
bat saje mode training and Danzo's schemes (1)

The moment I entered the Moonlight Cave and summoned the Bat Queen, I knew I was in for a crazy training ride. And considering the years of martial arts training I had under my belt since I was a kid, that's really saying something.

I turned to her expectantly, and she smiled. "This training will be… a challenge, but you rise to every challenge, Naruto. You are meant to be the best, and that is what I will help you become. Are you ready?"

As I listened to her captivating voice, I found myself intrigued by her mention of "the best." Curiosity consumed me, prompting a desire for a deeper understanding. What did she truly mean by "the best"? What specific criteria or qualities did she have in mind? I yearned to delve further into her thoughts, eager to unravel the secrets behind her proclamation.

"Bat senjutsu," she said, her voice becoming softer with each word. "It is a training technique that revolves around the manipulation of sound to improve stealth and speed. It will be a great asset to your unique fighting style."

"How so?" I asked, drinking in everything she said.

She nodded, gesturing for me to follow her into a deeper part of the cave. "By practicing the art of bat senjutsu, you will be able to move quickly, and effectively, in a stealthy manner. This will improve your defensive skills, allowing you to quickly dodge and parry attacks, as well as your offensive abilities as you will be able to attack quickly and efficiently without fear of being seen."

My mind hummed with anticipation as I contemplated the vast majority of possibilities that lay before me. The mere thought of it sent a surge of excitement through my frame. With each passing second, I could envision a future filled with endless opportunities and adventures. It was as if a door had opened, revealing a world waiting to be explored. I couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill, ready to embrace what lay ahead.

I gave the Queen a slight smile and asked, "Well, how should I begin?"

The Queen smiled back and said, "Simply begin by finding your balance. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, until you are able to maintain balance while upside down."

I did as she commanded, and in no time, I was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the cave. I concentrated on my breathing, feeling my chakra flowing through my body and slowly controlling my every movement. I could feel the power that bat saje mode offered me—a power that felt wild and untamed, yet comforting and soothing at the same time.

I knew this was only the beginning, but I was already enthralled. I kept meditating for hours, the Bat Queen guiding me through each step.

After what seemed like eternity, the Queen lowered her voice and said, "You've done it, Naruto! This is the first part of your training complete—you have successfully opened the door to bat saje mode. Now it is time to move on to the next step."

I smiled to myself and took a deep breath. I was ready for the second step of my training.

Meanwhile in konoha

Danzo pov:

I chuckle to myself as I stride through the village, my hands tucked safely inside the sleeves of my kimono. It had been easy to overthrow Tsunade and her lackey Shizune and appoint myself as the new Hokage. It did not take long for the council of elders to appoint me Hokage.

My plan is to create an exclusive harem of female ninja that would be loyal to me. In order to do this, I must first find a suitable candidate. There she was, Hinata Hyuga, the young, naive girl of the Hyuga. She lost her mother at a young age and trained under the strict supervision of her father Hiashi Hyuga. She is one of the people in Konoha 13 who despises Naruto. She has plenty of potential and I am sure that she would do well in my harem.

As I approached the grand gates of the magnificent Hokage mansion, anticipation coursed through my circuits. The weight of my plans for Hinata weighed heavily on my mind. With each step along the polished marble corridor, I could feel the gravity of the office's significance, an embodiment of power and responsibility. The soft glow of the sun, casting its gentle rays through the towering windows, illuminated my path. Lost in thought, I meticulously crafted the intricate details of my plan, envisioning each moment as if it were already unfolding.

I can barely contain my excitement, as I take a seat in the Hokage's office and look out the window at the bustling streets of Konoha.

I smile to myself as I turn away from the window and toward the door. I can hear the footsteps getting closer and closer until finally, it opens and the one I have been so patiently waiting for arrives. Hinata Hyuga, the dutiful, naive woman who is so willing to obey any commands I utter.

She enters the room and bows to me, a sign of respect. I smirk and look her up and down. The perfect candidate for my mission. I clear my throat and begin to speak.

"You have been summoned here for a purpose, Hinata. As the Hokage, I order you to join my harem of female shinobi."

Hinata's face pales and her eyes widen in shock.

"Hokage-sama, I cannot… I do not think would be a good idea for me to do something like that."

I can feel a dark rage beginning to boil inside of me. How dare she deny me? Doesn't she know who she is talking to? However, I quickly take a deep breath and force a smile to my face.

"Hinata, I understand that this may seem like a difficult decision for you. However, the citizens of Konoha have placed their faith and trust in me to lead them to a brighter future, and this is a part of that plan. I will ensure your safety and well-being, I swear it. Do not worry, you will not be harmed."

The subtle hint of desperation in my voice is enough to convince her. Hinata looks down and silently nods, allowing me to carry out my plan. I inwardly cheer and begin to explain all the details of the mission.

"Excellent. Now then, Naruto has been banished from the village, so you have nothing to worry about on that front. I need you to join my harem and I will take care of the rest. Once everything has been taken care of, I will send you to the caves of the Zetsu's where you will slowly have your spirit broken until I come and retrieve you."

Hinata looks horrified at the thought of being in the Zetsu's Cave and I feel a sense of victory run through my veins. Seeing the fear in her eyes made my goal seem so close I could almost taste it.

Hinata only briefly looks up at me, too scared and ashamed to speak. I laugh and motion for her to leave.

"You can go now, Hinata. I have some plans to make and I'll let you know what will come next"'

Hinata quickly bows and leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I chuckle to myself, a plan so perfect it could almost be considered genius. A harem of female ninja and nothing that Naruto or anyone else can do about it.

My hands clasp together and my lips curl into a wicked smile. This is going to be perfect.