
The beginning

First bright morning starts after summer break. humi is doing his breakfast in dining all alone with supervision of maids. He is the next and 4th heir of Omega corporation. His mother died at a young age and his father married a new woman. She treated humi as his own child and humi also loved her and respected her she also had three sons who are like blood related brothers to humi they live in Beijing mostly because it's their maternal home town.

Humis father is a drug addict and alcoholic. He is usually careless and doesn't care about his sons or the business. This was also the reason why he didn't get any position in family business.

The one who really cares about humi is his grandpa the current president of Omega corporation.


humi arrives to college starting his fifth semester in business major. He meets with fresh air in university because of new year many young High Schoolers who enrolled in college are also starting their first semesters today. Many students dragging their luggages across brick roads of college .

Humi joins his friends to class takes 2 classes and bunks the rest classes to catch up with his friends who were distant in vacations. His friends are ren and VT.They went to their private section in college also named as admin building and talk at their football court. The coach sees them playing and asks humi to meet him in office. he recommends humi to join football team of botanical department of new students as a captain because they lack sporty skills and are more nerdy. He blatantly refuses and moves on. The coach persuades ren to persuade humi into football. Humi agrees because of ren and signs the contract as he is usually free.