
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Yin's Determination

After returning from the beach, Yin has been training herself for the last 2 days. You may think "Why is she training isn't she already very strong?". Well you're right she is but, she isn't training for strength but rather for focus and concentration so that this time she won't be influenced by Yang's words or tricks.

[Authors Note: Hmm…is that so. Well, good luck Yin. I'm cheering for you]

Yin walks on the street searching for Yang but he's nowhere to be found. Yin looks for more than 4hrs or so but she still couldn't find him. She yelled looking up at the sky "Why can't I find that jerk when I'm looking for him. And why does he always appear when I don't wanna see him. Whyyyyy…".

A kid walking by with his mother. "Mommy look there's a crazy lady like that uncle before and she's, screaming. Mommy look look". The mother says to her kid "Yes I know she must be a crazy old lady and didn't I say before don't point fingers at others, dear". The kid replies "I'm sorry mommy. I forgot". Yin was in a rage because the kid called her crazy and the mother called her an old lady. The mother then looks at Yin and was frightened so she holds her kid's hand and walked away fast.

Yin pouts and says "Tch, who's the kid calling crazy and his mother she an old hag and she's calling me an old lady. I mean c'mon who's the one with a child. Hmph".

Yin then thinks "I guess I won't find him today. There's a park nearby I guess I'll visit it and relax for a while". She starts walking and after a few minutes, she reaches the park. Just as she was about to put her first step inside the park entrance gates she ran at full speed straight.

[Authors Note: People usually enter by walking but took a 180 turn and ran inside like a bullet. Lol.]

Yin ran straight at full speed while taking out her sword. Why you may ask? That's because she saw her prey and it was none other than Yang. Yang wasn't aware of what was coming toward him. Yang bought an Ice cream and was about to sit peacefully on a bench and take a bite. But just as he was about to sit and take a bite of the ice cream, Yin came running and with her sword she slashed both the ice cream and the bench in half. Yang's eyes were closed when he was about to taste the ice cream. He fell down on one side of the bench and the ice cream fell to the ground. He got surprised and startled and screamed "Woah.. what happened I promise I'll pay full money for the ice cream for next time. Just leave alone sorry sorry".

[Authors Note: You might think he said that when got sacred suddenly. That's because our dear Yang actually bargained while buying an Ice cream. Jeezz Yang]

Yang then came to the reliazation and saw Yin standing behind her in rage. Everyone in the park could feel her bloodlust and her intense aura. Yang was sweating in nervousness. He said, "Wait..liste….". Yin started attacking again and said, "I won't hear anything you say today I even bought these earphones so I won't listen to you". "Wai…wait…Woah calm down," says Yang while dodging her attacks. "Look let's work things out alright. I won't run this time," says Yang but Yin couldn't hear anything since she was wearing the earphones and she kept attacking Yang.

The people in the park didn't really care what was happening they thought it was some shooting for a movie. Yin thrust her sword straight at Yang's face with precision and speed. Yang barely dodged it but he was scathed a little by the sword on his cheeks very close to his eyes. Yang wipes the blood and think's while smiling "She really is strong. Her speed and accuracy are very good. No wonder she's an SSS-Rank hero". Yin looks very happy since she got to injure Yang a little but stopped her attack for a few seconds. This was because she somehow felt a little sad for hurting him. "No what am I thinking. He's my enemy I shouldn't sympathise with him," says Yin.

The fight went on for an hour or so and someone recognised Yin and called the reporters. The reporters came to the spot very quickly and we're recording everything. Yin was basically a celebrity that's why she always goes out in disguise but now she forgot she was in public since she was too focused on fighting Yang.

[Authors Note: I feel like the focus and concentration training is working in the wrong way, Yin. Haha]

Yang kept telling Yin to around but Yin still couldn't hear anything. Yin does another speed attack with her sword and aims at Yang's neck. Yang holds her hand and manages to stop the attack at the last second. He smirks with a naughty smile and says "Hey why don't you look around, huh". Yin couldn't hear anything but looking at the smirk she knew he said something to tease her like before so she got even angrier. Yin gets rid of her jacket completely. At this point, she forgot she was wearing a disguise.

Yin was so angry and that smirk of his exploded her previous her anger from the beach. She remembered everything. She death glares at Yang and says with an evil smile "You really wanna die, huh. So be it I'll fullfill your wish today, you bastard". "Oh shit, I did it even without realising it. I didn't mean to smile like that. Damn it, I think she has the wrong idea," says Yang in his mind.

Yin runs towards Yang for a final attack. Just as she was about to run Yin tripped and fell in front of all the news reporters and her earphones came off. "Ow, ow damn it. I think I sprained my ankle" says Yin. Yin then looks up at sees so many many with cameras recording and taking photos of her. Yin is lost for a moment she then realizes that all this time Yang was pointing behind her because he telling her to look back. Yin was so embarrassed that she couldn't look up and she kept staring down at the ground.

Yin then realises Yang was here too. She looks back to see Yang. Yang was long gone. Yin thought she lost him again and all the people telling her to look at the camera for taking a photo, everything was happening at the same and this was the reason she got even more pissed. Yin destroyed all the cameras and ran away with her face red from embarrassment. She ran back to her house saying "You won this time Sniff* but I'll sniff* win next time for sure you sniff* jerk"

Meanwhile, Yang is at his house. "Ahh today sure was a disaster not for me but for someone else hahaha. But it was fun. I wonder what her face looked like when she saw all those cameras and people staring at her".

Name  |  Points

Yin       |      2 (Shut up, you jerk. And I don't need a point for sc)

Yang    |      5 (Hey, you own me an Ice cream and the government a new bench)

The reason Yang was in the park was because he talking a stroll since he was getting bored staying at home all day. I guess not so bored anymore. Lol.

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