful boy ... boy what's your name and about the ring and necklace tell me" Leon then said "my name is Leon and this ring is my family crest and this necklace is just a simple necklace" this was a lie this was a necklace his father gave him he told him he'll know what's important about it in due time, the king then responded " so your the eldest of your household then leon" Leon stopped then responded "yes my family was lost during a fire" that tragic night he can remember it so clearly unlike anything before he saw his house was on fire one day when he came home from exploring he ran inside only to see his parents dead he then took his things and the items his father gave him the day before and went to the cave, the king stopped and looked at him then put his hand on his shoulder and said "boy it's okay fires happen and we all lose family we just have to keep going and make them proud" Leon responded " I found them in the fire with swords and arrows in there body's the fire was to clean up" the king told him " Listen Leon as long as your alive your family can live on so don't go looking for revenge or anything" Leon said "I know and I won't my lord...okay that feels weird is there something else I can call you" the king took his hand off Leons shoulder glad to see he was still cheerful and they continued walking as he said "how about you call me king ,rolls off the tongue better, when around anyone not from the Royal inner circle but if you are you can call me Royster okay and just so you know my guardsmen, my wife and her guard women, and the Royal court are the inner circle but I trust you know when to call me lord" Leon answered " yes Royster I know that if it's serious I'm serious and the like" the king then hit him on the back causing him to almost fall from the force "great then that's all when we get to the castle well have the squire appointment ceremony though officially your already my squire." So the rest of the way to the castle Leon got to learn more about the guardsmen the king and the rest of the Royal circle and about the state of the capital and castle. After a couple hours of hiking out the forest the group finally made it to the gate of the Royal Capital where there were lines of people waiting to be allowed inside but the king and his group just went right inside Leon looked amazed how there were so many people outside and even more amazed that there were so many more inside as they walked through the streets Leon kept looking at magic stores, weapon stores, and armor stores. The king keeps close attention to the stores Leon looks at and then thinks to himself "I'll take the boy to those stores later" the group finally makes it to the entrance of the castle and the gate keepers greet the king "welcome back my lord" the king waves to them then gestures to Leon and tells them his story then the gate keepers greet Leon in a similar fashion "welcome royal squire" Leon then waves to them the same as the king and they look relaxed and then the group enters the castle as they're entering Leon hears the gate keepers "great at least he knows proper etiquette" Leon then thinks "that's why they were so relived" once inside the gate Leon looks around to see if he can find anything to remind him of home. The group passes through multiple rooms but the only thing that caught Leons eye was a rose field he saw through a window he thought "I'll make sure to go there later" then the group made it to the throne room where the king commenced the appointment ceremony " I King Royster ' The Fierce hereby appoint you" "Leon" "as my royal squire till the day you receive the title of a knight" " I Leon hereby promise to live my life by your blade King Royster ' The Fierce till the day i become a knight" the king then led Leon to his room and told him to settle in and that he would send someone to bring him to dinner when it was time. Leon stood in his new room surprised that he got such a lavish room after after a while he went to settle in to the room put his clothes in the closet his equipment too the he put his valuables along his room then he decided to change his dress to something more appropriate for a castle he put on casual trousers and a white shirt then he thought how the king was wearing armor so he put on his makeshift armor the he took out his family heirloom which was a sword and strapped it to his waist though since for some reason he couldn't unsheath the sword he strapped another sword to his waist on his opposite side then looked at himself in his mirror and thought "hehe I look like my father" he than stood there for a moment and a couple tears fell while he remembered his time with his father but when there was a knock on the door he snapped out of it and said "yes" than a servant answered "I'm here to take you to dinner lord" Leon then stepped out and followed the servant to the dining hall where the Royal court were currently sitting then the king gestured for Leon to sit beside him so he did once he sat down the king said "i see you decided to copy me" he gestured to his armor "although why do you have two swords" Leon looked at his waist then to the king "the one one my left is my family heirloom and the one on the right is my personal blade" the king looked to the blade on his left "why not leave it in your room" Leon responded "when my father was alive he always carried this sword along side his personal blade" one thing Leon could remember was that his father constantly had this sword on him at all times, the king shrugged "well boy after dinner well be going to the market" Leon cheered inside "okay Royster" every one in the room looked to see who called the king by name then they all saw it was the newly appointed squire then went back to talking among themselves the a woman pulled rhe king away from there conversation for a moment she was a white woman who wore a blue and white dress she had short but wavy hair it was blue but it seemed to glisten white and her eyes were a comforting blue Leon then realized that this woman was Queen Celene ' The Lunar "dear who is this boy to call you by your name" the king then looked to the leon and back to her "honey while you just returned to the castle you missed the appointment ceremony he is my squire" the queen was shocked to think her husband chose a squire "what made you choose him" the king then told her how he came to meet leon and how all he learned about him the queen look stunned to hear about the boy "so the boy has the ability to use magic and to be a fighter but won't that be dangerous to his life" the king then told her "I'll have his life essence checked after we eat" moments later servants brought out the food for dinner and the royal circle all ate there share then they all bid the queen, king, and the new squire farewell before going their separate ways the king then took Leon to get his life essence checked and was amazed that he had very strong life essence barely seen through out these lands after that they went to the market to get Leon new equipment and some