
The Dark Virtues

In the Empty Sky’s of servis, The clouds seemed More darker than usual. And as if a god was descending, a reverberating Boom Was Made, Now in the Sky stood A Giant Space ship Dwarfing the entirety of servis. “Beings of this planet, You have been chosen to join the universal alliance to add your planet to the unification , To fight Against the deviants, Beings who come from a foreign Dimension, Threatening this universe for Millenias, Do you choose to cooperate or Defy our order” A voice so loud it seemed to cover the entire planet was heard. Follow Jaiden and his friends in this Journey around the universe, making new friends and enemies along the way.

Ender_Child · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Just A Normal Day


2060,6th April.

Southern Continent,Servis.

In a simple three story duplex in the capital city of Servis a boy With White hair and tinges of black on it was laying down on a bed looking at his phone, His Purple eyes Reflecting the screen as if waiting for someone to call him.

*Knock* *Knock*.

Then he hears someone knocking the door

"Jaiden Wake up mom and dad wants us to have a family dinner" The voice was soft and irritated.

"…" After a few minutes of silence Jaiden opened the door, When he opened the the door a girl with roughly the same features as him appeared except for her yellow eyes.

"What do they want" Jaiden Asked

"hmph find out your self" She said with a trace of tease in her voice.

"Whatever Tia" Jaiden said unfazed by her.

"hmph just hurry up, I honestly wouldn't even care if you didn't" After that she went down the stairs while Raiden was following behind her with a vein popping on his head.

When Jaiden finally went downstairs he went to the dining directly near the Kitchen And the living room there he could see his older sister Who had Black hair She is 20 and has yellow eyes sitting near the table while reading something from her phone , She was Wearing a green shirt and red Skirt…A very Strange combination of colors to wear, and then his little brother he was twelve , he had black and white hair and orange eyes gotten from a latent gene in the family, Then there was his Mother Who had Black hair And Yellow eyes she was wearing a Black tank top and black trousers while she was cooking in the kitchen, his mother likes training in the Morning a bit, his father Who had White hair and purple eyes and was Wearing a White T-Shirt and black trousers Was sitting on one of the chairs on the dining table.

"Good Morning Mom and dad Hello Stella and Mist" He said greeting his parents and saying hello to his siblings.

"Woow Jay being nice for once it must be the end of the World" Tia teased from behind him.

"Shut up like you could ever be nice brat" Mark replied to her with an annoyed tone.

"Mom Jay Called me a brat?!" She complained To her Mother.

"…He isn't Wrong though…hehehe" She replied siding with Jaiden.

"Daaad Mom and Jay are bullying Me!" She complained to her dad failing at complaining to her Mom.

"Today Seems colder and darker than usual, The clouds seems to be converging in one spot, What do you think about this Amy" He said lost in thought and talking to his wife.

"Andrew What did I say About Cryptic Messages on the dining table" She replied while menacingly Waving a Knife at him.

"…Honey We can talk only if you drop the knife Slowly and gently" He replied clearly afraid of the women with the Knife.

"Uhm yeah sure maybe I would if you don't do that every time we are at the dining table" She said still waving the knife.

" pfft..hahaha you guys do this all the time that it has already become quite Normal" Stella laughed at their child like behaviors.

" uhh and how can I forget my sweet little Tia Come here" Stella said while trying to get to Tia's Chair in which Tia Was about to escape but alas Stella was faster and ended up pulling her cheeks.

"Jaaay Help ME Please" She pleaded to Jaiden Which of course he ignored her and minded his own business.

"Hmm Today does seem Much Colder And Darker Maybe The Weather is acting up dad." He replied to his father's earlier question.

"Jaiden Xavier Andrew Stop encouraging Your dad" His Mom said in a gentle and calm Voice Promising Pain and punishment.

"Yes Ma'am!" He immediately replied Caring More about Saving himself now than siding with his father.

"Muuuuuum Heeelp Stella Won't Stop, Look what she did to my hair!!!" Tia said Still in the clutches of her older sister who now was playing with her hair Which have know been turned into twin braids?

