

"Did you find it?", asked the old man and presumed to be dead the Madara Uchiha

"Not yet, it's very well hidden by the spirit inside of it", said the white Zetsu

"Keep searching, that spirit would not be able to hide it from us for long", replied Madara

"But I think if we push it hard enough, it might make a contract with someone", said Zetsu

"Do not worry, even if it comes to that, I know what to do, Keep searching and tell me if there are any results", finally said Madara



(Great Hidden Village of Konoha, Slum Area)

Okami that was his name that was given to him by his grandmother, he was born crying, he furiously kicked his legs, and he has little black hair like his mother.

waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa

His mother a black hair beauty looked at him with gentleness in her eyes, as she kissed him on his forehead...

She finally closed her eyes, never to open it again...

She died as the baby kept crying for her


The Loss of His wife was too much to bear for his father, but he kept smiling for his child though even though he was not at all happy... He grinned and played happily with his child for nearly 6 months.


waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa

The 6 month old child kept crying, as the father kept soothing him...

"Do you really have to go?", asked Grandma

The man of the house smiled, as he gave Okami to Grandma, "We are running low on funds, mother we are already poor, I don't wish us to become beggars instead

"B-But son, I heard there are terrible people outside, if-if you... I am afraid"

"Mother, please understand, we do not have money to hire shinobis, if I don't go out we will starve to death, please take care, I will come back I promise"


"Sigh... Just let our son go dear, he will be fine, and for you young man, you are coming back alright, If you won't I will turn into a ghost and break both your legs in heaven you hear... these old bones, can still make money, for us it's you who is more important, Alright"

The man smiled and nodded his head before kissing his son one last time and leaving Konoha to earn money

They never heard from him again

The grandpa used his remaining money to hire shinobi to bring him back

They brought back his body...


Okami was no different from other children of his age. However, if one listens to his Grandpa and Grandma, it would seem that he quite loved to cry in the evenings. A love for crying was seemingly not that great of a defect. Grandma always used to say...

Though she always giggle and joked that Okami should have been born a girl, seeing his love for crying and innate adoring cuteness

He was just 1 year Old when he accompanied Grandpa to the mountains to let the cow graze. While Grandpa worked he played in the mountains though Grandpa always maintained the close eye on Okami...


The big black wolf, was on the verge of being cornered by that Super Sensor Zetsu and that incredibly powerful Madara...

The world does not know it, but the wolf's presence is equivalent to a Bijju, if there are 9 Bijjus there are in the elemental nation, then it's existence can be called the tenth Bijju whose existence is hidden from the world itself...

Though it can not defeat the 9 Bijjus, because it's powers do not lie in the physical prowess that other Bijjus shows, but it's powers lies in it's extremely strong Spiritual Abilities...

The wolf got captured by Madara and White Zetsu, that's when he gets to know the prowess of that man and the super sensing abilities of that thing who they called White Zetsu, but through some luck it manages to escape them

Even though it travels the world no one could see it, the wolf is like a ghost appearing and disappearing on it's own

It was resting on the Mountain in one of the village name Konoha, not even a great Sensor could sense it, although that White One was totally on a league of his own, the wolf never understood how the heck does he get sensed by anyone

That's when he saw Okami, a little child who was playing happily on the mountain, the child was happily running towards him... as he ignored it.

The child happily passed the wolf running with his chubby hands and childish high pitched voice laughing and running within the world of his own...

The Big Black wolf smiled as he rested...

The smiling Elderly figure brought the child back...

All of a sudden a sudden sense hit the wolf, as it raised his head and looked at certain direction, it could sense some one searching for it and what ever the sense is, it is near.

It actually took no genius to figure out what's that sense is, the white Zetsu is on him yet again

The wolf growled in frustration, this could not go on, they will catch him sooner or later, it has to hide but where? Where could be the safe place, that it could hide, from those two?

"Grandpa Grandpa Look Look...what a pretty flower"

"Yes Yes... Grandpa is working, go and play by yourself"

A childish voice rang near him once again and the wolf as if suddenly got an idea, ran towards the boy...

The sense was nearing the wolf when the wolf suddenly entered the Boy's body, and making the boy an jinchiruki, there was no need for the seal, this body was not the prison, the wolf did not deliberately entered to become the prisoner, he entered the boy's body to rest for a while...

The sense hit the little boy as it pass through him, the boy was a civilian whose value was not much anyway, even though Zetsu passed him, it didn't matter for him, weather the boy is anyone or not, he is searching for the dark wolf.

The wolf who was holding himself back suddenly relieved but suddenly the boy's body showed signs of mutation...

The wolf didn't know that because of it's act of saving itself, the boy's life changed forever...

Starting from that day onward, he became different from other children.

"Okami Chan, how come you have become so strange these days? You never go out playing anymore", Grandma said


The wolf was startled by the changes his dark chakra is causing the body of the boy

Even though it's not physically powerful than that of other Bijjus but it's Spiritual abilities and it's yin release and Genjutsu abilities are the best in this world...

The civilian boy with a minimum amount of Chakra, and the one who suddenly became the jinchiruki, his chakra kept rising on the daily basis, he did not yell and kept mum with blank eyes, but his chakra coils kept destroying and reconstructing on a daily basis.

He lungs kept extending on his own as well, it was pure blessing for the child that he could not yell anymore, or show any kind of emotions...

But that does not mean others understood it, In just a few days, Grandma and Grandpa are on the verge of getting mad, for their precious Grandson does not laugh, run or even talk anymore.

He just kept sitting there with his blank eyes...

