

Pokémon World, A fantasy land, Adventure, Fun, right? Mistaken! The Pokémon world is a ruthless and vengeful world that is a trap that many fall into. Our protagonist called Arth was a person who was reincarnated in this world as an orphan, accompany us on this dark adventure ------------------------------------------------ END

KETZ · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

The Dark Adventure Cap #1

'¡Uf!... ¡Aah!'

My head hurts a lot. Arth clutches his forehead as a sudden pain on his forehead startled him awake.

"Where I am?"

He looks around only to be greeted by a completely white room.

"Am I kidnapped?" These are his first thoughts.

Arth slowly gets up and looks for a way out. After seemingly walking for fifteen minutes, he can't figure out the dimensions of the room, much less an exit. The room is white as far as I could see.


He groans in pain as his head hurts and some memories flood back.

"My name is Arth Surumi, a 25-year-old medical student. This year I graduated with my master's degree and I went out with my friends to celebrate our graduation late at night. After celebrating until midnight, I returned to my dormitory at shelter to sleep."

The hostel room was not the best there was. On the contrary, they were quite old and dilapidated. But who is he to complain, when most students live in similar conditions? After entering the room, he turned on that creepy LED bulb that kept turning on and off due to the bad power supply.

"Damn! That LED bulb always gave me goosebumps every time I turned it on late at night. I had complained many times to the dorm caretaker about fixing the line, but it always fell on deaf ears. Always I wondered if one day that light bulb would go out." -circuit and I would burn to death in my sleep. "

Shaking his head, Arth remembers the events again. After turning on the light bulb, he went into the bathroom and washed away the tiredness and then went to sleep.

"I remembered turning on the fan while I was lying in bed.

Wait a minute! It was that damn fan that fell on my head and crushed my head instead of that creepy light bulb. I knew that one day that hostel room would be the death of me. But I never expected it to be that fan. "

Arth takes a deep breath and curses the shelter authorities.

"Fuck you all! Damn! In all the years of my college life, you guys killed me on my last day of college."

"Argh! I'm so angry."

Arth creates a ruckus as he madly curses the hostel authorities to vent his frustration.

"It doesn't matter! It's not like I'm coming back to life."

He shakes his head in dismay.


A transparent apparition observes Arth's antics and is shocked by Arth's anger. She laughs lightly and walks over to Arth.

The sudden laughter scares Arth and he turns around to locate the source of that laughter. He is amazed to see an apparition walking towards him.

"Is that another ghost?"

Arth is afraid to see the apparition.

"Are you?"

The apparition smiles at him and releases a calming aura to lower his guard.

"Don't worry, boy! I'm not a ghost or a spirit. I'm what humans call a GOD."

God proclaims his identity.


Arth doubts the claim, but decides to trust the other party.

"I'm dead?"

God is surprised to hear this question from Arth.

"Yes, boy! You're dead."

"So, I really died?" Arth's expression turns solemn and he groans in the corner.

God looks at Arth's solemn expression and sighs to himself.

'The reaper returned to collect the wrong soul. He's been making a lot of mistakes lately. Looks like I have to replace it. '

"Baby! Don't lose hope."

God comforts Arth's poor soul.

"You still have a chance."

"What? Really? Can I come back to life?" Arth looks at God in ecstasy.

"No! That's not possible. After you died, your family members held a funeral for you and cremated your body. So you don't have a body to revive."

God shakes his head.

"Is that so?" The light in Arth's eyes becomes dim.

"Child! Don't lose hope yet. Although you can't go back to your previous life, there is still the next one."

"Then I will be able to reincarnate." Joy appears in Arth's eyes.

"Then what kind of world will I be reincarnated into?"

He looks curiously at GOD.

Hmm. . .

God reflects for a moment and turns to Arth.

"Initially, you were going to reincarnate on earth and live a successful next life with the amount of karma you have accumulated in this life. But I will give you the choice of one world."

Hmm. . .

Arth reflects for a while while memories of various animes, novels, comics, and stories pass through his mind.

"Then I will choose the Pokémon world." He conveys his thoughts without hesitation.

"Pokémon World?!"

God raises an eyebrow,

"Hmm, is it safe?"

"Yes, I am." Arth nods.

"Hmm... since you chose such a dangerous world, since the Pokémon world is not like the anime like that, I'll give you some benefits.

"Benefits ?!"

Arth's eyes shine brightly.

"Can I choose my blessings?" He excitedly asks GOD.

"NO!!" God shakes his head.

"I will give you 2 blessings.

Your first blessing will be to have a superior intelligence since it will be occupied in that world and you will have it from birth.

Even though you have the intelligence, you still have to train and master your competition on your own."

"That's pretty good." Arth nods his head.

'I won't shy away from hard work and training. I have not spent countless hours in the cadaver room performing surgeries on cadavers in vain. It requires great will and patience to do so.'

Noticing Arth's determined expression, GOD nods.

"Your second blessing is having the chef skill and improved regeneration. It will increase your survivability.

"Arth upon hearing the word survival drops a bucket of cold water since he knows that he has to survive since this world will be very dangerous.

Fortunately, GOD gave him an opportunity.

"Arth was told,"

"I lived this life full of regret, but I will not make the same mistake again. Even if I die early, at least I will die happy." Arth has a determined expression.

"That's the spirit." God nods his head with satisfaction.

"Very well! Since you wish to reincarnate in the Pokémon world, I'll let you go. Besides, the world might be a little different from what you know."

Arth, grateful, bows his head before GOD.

"Goodbye then! Also, remember to live your new life to the fullest and without regrets. I would take care of you. Goodbye!"

A white light envelops Arth's body and he loses consciousness.

God looks at Arth's retreating back and remembers the mistake made by the Reaper. It was Arth's roommate's turn to die, but Reaper accidentally picked this guy up.

While Arth mourned his death, God reviewed his profile.

'This child had a tragic past. His parents died when he was a child. His uncle adopted and raised him. It was not out of kindness, but out of greed. Greed to inherit Arth's fortune, left by his father.

As he grew older, his uncle's attitude became cold and they forced him to hand over a large portion of his fortune as compensation for raising him.

To distract himself from this mess, he enrolled in a medical university to pursue a career in medicine. His parents wanted him to be a doctor and Arth dedicated all his efforts to his dream.

He was a compassionate person who would secretly help several poor people through illegal operations. Although it was a serious crime to practice without a title, the boy had enough faith in himself.

After all, those poor people had no options. They had no money to pay for medical expenses and one way or another they will eventually die.

So, they chose to believe in Arth. This act of kindness helped him accumulate karma.

"Your destiny is yours, even if destiny has something else in store for you."

God shakes his head and summons the reaper

Remember, I am a novice writer, I have no experience, and I also do not have the money to hire a professional.

I write for fun and to entertain you. If you like to donate, I will thank you. I hope you support this beautiful story and I say goodbye.

KETZcreators' thoughts