
The ripple effect of doubt

He was reveling in the fear he found,eyes closed half lidded in the pleasure of it all as he licked his lips to savour the feeling. He was the only one who found it funny, sweetly tasted the feeling in his mouth or the same feeling running addictively ,like alcohol would, through his veins.

Even the young woman from before stared at him with horror yet she hadn't hidden the small blush at the detailed plan he summed up for the daughter of Hawkings.

They should be around the same age so he wondered if thoughts inside her head were filled with questions, ideas or even imaginary visions of him doing the same to her.

How his tapping nails on the table would rake over her body instead with a slow, cruciatus space as she yearned for more. Which brought him to his next observations, right fingers moving in slow motions over his lips, tongue slipping out to trace them.

Black eyes filled with barely hidden lust as she followed the movements, trailed the saliva that stuck on his fingers and swallowed before tracing back to his wet, pinkish lips.

Careful ,as if he hadn't noticed, she trailed them and most likely imagined them upon hers in a drunken tryst. He was pleased to see his quess proven to be right as now his lips weren't the only one's wet.

Winking in a slow, tedious movement he grinned as lust only filled the eyes more.

Young people.

Though he shouldn't talk, a weird feeling simmering and joining the already growing greed inside of him. IT was addictive and it made him more aware that this power was only borrowed as soon as he returned to once more being Adrian all semblance of power would vanish.

Mood shifting faster than humanly possible at the reminder of his one year mission he turned serious and cold, not even bothering to listen to certain begs taking over the room.

Lord Hawkings wasn't the only one begging but he was surely the loudest, begging for mercy, take it out on him not his daughter and so on.

Pleases shredded around like cheese on soup but he couldn't bring himself to care. The old man had brought it upon himself and while he hadn't thought of killing her for real just yet, as she might be useful to keep a grasp on him, he would soon if he kept sputtering nonsense he wasn't even remotely interested in.

They were nagging, nagging the emperor and while he hadn't bothered to listen closely, more flies had joined in their murmurs flying around his head as they didn't stop.

It was irking him, he was sure he wasn't the only one that didn't like Hawkings yet here they were saying it was totally inappropriate.

So much patience one needed and yet he found himself short on just that, it was as if the only thing he felt was madness simmering in his very heart and soul. Feelings intricate and new in the unusual kind of way it felt.

It was---was as if the feelings were alive, diverting all his attention towards him and slowly taking him towards the coldness part of his heart, a part filled with darkness that didn't feel like his.

Breathing out in disbelief at another thing that needed his attention he decided to finish what he started first, lashing out he felt the familiar weight in his hands and before long ,reinforced with what little soul magic he could muster, threw it a hairbreadth away from Hawking's head.

Nagging stilling, the only sound that breached the sudden silence was his sword swinging back and forth in a face shocked in paleness, perched upon stiff shoulders were wooden crumbs and more were falling.

Acacius wasn't too sure now if the young lady would still be so daring as to join him in bed as heads moved in slow motion back and forth between the sword and him.

Like intended it had stopped everything, with that unfortunately the feeling he had wanted to delve into, find out where they came from, had vanished completely.

In his disappointment of yet another thing going wrong he chuckled, much to the disapproval of the members. Fire crackled heavily all around and the tension felt just like it.

"Fine, as your emperor it is improper to do something in such an abrupt manner.''

It was as if peace finally returned with his words only to return to a higher order with his next.

''Which is why I shall wait a few months, it is only fitting that she will meet her death on the same day as my nephew, on his eighteenth birthday. That way we both will have lost a family member and there will be no reason for anyone to complain.

Relief had all but vanished as now all were tense, none dared to breathe and even Hawkings kept his tongue, numb at the realisation of what he had done. He couldn't run, couldn't hide and he wouldn't.

If he was anything like Acacius,having just felt the feelings of greed himself, Hawkings wouldn't abandon his power as lord, not even for his own flesh and blood.

No matter how she looked like her mother, that was for certain.

"Well then if all of you are going to stay silent, we shall move on to the last matter of today. I have heard of an underground fighting club, whoever is in charge will speak up before I lose the rest off my patience and place a timer on you too!''

''Tha---that's me, your majesty.''

With a flicker of surprise he took in the young male that had hesitantly spoken up, he was young, obviously the youngest. Twenty-two? Maybe going towards it.

Covertly coughing he expertly traced away the blood that had rosen in his throat, the churning feeling didn't ebb away and wouldn't for some time to come, a consequence of using soul magic.

''Hurry on now!'' His voice sounded annoyed, brimming with exhaustion, just like he felt. Just the thought of using soul magic for the reprisal of minds made bile rise, which he stifled with a gulp.

Disgusting but it wouldn't do if he barfed over the table, whatever fear he had managed to rake with his previous show would vanish as snow did before the sun.

For good measure he pinched his knee, elbow still bleeding from his own swords as he laid it on his legs, at the ready for if he needed to ground himself again.

''--howed up a few months ago, I don't have a specific date yet there has been a surge of talk and excitement around the topic.''

''Any idea as to why it came into existence?''

''No, your majesty.''


The amount of people that have taken interest and joined the group are well above what is to be expected Furthermore talk about more rings showing up in the kingdom have been heightened lately.

