
battle between 2 brothers

I took off, running at full speed, the wind whipping my hair behind me. I had learned a great deal during my time in the Snake Sage's Labyrinth. I had been trained to perfection, Orochimaru having shown me many powerful jutsu that now laid at my disposal. I had even improved on my Amaterasu to an unparalleled level. Now, with the Snake Sage dead by my own hands, I was making for the Uchiha hideout. Itachi Uchiha awaited me, and I was ready to do what I must to avenge my clan.

I arrived at the entrance of the hideout. It was an immense structure, towering above me with immense spikes jutting out of its stone walls. It seemed like a mountainous fortress, impenetrable to any would-be invaders. Taking a deep breath, I entered, my destiny looming ahead of me.

At each milemarker, I felt my determination grow stronger and stronger. I knew what I had to do.

The corridor opened up to a large chamber, filled with ancient weaponry and battle-worn flags. Balconies ran along the side of the room, offering vantage points for snipers. In the center stood Itachi, waiting for me with a gleam in his eye.


itachi pov

My heart dropped as I stared down my brother Sasuke, his hair growing wild and his eyes black with hatred, a stark contrast to the person he used to be. He had come seeking revenge for our clan, and I couldn't bring myself to stand in the way of his fury. It pained me to know I had failed to protect my brethren, and deep inside myself, I knew that I wouldn't be able to defeat him this time.

'Itachi!' Sasuke roared, a fierce fire in his voice, sparks of blue fire and gold lightning crackling around his clenched fists. His eyes brimmed with hatred and I could sense the rage in him radiating across the Uchiha hideout.

The hideout was much like a temple, the dull red walls carved with lines of kanji, giving it a unique and solemn atmosphere. This was the last place I would be able to see before meeting my demise.

Sasuke lunged forward, shouting some unintelligible jutsu and I quicky side-stepped it, unleashing painkra laser at him in return. Fire style and lightning style jutsus flew through the air, colliding with each other in an intense battle. I was filled with fear that I wouldn't be able to stop him, and yet I steeled my resolve and pushed on.

With a loud crack and a final jutsu, I was finally defeated and lay on the ground, strong emotions surging through me. It felt like I wanted to cry, yet I couldn't. I took one last glance at Sasuke, and he seemed almost unrecognizable now, his emotions nothing but a cloud of darkness and hatred. Tears came to my eyes, and I knew this was the end.

Suddenly Sasuke knelt down beside me, grief and sorrow etched on his face. His voice was soft and apologetic as he said, "Itachi, forgive me. I didn't understand what Danzo Shimura had done. But I understand now, and I am sorry for what I have done."

I held back my tears, forcing out a few quiet words, "Sasuke, it's okay. I will always love you as my little brother, no matter what. You have the power now, and I only hope you use it wisely."

Sasuke nodded somberly before taking my eyes, hoping that one day, he would understand and forgive himself. With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes and drifted away...

That was the last thing I remembered before my life ended. In my final moments, I felt a mix of regret, sadness, and love for my beloved younger brother Sasuke.