"They don't look that Bad Better than Your Old ugly hair actually" Mist suddenly said from the chair With a huge grin, he was sitting Near Jaiden

"Hahahhaha Good one Mist!" Jay said with a huge laugh.

"Thanks came up with it just now" He said with a proud expression on his face.

"…" Tias face right now was twitching with anger and Annoyance

"Ok imma just leave and go back to my chair…*cough* I'll fix your hair later *Cough*"

Stella said and quickly went back to her seat.

"Don't mind them Tia you look cute with that hairstyle your old one was actually getting old" Her mother said trying to calm her down

"…Thanks Mom" Tia said with a hint of satisfaction in her voice

"Well now that all of you are done with your little monologue Breakfast is ready, Some Pancakes, Honey tea" She said while bringing a plate that is stacked with pancakes and honey spreading from the top to the sides it's golden texture reflecting the light from the dining table.

"Well if I wasn't hungry earlier Now I'm starving" Andrew said with his mouth watering

"Mom cooks the best pancakes, of course You would be hungry" Stella replied

"Well that is true hahaha" Their father said then laughed the next second.

After a quite and Long time they finished their food leaving Nothing on the plate, All of them were now satisfied.

"Hey isn't It your birthday Today Jay?" Mist suddenly asked

"Yes it is…" He replied knowing what his brother is trying to do

"Oh then that means you're staying at home today" He said with Mischief in his eyes.

"Uhm Well, You see I'm going out with some frien-" But before he could continue he was cut off by Stella.

"Oh you mean that your cute looking girlfriend, I've got to say lil bro you have taste" She said while giving Jay a wink.

"Oh yeah, Her Name Was Ruby Levies Right she was the winner of last year's Martial Arts Competition, Which I have to say was brutal" Amy said vividly Remembering the events Even though she did participate and was the one who in fact Made it brutal by beating up over half of the opponents and severely breaking their bones without showing any thread of Remorse or Hesitation.

"Meh What's the fun with fighting with hands And Also you Made it Brutal Mom You got disqualified half way, A sword is Way better" Tia said Disdainfully.

"Oh you want to test that sis, you really want me to get my gauntlets" Stella said slamming her fists together

"Oh you must have forgotten I have over 65 wins in the World Weapons Tournaments And I have over 32 Weapons I've collected from my opponents, You think you can beat that" Tia retorted

"Heh looks like you forgot Who I am, maybe I should remind you that I Was given the Title of Twilight Demoness, Do you know why, everytime I defeated an opponent they would always see stars while they are knocked unconscious by My famous Dark Buster Gauntlets, And of course My Famous Heavy hitters And my favorite Gauntlet, Eclipse Breaker I was able to take down 42 Experienced Martial Artists at the age of fifteen, by that time you were just a small little midget, Again little sis do you dare challenge me." Stella said while having a serious expression looking at Tia.




"Should we stop Tia before she gets her ass handed to her, or just let her Learn the hard way" Jay said Enjoying the little show.

"Let her learn the hard Way, Mist still remembers what happened when he challenged you, don't you Mist" Andrew said while poking mist on his cheeks.

"Who uses a Katana like that and Stop Poking me dad" Mist said Remembering that painful and terrifying day.

"Ehem in my defense you were using a bow and a dagger, And you decided to challenge me with only that, So you can't really blame Me And, I'm not that terrifying You fought against 50 people Alone with only a bow and still won using only Thirty Arrows" Jaiden said Trying to change the subject.

"What do you mean, You Traumatized Over 50, Hospitalized over 30 and Made over 40 of them quit Weapon fighting, so yeah over 120 Children And gave Their Trainers PTSD And that was when you were like 9, I can definitely Blame you, Even your mom doesn't go tha- No wait she would probably do worse" His father Contemplated And Realized who the truly dangerous one is between both of them.

