
The Dark Pact

"Why are you late?" He questions, sounding exactly as I remember "You know, traffic." I apologize, making a turn to trudge to him majestically. "If you say so," he nods, the night preventing my view of his face "Thank you, Azazel," I mutter, my tone neither high nor low. "Why did you want to see me?" He polls, his voice resounding through the dark abandoned warehouse. "Yes Azazel," I smirk and try to hide the slight fear of reject nagging at the back of my head. "What is it about?" He implores his arm going to rub his prominent chin as he fixes a stare at me. "I want my soul back," I inform, matching his gaze with mine. "How do you plan on getting it back?" He quizzes, stepping a few inches my way into the light. "With a deal Azazel, or more specifically, a pact," I tell using all my energy to stop my feet from moving backward. "That is very difficult Xander, you sealed your vow with a drop of blood," he argues, the moonlight falling more on his face as he tilts his head upwards. "And I'm here to make and seal another," I converse awaiting a reply. "No, you got what you wanted, to be rich, famous, and loved, what else do you desire?" He asks, his supernatural blue eyes having a scary glint to them. "My soul," I repeat. "Plus I know you love making deals Azazel, no matter how you try to hide it, I see the excitement and mischief you try to conceal." "Same way I see the little fear of rejection bubbling within you, I detect it in your eyes, I hear it in your heartbeat, and the blood pumping through your veins," he sneers in response, squaring his wide shoulders to come off as intimidating. "Hence we understand each other well, we know you've got more to win than lose, and I've got more to lose than win," I confess. "You are right," he lets out in a husky tone, his red lips curving into a hint of a smile. "So what do you say demon, you in?" I invite, my eyebrow raised "I am," he gleams. "What's this pact about?"

FreshyGore · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Chapter 13:

Playing: 🎶Ghetto Love Birds by Young Bleu🎶

-The Silent Game-

Xander's POV

"Come on babe, do you still have to go?" Layla whines as I'm sliding the Rolex past my palm to my wrist where I clasp it.

"Yes Layla," I give her a chaste kiss on the forehead and put distance between us quickly so she doesn't drag me down.

"But I'll miss you," she pouts, and I discreetly roll my eyes, already tired of her screechy voice.

"I'll return in a few hours," I throw over my shoulder and adjust the collar of the short-sleeved black shirt I'm donning that's tucked into the waistband of my white slacks.

"You look hot," I hear her say and see her reflection in the mirror as she comes to stand behind me. "It makes it difficult to let you out of my sight while the only thing I want to do is rip your shirt off and devour you."

"Don't even think about it," I grimace, feeling a bit disgusted at the clawing sound and sign she makes with her fingers, her face constricting unattractively as she does so.

"See you when I get back," I murmur and hastily walk out of my room, closing the door behind me and releasing a breath I didn't know I'm holding.

"Trouble in paradise?" Charles snorts the moment I breeze into the kitchen and grab his half-drunk glass of water, shutting my eyes for a second.

"Shut up," I mutter, dropping the object back on the counter and abandoning him there as I pick up the key of my Bentley. I tap my pockets to make sure I didn't leave my phone in the room because it would be a horror to go back in there thus she'll think I've succumbed to her wishes and offer her more sex.

"Reed, can you drive me please?" I ask the 6ft well-built guy who just walks into the living room I'm in after I'm certain my cellular device is with me.

"You know you don't have to ask Xander," he says in that slight Japanese accent and chuckles.

"Thanks, bro," I smile and throw the key which he catches, and walk ahead in his jeans and a white vest that's got vertical blue stripes.


"Pause," I convey, tapping the back of the driver's seat, luckily, Reed obeys and brings the car to a halt with the engine still running.

"Any problem?" He queries, peering at me through the mirror but I stay silent not giving him the privilege of knowing the reason as I watch Helena's curvy frame wander towards the almost finished renovated club.

Why I ordered Reed to stop is unknown to me. I guess I'm scared of running into her because she always has the talent of ruining my state of mind whenever she's close.

You sound as if you won't see her in a few minutes. My subconscious jabs at me and I scowl at the truth in that thought.

I'm currently headed to the same place as Helena which is the club. I passed a memo to all the workers about a meeting that will be held today in regards to a simple discussion and social gathering which will help improve our working relationship.

Their payment has been sent out last Friday by my financial committee, and today being Monday will be used to clarify they've all received their credit alerts. Today also makes it more than a week since Layla showed up at my house with her belongings.

I'm yet to decide if her sudden appearance is more of a blessing or a curse hence most times, I feel like dragging her by the hair and flinging her over the fence.

A few other times I'm thankful for her presence thus it makes it easy to vent out my frustration through meaningless sex and at the same time shut the thoughts about Helena that keeps flying through my head even if for a moment.

Layla seems to like the sex more than I do hence she's always happy at the chance to pounce on me even when I'm not in the mood. To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up as I just have to pretend I'm all over her and give her the release she desires thereby making it feel like a chore instead of the fun it's supposed to be.

"You can move now," I urge Reed who gets the car in motion seeing as Helena is long gone after taking a corner that leads straight to the establishment.

