

The supernatural world is at the brink of war. Packs are divided due to power angry Alphas and Betas. Determined to be the sole rulers, most alphas are defying the rules set by the Moon Goddess. Raging wars in every packs that fail to support them. Believing that there's nothing or no one powerful enough to stop them, they turn a blind eye on their weak pack members and even torture them not knowing what fate awaits them in the near future. If only they knew that the Eagle wolf was already born, they would have reconsidered their evil plans. In Sanctum state, Cyclone city, resides Alpine Pearl Nightshade who is 13 years old. She lives with her parents, two brothers and a twin sister.Despite being the last born, Alpine has suffered from every form of abuse from both her parents, siblings, pack members and also outsiders. This was due to the fact that she had not shifted to her wolf (or so she made them believe)and so she was considered a curse, human and an abomination to all werewolf community. How was she a human yet she came from a strong line of Beta family? After enduring every form of abuse for 2 years, her parents mostly her mother couldn't tolerate her presence, so she offered her to the rogue alpha as payment for the job he will help them do. At thirteen, she was kidnapped from the Luna's conference that she had attended. Locked away in the Rogue pack by Alpha Henigan. She was tortured, starved and experimented on for 8 years until one fateful day, three days to her 21st birthday. She got an open opportunity and took a run into the woods never to be found. She ends up trespassing on one of the most dangerous pack lands. Loosing conscious only to wake up days later in the hospital. Confused on where she was, only to learn later that she was in deed in the Hybrid Royal pack hospital. Could her fate be any more cruel?

Priscar_Arielle · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Alpine's POV

"Hey Al, there's something you should know," Pearl said. She sounded so nervous which made me panic, was something wrong? I pondered internally.

"Um,,, Pearl? are you ok, you sound nervous and this is so unlike you, are you not feeling okay?" I asked her.

If she is feeling sick, it will dampen my mood since it will mean staying here longer and that wasn't part of my plan. My plans involved getting well and leaving this place as fast as possible before things starts getting out of hand.

I could feel her displeasure and I wondered why she was so reluctant on leaving this place. Before I could voice my thoughts, she beat me to it.

"You can't possibly think about leaving right now Al," she said softly. "Furthermore, its not like you can leave even if you tried, she will not allow you to leave," she added with a chuckle.

I was seriously confused, what was going on here. Was my leaving a problem? Who is this 'she' that will not allow my departure, was I supposed to ask for permission before leaving?

I had so many questions with no answers. Pearl wasn't helping either, she was busy laughing at my confused state.

"Instead of beating around the bush, why don't you just tell her? Its not going to cost you a thing is it?" A soft melodious voice chimed in from my mind startling both Pearl and I.

"Who the hell was that?" "Who are you? Where did you come from?" Pearl and I asked simultaneously.

Through Pearl's voice, I deduced that she also had no idea who the other voice belonged to.

The only answer we got was a smooth laugh from our new companion that had us more confused.

"You're supposed to give our human the answers she seeks Pearl, not ask questions. Aren't werewolves supposed to be bright and caring for their human companions," she suddenly asked teasingly.

Pearl was furious, I could feel her anger and for a moment there, it had me worried. Even if I wasn't fully conscious I knew the heart monitors might be all over the place.

"Who are you to question my intelligence, you're just an imposter trying to cause trouble. How did you even get here huh," asked Pearl furiously.

I knew I needed to diffuse the situation but I was enjoying the banter. I was curious to know who had managed to rattle Pearl this much but I wasn't about to get chewed on so I stayed quiet.

"Are you going to tell her or should I? Times wasting and I know she is itching to know more about our dearest Alpha," the voice said without paying any mind to Pearl's anger.

"What is really going on between you two? You are both arguing like a pair of old married couple," I interjected. I found the situation so amusing.

'Married to her? I would rather choke on my own vomit' or 'don't even go there' were their quick response that made me wish I had kept my thoughts to myself. This two were so much alike yet so different.

Suddenly, the two started bickering going off track. I still had so many questions to ask and no answers.

"Um,,, Pearl, am kind of still waiting for your answer to my earlier questions." I suddenly said trying to bring the two back to our earlier conversation before things got out of hand.

Just when pearl was about to answer, I felt a presence near my hospital bed. From the negative energy I felt emitting from them I knew the person had no good intentions towards me. The sudden realization that I might be in danger made me panic in fright. The panic suddenly woke me from my sleep like state.

Due to the sudden shock, my heart monitors went off and I struggled to opened my eyes. After a couple of tries, they suddenly opened only fir me to close them due to the bright light in the room.

My unexpected visitor might not have anticipated me to wake up because I heard the spike of their heartbeat and they sucked in their breath before running out of the room.

This incident left me wondering what their clear intentions were. From the left over scent, I was able to deduce that it was a female.

What was her business in my room? Was she here to harm me or did someone send her here?

During my inner monologue, I was jolted by the opening of the door to my room and two sets of footsteps came rushing in.

"Lisa, do you have any idea what happened?" came a familiar voice. She was one of the nurses I heard talking the other day or was it today? I have no sense of day or time.