In Just a week his chakra levels were through the roofs it was so much, yet despite that no one, not even a single sensor in the entire village sensed it, it was like the boy was invisible in the eyes of those sensors, they could not even sense a little bit of Chakra inside of him...

The boy's Stamina was through the roof as well...

The Dark Wolf thought of getting out of the boy's body, but the fear of getting capture yet again is enough for it to be inside the boy's body... till this Madara and Zetsu is killed

However, it did not think the life of the boy as all the sounds and the imagery of life had somehow disappeared from his mind. Grandma began anxiously shaking his body, he couldn't feel anything. Grandpa with burning impatience called out his name, yet he couldn't hear anything either.

Nobody knew what had actually happened to him.

Some people in the slum began to say that the boy had been cursed...

Grandpa didn't care as he brought the little guy to the doctors in the village...

All the money that elderly man had earned while working himself to death over all these years, had all been converted into stacks of worthless tickets and piles of useless bills, but the boy still didn't wake up.

Grandpa and Grandma went around everywhere beseeching the gods and praying to Buddha, they even found some of the shinobis who practice medicines for the boy. Six months later, his family's savings had been more or less used up. Grandpa, Grandma had all thoroughly given up hope.

He was 1 year and 5 month old when the Kyuubi incident happened...

He could feel the massive amount of killing intent, the great Chakra pressure, the earthquake and the running people all around trying to save their lives...

He could feel the chakra of Third Hokage who was fighting the Big Nine Tails...

His spiritual energy is so-so high that he could practically sense everyone in the village, heck his spiritual energy is so high that he could even sense, the range and the sensory abilities of Sensors as well.

One could see the giant ball coming towards them but suddenly the fourth appeared and the ball suddenly disappeared... as the civilians and Ninjas kept running towards the Hokage Mountains.

Grandpa and Grandma are old anyway not to mention they were civilians with barely any chakra within them...

The Wolf Feeling the gratefulness towards the elderly couple sends in the wisp of chakra to protect them, though the wisp of chakra only passed to Grandpa because Grandma released the little guy's hand, while Grandpa picked the boy as they ran with their full speed.

"Tch", The wolf growled but it did nothing else, until unless he is here, the elderly couple won't die, no matter the cost, though other than protecting their lives it would do nothing...

That day Grandma felt the full blow of that killing intent and chakra pressure as she kept lying down without saying a word and from that day onward Grandma had gone into the comma state, though doctors told that she could still see and hear things, her brain reacts and understand everything as well but she still is in comma...

June is the time all families sits, enjoying the sun and the cool breeze.

His family swallows the bitter darkness that have fallen onto their family

Grandpa does not speak much anymore.

But the Old man Understood that he is the only person remaining for his grandchild and his wife

Although Grandma wasn't able to respond to anything, She was still able to see everything. She kept shedding the tears for her husband and Grandchild

After Grandma left, the entire burden of the family farm work came down onto Grandpa alone. In addition to taking care of the farm, he had to take care of his wife and Grandchild. Contrary to what one might expect, Grandpa despite being old was able to do it quite wonderfully.

The dumb boy didn't have any friends, people despise him for he is a curse, the moment he was born the family only has deaths and troubles, they refused to let their children play with him, for they were afraid that the curse is contingent...

Grandpa who tried to tell give reason to everyone to let their children play with Okami, so maybe the boy will become better...

Grandpa sighed as he watched his precious Little Grandchild sitting on stool near his grandma...


Because of him, within the slum, no matter whether it was an adult or a child, nobody came to their house. After all, a child was supposed to be lively, healthy and active, so with this kind of unusual and scary thing going on, who would still dare to stay in touch. Within the slum area, He was a kind of ominous person.

In the evening, sounds of quiet whimpering came out from within Grandpas room.


6 Years, It was 6 years that The Old man took care of his Grandchild and His Grandson...6 years of working while he should be resting....

And after 6 bloody hardcore Years Grandpa Fell....

Okami was there watching his Grandpa.... It was like something happened within his mind, something snapped at that moment.

"Grand... Pa"


He ran towards the old man

The tears were falling from his eyes...

"No No No Please open your eyes, Grandpa Please please... please open your eyes"


He cried and cried never stopping as the tears kept falling from his eyes...


It was raining when he build a tomb for his grandpa, just besides his mother and father stones...

He carried Grandma in the wheel chair at the site where she silently shed her tears, from one glance it could be seen that that the old woman was shaking...

She was crying heavily, as Okami hugged her, while he too cried on her shoulders...


Grandma is bed ridden, he can not earn the money being the 7 year old.... So he sold everything and moved to the cheapest apartment he could find... and the cheapest place is only of the Demon's apartment."

Naruto: "Huh? You trying to live here? You don't hate me?"

Okami: "I don't care about you, but Grandma, needs a safe place to live, while I do the work to earn money, and this apartment is the cheapest place I could find... Let me live here"

"W-Well O-Okay you can live in the room down the hall"

"You are not going to ask me about my identity or talk about money or anything?"

"Nah mate, it all cool", Naruto grinned in a foxy smile

"Very Well I will move Grandma today itself, we don't have much to live with anyway and other than a single bed we don't need much furniture anyway... as for money I will give you the fair rent as soon as I start making money, That, I promise" He deep bowed towards Naruto, "Thank you"

"I-Its al-alright", Naruto rubbed the back of his head with a embarrassed smile, no one ever said thank you to him ever, or showed Kindness not that matter anyway, he doesn't really know what to do or say in this situation...

And So our Story starts...