A minute later, the car stops and the ignition turned off as per my instructions. We are presently parked in the building's driveway and nodding to him, I exit the backseat of the vehicle with nothing but my phone and plant my feet on the concrete asphalt.

I stroll to the front door of the structure and trace my path to the dancefloor/bar where the meeting is slated to hold. As I get closer, I can hear simple chatter which tunes down the second I walk in.

"Hello, and Good day everyone," I smile, taking in their presence.

"Welcome Xander, it's good to see you," Mr. Cain acknowledges, shaking my palm after I accept his outstretched one.

"Yeah," I beam at him and turn back to the others who offer me waves, and nods, a specific lady who I've forgotten what her name is but can remember when she tried flirting with me offers me a wink which I return in a tight smile.

"Good day sir," Helena's voice catches me off guard as she is the only one after Mr. Cain to respond in words. This causes my attention to focus on her and I swallow, taking sight of the long-sleeved crisscross lace blouse she's sporting that gives a colorful view of her cleavage and tight slim waist. Her hips down to her ankles are covered in fitted jeans that hug her lower parts like a second skin.

"So what did you call the meeting about?" Mr.Cain requests, snapping me out of my erotic exploration and this is when I realize I've lost a few minutes without giving her an answer.

In embarrassment, I choose not to and rather swerve to Mr.Cain's direction. "Yes, about that."

"Have you all received your payments?" I ask, lifting a brow at the group.

"Yes, thank you so much, it really helped me and Noah with the bills," Christina grins, her tone appreciative.

Helena simply nods when my gaze shifts to her and I sense a prick of guilt in my chest region for leaving her previous statement unanswered.

"Thank you," Nadia, who I now recall her name sends a kiss my way. "Just a bit more and I'll get the breast increment surgery I've so long wanted."

"Too much info Nadia," Joel the Janitor snorts before staring at me. "Thank you, Mr.Miles."

"Thank you," Khale and Noah say in synchronize causing a laugh to escape my lips at their expression after they notice.

"I'm happy to hear that," I admit, running my fingers through my hair. "Any of you got new jobs?"

"Yeah, but I'm quitting, I see no reason to waste my energy when I'm getting paid more than enough here," Nadia responds, her words carrying a double meaning.

"If I knew the pay will be this good I wouldn't have bothered to find a new job," Joel scoffs, a frown gracing his face. This has everyone including Mr.Cain and Helena laughing.

I go on to give them a briefing about when the renovation is said to be completed and shed light on a few role adjustments that'll be done when the time is right, together with the hiring of new employees.

While this is going on, I notice Helena appearing distant and the moment the gathering comes to an end, she is the first to slip out through the door. I understand I'm the cause of her attitude while at the same time defending my behavior hence she's the one who began the silent game and expected just a simple 'Good day sir' to fix it.

I'm a bit relieved when she departs because the slight throbbing of my member is getting unbearable as I could notice the sexual tension hanging in the air in spite of the physical and emotional distance between us.

I shake hands with Mr.Cain once again after everyone disperses. I take my leave and fish my phone out of my pocket and unlock it, scrolling till I find Ryan's contact and message him to find out if Charles is home. I remember I need to have a talk with him about work-related stuff before it skips my mind again as it has been doing for the past two days.

He left a few minutes ago, saying he'll be back soon.

I abandon the message not needing to reply and press the power button to lock my phone. My intuition gets directed to my left as I hear a high-pitched laugh, one so enchanting that I'm sure I haven't heard in my life.

Slanting my vision to the location, I see Helena clinging to the arm of a tall lean dude with bronzed skin and visible muscles from the grey tank top he's wearing, his crossed legs covered in black trousers as they both lean by the side of his black Toyota Venza.

I sense my face morphing into a stony expression at the sight in front of me as I can't help but think how perfect they both look together in their matching skin tones. Clamping my lips I pretend not to have seen them and speedwalk to my Bentley, Reed unlocking the car just in time for me to tug the door open and slide in.

"Drive as fast as you can," I say in a chilly voice and he does just that, putting the engine to life and making a sharp swerve before zooming off in the path of my mansion. At some point, I have the need to suggest he slows down but think better on it as we arrive in front of the gigantic gates in not more than three minutes.

The iron shifts and we drive through, Reed heading straight for the garage and turning off the vehicle, prompting me to get out immediately. I stride straight to the house as Ryan opens the door for me.

I don't say a word to anybody till I spot Layla in the bar area in tight-fitting shorts that gives a view of her buttcheeks. She smiles when she sees it's me who has waltzed in, and I don't give her a chance to speak as I bend low enough to grab her legs and throw her over my shoulder while she giggles.

I silently march to my room, kick the door open and saunter to the bed where I drop her roughly.

"Get rid of your clothes," I tell in a commanding voice as I waddle to the barrier where I make sure it is shut and secured. I swerve back to see her fully naked and begin to discard my clothes.

In only my boxer briefs I stride to the bed and flip her around, pulling down the piece of clothing left on me before I ram into her from behind and let out my frustration in the only way I know how, but this time the image of Helena and that guy remains indebted in my mind as I fuck Layla senseless.