"Hey, That not True I'm an innocent and sweet wife isn't that Right Honey" She said

"…" He didn't Reply

"Honey you didn't answer my question"

"Uhm yeah 'innocent' Sure and sweet too" He answered the question while trying to avert his gaze from hers.

"Oh yeah sure 'Scarlet Bane'" She replied giving him a light punch

"Hey that was in the past and my Halberd fighting days are over" He immediately answered reminiscing on the old days.

"Speaking of 'old things' Since it's your birthday today, Me your father and your siblings decided to Improve your katana since it was getting rusty And Old, Also your siblings made a sheath for the sword, Well they technically asked a sword smith but They made the design" His mother replied with a big Smile.

"..uhm I mean yeah it was getting old and I was gonna fix it up later but I really appreciate it…So where is it since I now the reason why it's gone for a month, I have been looking for it All over honestly but since you fixed it I'll forgive you all And you made something for me Though I'm surprised Tia Was In on it"Jay replied Relieved his Katana wasn't Stolen, And grateful for the gift of course.

"Hey what is that supposed to Mean" Tia replied somewhat angry.

"Pfft Nothing but Thanks for designing the sheath Tia and if you ask how I know that, You are a sword Collecting Maniac So it Makes More sense than those two Making it" He replied with a gentle smile.

"Hey!?" Mist Replied.

"That's Not true…We know lots of things about swords" Stella said unsure of her own words.

"Sure you do, Now where is it" Jay asked eager to see.

After grumbling for a bit mist decided To go bring it from his parents room which Roughly took about Fifty seconds.

He arrived into the Room with a Black and White Sheath it looked to be made of Metal and fur, With three purple eyeson it.

"Hmm Not bad I like the color and also the design thanks guys, And Also Why is there an accessory on the hilt of my Katana" Jaiden said touching the old looking and rough Shape of a Star On the hilt of his katana.

"It's from your late grandfather he liked using Katanas, So when he died he gave it to me but I didn't like using Katanas, I was the king of halberds back in the days hehehe, so anyways None of us are using Katanas So think of it as a family relic" he said smiling at himself thinking about his past.

"Hmm sure if you will excuse me I have to go to go out, Also I'm taking my Katana with me" Mark said while Strapping the sheath on his back.

"See ya say hi to you my Daughter in law for me" His mom said with apparent tease

"…Sure" Jaiden replied

"See you later if you'll excuse us, me and tia are gonna go down to the training room and I'll show her why exactly I'm the best at throwing hands" Stella said raising her hand to the sky.

"The only thing you'll be throwing after I'm done with you is your Ego" Tia said back to her

"I'm gonna watch them" Mist said clearly not wanting to miss this.

"I have nothung else too do so might as well watch them" Their father replied

"Well I'm going to go train my disciples in the dojo, they are cute little Fighters" She said with a happy look on her face.

'I feel bad for them' is what everyone thought.

With that Jay went out through the front door and decided to use his hoverboard, he's katana on his backs and is ready to leave.


After 2 Hours Jay Appeared in A cafe Called

'Elens Judgment Cafe' Which was owned by a famous archer Called Lively Judgment she has, a winning streak of 300 people and been going for the last 8 years, or in Smaller Words the reason why his brother uses Bows, And the other reason why he uses daggers, it's because he doesn't want to get jumped while using his bow in a fight or a competition.

Jaiden entered the Cafe, it's luminous white and blue lights flashing in his eyes, he goes to a Nearby table where there were three people sitting on the chairs,

one was a girl with light blonde hair and blue eyes and a whip was tied on her hips, A muscular boy with Black hair and green eyes with a big shield near him, And a girl with Light Red hair Wearing Combat gloves, And black eyes was sipping on her drink, Currently waiting for someone.

"Hey guys sorry I was late, I was just dealing with some stuff" Jaiden said, While everyone in the table was silent, and looking at him

"You know we've been her for over thirty minutes right, Jay do you seriously Want me to whip you" The girl with the light blonde hair replied her hands dangerously close to her hips.

"Ehem I see your still kinky as always Emily, but I would definitely not want to get whipped" Jay replied in the most logical way he could.