"I have no idea Jodie, I was in the ER when Nurse Sammy came rushing to me. She said that the monitors from this room were all over the place, that is when I paged you before I rushed here," Lisa answered.

From both their scents, none of them was here a few minutes ago. Feeling safe with them present, I slowly opened my eyes which luckily had become accustomed to the light.

After checking around quickly, my eyes landed on two very beautiful ladies in the room and I was floored. This are the first females am seeing for the past eight years and my, are they gorgeous?

The two were lost in their conversations and I took the time to admire both the room and the gorgeous nurses. What can I say, am a pervert.

"They really are beautiful aren't they?" I heard the new voice say drooling. I was yet to learn her name which she was being evasive about.

"They really are a sight for sore eyes," I added gently. I guess Pearl did not like my answer because she snorted and rolled her eye.

"What? Our dear Pearl doesn't think they are beautiful? What a shame, its not bad to appreciate someone else you know," I sarcastically remarked, I felt someone nod and I knew they affirmed my statement.

"By the way, could you please tell us your name so that I can stop referring you as a stranger, it sounds odd," I genuinely asked.

She made a face as if thinking, for a minute there I thought she wasn't going to answer and then…

"They call me Dara," she answered smoothly.

The minute both Pearl and I heard her name, it was like something clicked in us and we both shouted, "The angel?"

I don't know what happened but it seemed that I had not thought it internally because suddenly two sets of surprised eyes were directed to me.

I definitely don't like being a center of attention. The two gorgeous nurses were looking at me like they've seen a ghost.

"Um,,, Pearl? What's really happening right now? I could really use your confidence" I asked her panicking.

"Oh now you need me huh? Were you not the one complimenting their beauty five minutes ago, has it become too much for you to handle?" Pearl answered sarcastically with a dry chuckle.

I was really confused by Pearl's behavior, was it really a crime to compliment one's beauty? I went to retort only for her to cut me off.

"Don't even go there Al, I get it, you find them beautiful. What will be your reaction when you finally see our mate huh, I bet you will have a nose bleed," she said with a laugh "if just a simple kiss on your forehead has your heart almost beating through your ribcage, imagine your face when you see her, I bet you are going to faint," she added with hysterical laugh.

Dara looked at her like she had grown two heads, I on the other hand, had a brain freeze. Mate she said? We have met our mate? I went to ask more but Dara chose that moment to speak.

"Pearl, couldn't you have found a more suitable way to break the news to her? Now see what you've done, she's in shock," Dara reprimanded.

While Pearl and Dara started their argument, I chose that moment to look up, there they were, still looking at me. I faintly smiled and I think that brought them back to the present because they started fussing around me.

They asked a series of questions which I couldn't possibly answer because of my dry mouth. Sensing my predicament, the one I learned to be Lisa was sent to get me a glass of water.

Leaving the two of us alone, Jodie expressed how glad she was I was finally awake and that their Alpha will be extremely happy too. I was curious about their Alpha but I couldn't voice my question.

Lisa came back a few minutes later with a glass of water but the minute she drew close to me, I panicked.

She had on her, the same female scent from earlier. Was she here to harm me? Looking at it, when she was here a few minutes ago, she didn't smell like pine wood and lemon, she smelled like strawberries.

Jodie seemed to realize that I was afraid of Lisa because she took the cup, asked Lisa to stand by the corner and offered the cup to me herself. She had this questioning look on her face but I shook my head 'No.'

Afterwards, Jodie performed a number of tests on me, all this while, Lisa had this troubled look on her face while standing in a corner.

"How come you smell differently from before?" I chose to ask the nagging question I had.

This seemed to startle both of them, I chuckled. They looked at me in wonder, I had no idea why, whether it was from me speaking or my question, that's debatable.

"What do you mean, girl?" Lisa asked " why are you afraid of me now?" she added.

"Alpine,, my name is Alpine, not girl. To answer your question, earlier when you both arrived, you smell like strawberries while Jodie smell like mangoes. When you came back, your scent was mixed with pine wood and Lemon. Did you by any chance hug someone on your way here?" I asked politely.

They both looked at me, questions written all over their faces. Maybe they had no idea I had n acute sense of smell right? I think I should just keep my own thoughts.

"You think?" came in a reply from Pearl which I chose to ignore while sticking my tongue out to her.

"How do you know that scent so well?" Jodie asked suddenly.

"Because she was hear earlier before you two showed up. The energy surrounding her wasn't so good at all. That's the reason my monitors were all over the place," I answered. This statement seem to shock them more.

"Lisa, how did she get in here and who informed her about Alpine being here. Please tell me you didn't. You didn't, right Lisa?" Jodie was panicking.

What was really going on here, why does Jodie seem angry all of a sudden? I failed to hear Lisa's reply.

They seem to have had some kind of argument before they left in a hurry. That was actually strange, Pearl and Dara agreed with me.

I yawned due to exhaustion and decided to catch a nap. Just when I was about to close my eyes and surrender to darkness, a bright light engulfed the room rendering me blind.

'Not again' were my last thoughts before I lost consciousness.

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