magic tomes and to upgrade his sword when they entered the equipment store the king told Leon to pick anything he liked so he did he picked a dark leather set of light armor along side a sheath for his personal blade so he didn't have it bare on his waist he also picked out a bow and a halberd then h e went to the king who took him to the blacksmith to reforge his sword with a stronger metal Leon then pulled out a strange stone and asked him to forge it alongside the new metal into the sword and then gave the king a similar crystal and gestured he do the same the king looked at the boy confused Leon then told him if he drank the potion with shard of the crystal mixed in he could recall his sword whenever the king then took the crystal and once the blacksmith was done Leon drank a potion and told the king to watch him and the blacksmith to hold up the sword he then reached his hand out and willed the sword to come to him and the sword crumbled in the blacksmiths hands and recreated itself in his they both looked at him in surprise then the king went to have his reforged with the crystal and then tried the same but for the king the sword turned into ashes the a fire erupted in the kings hands when the fire died down the sword was there all three looked amazed at the recall. Once the two finished the rest of their business at the equipment store they went to a magic store where king told Leon to once again pick what he wants Leon the went and grab a lot of blank crystals and tomes then went back to the king and the king asked him if he was planning to enchant those and he shook his head yes so the king then told him to get double the amount and enchant some for him Leon then also got flasks for him and some for the king then they returned to the castle then the king told him to look for him once he finishes the enchantments and that he can train with the knights and squires in his free time though he would still train with him when he had time Leon then went to his room and put up all of the stuff the king bought for him and his self and said he would enchant a couple of the tomes then go look for the rose garden. Leon was sitting at his desk with eight blank open tomes in front of him "now that I finally have some tomes 'never really could steal these' I can finally put my knowledge to use and use magic" he then enchanted each tome with a basic element for the tome earth, water, fire, air, lightning, light, darkness, and the last one wasn't really a element he enchanted it with augmentation "this last one I'll have to use it in conjunction with the others." He then wrote basic spells in all the elemental tomes, spells like blast, stream, spread, and encase then in the last tome he wrote one spell enchant. When Leon finished he was drained from writing in the tomes plus having to copy each one it drained a lot of blood from him he than leaned back his chair and then he realized he had a balcony so he went out to the balcony. Leon was leaning on the balcony staring at the moon then to where its light shined when he spotted the rose garden "now might be a good time to check that garden out" so he left his room and found the rose garden and while he stood at the edge of the garden he spotted a rose bush brighter than the rest and went towards the bush he knelt down and smelled some of the roses "these roses sure are comforting" "arent they" Leon than jumped up and summoned all eight tomes which float around him and drew his blade and aimed it towards the voice though he couldn't see who it was since it was dark "step out now" then suddenly a woman immediately steps out she was a pale woman who wore a purple and black lacey dress she had long purple hair and her eyes were a light purple though they looked like they could stare right into your soul "welcome young man mind putting that down" Leon just stared at her "hello young man" she stepped closer till she was in front of his face "young man are you alright" Leon then realized how close she was and stepped back while sheathing his blade "who are you miss" he said while his tomes started to glow she just stood there and stared at the tomes before saying "you may call me Brunhild now who are you while I see you still don't trust me" she then pointed to his tomes glowing behind him "can you at least tell me your name" Leon then realized he was channeling his tomes he stopped and they stopped glowing "well Brunhild you may call me Leon and sorry that was rude of me" he apologized she than gestured to a bench and they both sat down and just stared at the rose glistening from the moonlight she then broke the silence "so if you don't mind I have a couple questions" Leon kept looking at the roses "I don't mind you may go ahead" she then looked at him and started "first would you mind easing up you can be yourself here" he than opened his mouth but closed it and eased up "ok next question" she smiled then proceeded "second are you new to the castle" he looked up to the moon "yeah the king made me his squire after I killed the beast that was in my home in front of his eyes oh by the way I lived in a cave but it's way better than you may think" she kept looking at him glad he was answering her questions no one else would do this "I think living in a cave might have been nice and if it's way better than what I currently think I'd like to see it one day" he kept his gaze to the moon but a small smile found its way on his face "sure" she giggled a little how he was happy she wanted to see his home "one last question would you mind coming here more often I don't get many visitors" her small turned into a frown he than looked at her and saw her frown 'I don't know why but I don't want to see her frown' "sure I'll come here every time I can" she smiled at his response and he smiled in return "now if you don't mind I have a question" she simply kept staring at him "go ahead" he asked a simple question "where exactly do you live in the castle" she then pointed to a little house at the edge of the garden with roses all around except for the front he then told her where his room was located and then they just had a casual conversation with each other keeping there eyes on each other then after a while she asked why he came here in the first place he then explained how he was drained from enchanting his tomes and the kings and that he needed somewhere to relax he then showed her his tomes she than scanned each one for its element type and the spells within once she finished she told him "Leon listen closely if you trust me and value your freedom and life never use the light and dark tomes unless necessary and never give nor tell them about those tomes" he looked at her "what about the ones I was going to give to the king" she nodded her head he than put away his tomes than he looked at her "okay I trust you but how I give you the extra light and dark tomes then" she said no but he kept insisting till she gave up and said yes then they talked for a couple more hours before they decided to go to bed and bid each other farewell.