In Fact I know about three more of such in existence in my kingdom.

Care to explain why no one else enlightened me about this fact?"

Stunned silence was almost touchable,eyes flickering with pure uncertainty at what was going on, the poor young boy stuttered, struggling to form words as hazel eyes stared him down.

"Did you think I do not check upon my own kingdom!?''

It wasn't directed at him but nonetheless the young boy stammered out.

''I wouldn't dare---I'm merely surprised where you found the time in your packed schedule.''

Ah, a fool.

"Do not mock me, I am your emperor!'

Pale as a feather the boy realised his mistake. "Forgive me, it wasn't my intention!"

''Your majesty, the boy's young. We all make mistakes, please keep that in mind."

He had hoped that was the only voice that wouldn't rise through the midst of chaos as was this meeting, one of the few that actually stood by Acacius and backed him with a grandfatherly feel.

It didn't help that the elder had been in his life from year one, guiding him in small but impactful ways. And while the real Acacius didn't notice through his blindfold consisting of grief and pain he sure did.

The elder had helped in more ways than one and just as when he first saw all lifelong memories between the two, he wondered why? Anything suggested the other was too nice to follow Acacius, especially after taking the throne with the blood of his brother still decorating pale skin.

''Your majesty----Acacius.''

Disregarding the need to answer, he looked at him and the kind eyes practically begged but he had enough of begging.

It was only a nuisance that the others saw him as the son he didn't have or the fact that he used his name loud and clear in front of all, no one was surprised as he had been allowed to do so from the original.

Standing up in one smooth movement, he signaled the end and gracefully walked past members and members of the council before pulling his sword out from the left side of Hawking's head

Another bit of magic, needed as the sword had almost pierced through the thick chair, and it was loose.

"Acacius---can we talk?"

Woods smoldered as he ignored the voice that sang him happy birthday in the absence of his parents and brother, it didn't help that he felt bad, eyes mimicking his emotion with a swirl of sadness.


He only sighed in relief when the door closed behind him, all those emotions that shouldn't be his shrouded his mind, not that it wasn't useful with June's gaze still heavily on him.

Despite everything he liked how he handled Hawkings, that should keep him quit until his nephew's birthday.

He was still undeniable tense, as such in instinct he moved, sword now slightly from the deer in headlights neck.

''Why is your hand upon my person?!''

Grabbing the scabbard with a rough and sudden tug, he sheathed the gleaming blade in one second and in the other his hand crushed the other's windpipe.

''You---'re hurt!''

''I am? I did not notice.''

''Your majesty." His strained voice made him become aware of his still crushing hand and as he couldn't use him when dead he released him with an apologetic look. Which was already more than was allowed, as showcased by suspicions eyes.

''You moved your arms on purpos-''

Rolling his eyes at the spy's demeanor, he walked away with large steps and quick space.

''-you can't just hurt yourself like that and walk away like it's nothing, your majesty.''

''It is nothing.''

Hearing the other breath in heavily, ready to go on a rampage he was quick to interrupt, eyes filled with darkness he looked right into the other's.

''It does not matter even if it were a thousand cuts.

Stop meddling in business you know nothing off.''

Startled as the boy was, he quickly recomposed himself, worthy of being a spy after all.

Asani chose a good one, on a side note he hated the proud feeling surging inside him, what was with all those feelings?

''You need not worry, there is always my nephew.''

It was small, merely a whisper in the silent corridor.

''That is what your concern is, no?

As long as he lives the throne won't be empty.

So no need for fake worry, there will always be an emperor or empress even if it isn't me.''

On a darker note he skillfully added.

''Well as long as he breaths that is.''

His intent was obvious and all respect for the spy would vanish if he didn't notice, as long as Asani breathed there would be next in lines.

"Aren't you the emperor, don't you deserve and demand respect?''

Turning on his heels, coat swinging in his fast enraged movements, he ignored it.

''Why do you do that? You act as if nothing is within in your control and yet you use cold words to make it seem so.''

"Again what do you speak off?!'' Frustration bled through his voice, an emotion that wasn't all too difficult to summon up, hissing under his breath that it isn't even real he sped up.

June's eyes turned alert and while his own only widened for a small fraction it was obvious he had misspoken.

With quickened feet he approached his study, intent in ignoring the spy but no one seemed to know the meaning of silence.

''Your Majesty, what did you mean.''

"Mean what?''

''It isn't real, what does it mean?

You are the one in control, aren't you?''

''You-'' This courageous little fool. Halting just before his door, he straight up looks down into narrowed eyes, his own ablaze with anger and just a slight, visible streak of caution.

Breaking the eye contact for just a second he watched the hallway with quarded eyes, only continuing when it was empty save for the both of them.

"Once more, do not delve in matters that aren't yours.''

Sighing at the determined eyes, he licked his lips, contemplating and intently putting off the inevitable. "I won't stop.''

That much was obvious, leaving the why still unanswered.

"Do you have a family?"

A blink in surprise was all Acacius got before he answered. ''...Yes, a nine year old sister.''

"If push came to shove what would you do for her?"

"I would die for her? What does this hav-''

"I guess---that would have been easier.'' Filled to the brim in sadness, eyes sparkling in the wetness of brimming tears Acacius lost his composure, door slamming close behind him after their battle of words.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts