
The Darker Side Of Love

Never in a million years did Marcus think that he will be chosen as the marriage candidate for the king of werewolves. Especially when he is a prince and not a princess! But the king made his choice and the humans are in no power to refuse him. For humanity's sake, you go along with it. But problem is that he isn't the only one married to him. He has to fight for the king's affection with other consorts. He finds that he has to brush on his skills and seduce and gain the affection of the werewolf king who is a hybrid. Will he find a way to win over the king and bring peace between the races?

precious_pruddy · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
122 Chs

[Bonus chapter] You took my happiness

Marcus called the party short for the guests to retire for the night. He guided Dara back to the king's palace to find out what had become of the king. 

He ran into the special queen and the vampire king waiting outside the king's room. Anxiously waiting to hear from the witch what the problem with Morpheus was. 

Marcus joined them in waiting for the news of the king's health. The night had drawn too long. The morning was too far away, he could only wish that the sun rises soon so that he could get the cursed night over with. 

In all his life, he had never met a night quite as long as the one he had. Just as he rested his head, the queen mother sent for him and for the vampire king to meet her in the royal garden.

Marcus together with Bran left Reina to attend to the king and marched over to the garden. 

"She is your mother-in-law. Might you know why she seeks us?" Bran asked to start a conversation.