"Bro I've got to tell you I arrived five minutes ago, and she promised to make me hide under my shield like a turtle for coming late" The black haired boy said.

"Hey Jay Happy birthday Now sit Here before my hands start sitting on your face" Ruby said while patting the place next to her gently with her eyes closed.

"…Can we talk about this" Jay asked

"No Now sit or else" she said now her eyes opened, making it instantly seem like the lights in the cafe dim for Jay.

"Fine" Jay reluctantly agreed

"So how are you ruby, I heard you ah well Beat up Ellenor Zeals, one of the best muah Thai fighters in Servis when she challenged you, I wonder why" Jay said Averting his eyes from her angry glare.

"Well you see my boyfriend didn't come to our date despite him being the one who wanted one,

so I got a bit angry and while I was walking I accidentally hit her causing her to get annoyed so she challenged me to a fight , So since I was angry that day I decided to let of some steam so I mercilessly beat her to the point,

Her face became almost disfigured thankfully I came back to my senses, And now I'm angry because he was thirty minutes late but I'll forgive him since it's his birthday today" She said with a smile that would have made her look cute if it weren't for the tone of anger in her voice.

"I'm Really Sorry Ruby I was just a bit busy yesterday, You know how my mom gets when she's having one of her disciples graduate it's like a horror movie coming to life, I'm still traumatized After the last three" Jay said while Ruby gently put her hand around his.

"Yeah I do, I was in your house when one happened, Your mom is scary sometimes, but still I'm pissed, Maybe give me a kiss and I might just forgive you" She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh really" Jay replied playing along.

"Yeah sure you can do that later when we aren't in a cafe, owned by an annoying archer" Emilia said Reminding them of Ellen's Weird antics.

"And you Ash, why were you late" She then said to him while intensely looking at him.

"Yeah about that Do you remember Jacob Seth" Ash said with an Akward smile.

"Oh yeah that Gauntlet user who got angry and said you were cheating when you beat him, only using your shield and not your Greatsword Ultimately Disrespecting him" Emilia said mercilessly.

"Yeah well He was pestering me to fight him seriously, I was getting late and he has been doing this for a month so I did, in which he Lost, So I got here late the battle only took about 10 minutes, and I got here early because we used the Nearest Battle center" Ash said Narrating his Experience.

"Wow, I mean Jacob isn't really bad just a lot hot headed, And also he is a huge fan of your older sister soo yeah" Ash Continued.

"Well speaking of fighting, Tia challenged Stella to a fight and she's now probably acting like a sore loser"Jay said with a smile on his face.

"Wait, did she really think she can beat THE Twilight Demoness, I mean Tia did get the title of Sword Queen but then again Stella is merely just holding back in all her fights" Emilia said crossing her arms.

"I could probably beat her" Jay said confidently.

"She would absolutely show no mercy too you" Ruby Answered.

"You would only scratch Agee and that's it You'll just be seeing stars" Ash replied.

"Didn't you Hear Me Jay, I said she was holding back but I sure do know she wouldn't hold back when fighting you" Emilia said While raising an eyebrow.

"Tsk It's sad that it's true, But she would definitely have a hard time Knocking me down" Jay said.

"I mean Yeah the Way You fight with that Katan is Just Terrifying, Like who throws their weapon up the stadium and then followed up with a kick to the face, Then when your opponent is about to get their weapon at that exact moment your weapon falls back down and then you parry the enemy's attack." Emilia said explaining one of his Famous attacks.

"Hey it works and also my mother forced me to learn taekwondo that time, so I just decided to combine them to create a new Move" Jay said.

"Well that's great and all buut aren't we forgetting something" Ash said Reminding them.

"Oh yeah, We still haven't Celebrated the birthday Boy" Ruby said.

"Did I hear it's someone's birthday" A Voice was heard, And a Woman With blue hair Appeared near their Table Like a ghost.

"Good to see you too Ellen" Ruby replied with an annoyed Tone.