
The Darkest Dawn

When Rhen Amerial suddenly finds herself, along with her older brother, in an unknown world cloaked in eternal night, she must learn to survive against overwhelming odds. With foes hunting her for her heritage - both human and more - she must form bonds, forge alliances, and learn the disturbing truths of this realm before it claims both hers and her brother's lives.

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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Mask

Rhen stared up at him as his words went through her mind a few times.

How had he figured that out? Had it been the peculiar state of her wound? The fact that she hadn't bled to death when her arm got opened?

This guy was smart. Much smarter than she had initially thought him to be. Others would likely not have given it a lot of thought, and simply thought her to be lucky that the wounds hadn't been worse.

"How did you...?"

He cut her off with a pat on the shoulder and a "Best not let Kister wait, miss Rhen. I am sure we will get a chance to talk later."

"Hold on! I-"

"...will get your answers another time. For now, though, your sole priority should be to survive in this new land, no? And in order to do so, you must go and speak with Kister. Be patient."

That one felt a bit like hearing her father speak to her.

She eyed him a little, glanced to the rat, which she could have sworn was smirking, and then simply nodded.

"Right. Okay. Another time. Thank you for helping me, Mr. Mouse."

"You are welcome." said the tall man, and offered a kind smile.

Rhen turned towards the door then, and left the room.

As the door closed behind her, she saw Merip walk towards her, his thumbs lazily hooked in his belt.

"How's the arm?" asked the halfling, and Rhen smiled and held up her now healed arm, opening and closing her hand for him to see.

"Much better! That guy is amazing!"

Merip chuckled and nodded his helmeted head.

"He's good to have around. Now... listen closely, alright? What I'm about to tell you is important. And walk with me, we need to get some things."

Rhen nodded, falling silent.

She followed the small man as he began to walk, offering a nod of his helmeted head to a group of people who looked to be gambling with dice.

"The Drain is a small society in its own right. A community of sorts... guess it wouldn't be wrong to call it a gang, actually. Now here's the thing, miss Rhen... when a gang exists in a big city, it does so either because the city can't get rid of it, or because it is useful in some way to the high and mighty."

The two of them crossed the main hall of the Drain, and Merip withdrew a large key from one of his pockets.

He walked over to a nearby door, a heavy wooden one reinforced with metal bands.

"In our case, we are useful," he said as he unlocked the door and pushed it open, revealing a long room filled with weapon stands, boxes and armor of various qualities and material set on each their own stand.

"Now how do we get to exist in Kor Dalga?" asked the helmeted halfling and gestured for her to follow him into the armory.

"You... lend your aid to them?" she guessed, eyeing the many items within this secured room.

"You're not wrong there," he said and closed the door behind them.

"We hunt for them. Bounties... criminals... and if we meet our quota each season, we are left alone to do whatever we want. Not the worst deal out there, eh?"

She turned her gaze to him, eyeing the expressionless visor on his sallet helm.

"It sounds dangerous, but... I get it. The city above us is not nice to the people who live in the Drain, are they? It's a way to ensure safety for you."

Merip nodded, and added: "And for you."

He leaned his back against the heavy door, crossing his arms and looking up at her.

"So here's the thing. The Drain is run by three Captains, one being yours truly. And I've decided to let you and your brother stay, enjoying our protection. But..."

"...you want us to work for it. Give back." she guessed, and the halfling nodded.

"Can't just give and give, even if you seem like nice people. So yeah. I want you to give back, and in your case, miss Rhen, I'd put your martial talents to use. How would you like to become one of our bounty hunters?"

Born into a noble family or not, Rhen had always been one for adventure.

And the thought of hunting down criminals was something that got her heart racing wildly!


"I notice you didn't mention Victor just now." she said,

"What would he be doing?"

"Martial talents plus some wits about you, eh? Don't worry. Victor, should he accept, would be working directly with one of the other Captains - though you may not see him too often because of that."

Rhen gave a nod,

"Directly with a captain, huh? I assume that has to do with his arcane talents."

"Your assumption is correct. People like your brother are very rare here, and when one shows up, it's something special. He can do a lot of good if he decides to work with us." said Merip as he kept his hidden gaze on her.

The thought of getting separated from her brother didn't sit easy with her, but Rhen also remembered Victor's own words about working with the people of the Drain.

It just made sense... it really did seem like their best option.

"Well, Merip..." she said and offered him a smile,

"I accept your offer. On the condition that Victor and I are not permanently separated now."

The halfling chuckled, a sound without malevolence, though it was clear that his voice could be more than threatening if he wanted it to. It just wasn't so when he spoke with her.

"Happy to hear that, miss Rhen. And don't worry, your brother has just as much of a home here as you do. You'll see each other between tasks. Now pick out some equipment from our armory here, and I'll send you off nicely to meet your hunting partner. She should have the first assignment ready for you."

Rhen gave a nod and a smile, and then looked to the many sets and pieces of equipment within the armory.

To her, this was like being in a... well, a candy shop! Weapons and armor had always interested her greatly.

"Oh, and miss Rhen..." said Merip, just as she was about to move towards the first set of weaponry.

She stopped and looked to the halfling, who then continued:

"Though you do have a lovely face, it is not one the public should ever see. Whatever you pick out, make sure to also wear a mask or a helmet. For your own safety."

He was right. The world around her would judge her on her almond eyes, her light bronze skin and her dark hair.

One of many dark truths about this place, and one not to forget.

"Of course." she said, before she finally allowed herself to look through the armory.