
The cursed vampire prince's obsession

"I'll do anything you want, please don't kill me!" On a nroms, he wouldn't mind the tears of a mere human. He hated them to his bones. They thought highly of themselves yet they were nothing but weak, conniving, and despicable idiots. But this one was different. She was begging while rubbing her palms together furiously in tears yet he didn't feel any remorse or guilt from her. The way she stared deep into his eyes, almost as if she could see the monster he was. He sensed hate. "Take this one to the dungeon," He said coldly. His gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before he left. The moment his back faced her, the pitiful face she put on disappeared and a more sinister one replaced it. Finally, she has entered the walls of this castle. She would continue her mother's failed dream. She would tear this family apart just as they did hers. Everything they made her and her family go through, she would repay it in ten, no, HUNDRED folds! *** "What is that on your back?!" She whispered in horror. One step back...two steps back...three steps back. The moment she saw who he really was, she cowardly drifted away from him. "Come closer" he ordered but she remained standing, unwilling to adhere to his order. Was this the cursed prince?! The Maximilian family had five sons and of all the sons she could fall victim to, Why the cursed prince?! She knew her life was at risk the moment she stepped foot in the castle, but she had no plans of dying the very next minute without achieving her aim. So she did the very first thing her instincts urged her to do, the very first thing a rational person would do...she ran. She ran away from him just like everyone else did. *This book is a slow burn book*

Iamjustjuliet · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Lily, Aziel


The moment she stepped into their presence, she could feel the tension from their unspoken words, their eyes lingered on her longer than they should. But why not? She was the star of the gathering.

The guard harshly in the middle of the royal family.

"My king!" He bowed his head in respect, "This is the lady who tried to steal from the princess's chambers."

No one said a word. They were all observing her just as was doing them. She was kneeling with her head on the floor. From this position, she tried to sneak a glance at the faces of the royal family. They were Four children instead of six. Two were not present. She hoped the cursed prince was one of those absent two.

The first person her eyes met was the king as he was opposite her. He was relaxed on his throne, his hawk eyes sizing her. He had short neatly trimmed grey beards, his thin lips pursed into a thin line, and wrinkles formed around his narrowed grey eyes. He would be nothing less than 300 she guessed. It was a well-known fact that vampires were almost ageless.

"King Uriah." She muttered under her breath.

"Pardon me, my king! It was never my intention to steal but the tough circumstance I was in called for it. I'll do anything you ask for, just please, have mercy on me." She started wailing out loud when the members of the royal family didn't utter a word even after five minutes since she was brought before them.

"Who sent you?" The king's deep baritone voice sounded.

"N-no no one my king," She raised her head to answer and bent it back immediately.

"You want me to believe you acted all on your own when you very well know the consequences of trying to cross the royal family? Don't take me for a fool child."

"Forgive me, my king," She dramatically cried out, "My mother passed away few days ago because we couldn't get money for her treatment. I am an only child with no relatives or someone to lend me help. I haven't eaten for days. It is not an excuse my king but I had no choice. I would have died either way from starvation if I didn't find a way to..."

"Oh shut up already," She was tempted to lift her head when she heard shoes clacking but she didn't. "Ah!" She yelled when strong fingers grabbed her by the hair tightly and lifted her head to look at him.

"I've had enough of your acting! Now tell me, Duke Levin sent you huh?"

"Eliott!" The king called out.

'So this was Prince Eliott' She smiled internally.

"Words won't get through her Father. I know their kind, a good beating will have the truth out in seconds" Eliott spat in her face.

"Violence is not everything..."

Her eyes shot right to the prince who spoke. He sat on the first seat at the king's right hand

"In this case, it is Edward."

'And that was Prince Edward. The eldest'

"I wouldn't like to repeat myself again, Eliott. To your seat," The king said calmly but the authority in his voice was second to none.

Eliott roughly let go of her hair. He gazed at her with hatred before he walked back to his seat.

"I think you should forgive her father, I really pity her," The mellifluous voice of the princess rang out. The way she spoke was so soft and welcoming.

'Princess Elena' she noted.

"Women are meant to stay out of matters like this, what are you even doing here anyway?" Eliott spoke again. It seemed as if something was irritating him with the way he unfiltered his words.

"She stole from me, what other reason do I have to get involved?" Seems princess Elena was not a pushover. Eliott didn't say anything again.

"Take her back to the dungeon, I'll conclude what to do with her by tomorrow,"

"There is nothing to think about Father, cut off her head immediately. You don't plan on letting this potential danger loose, do you?" Eliott was finally right about something. She was not only bringing danger to this family, but she was also bringing doom. Endless doom!

"Eliott! Don't you dare question the king's decision again. I'm sure he has his reasons..." Edward was scolding Eliott but his piercing gaze landed on her.

"No one is taking her out of here nor is anyone cutting off her head,"

She recognized that voice. It was the voice of the person who came to fulfill her 'dying' wish on the execution grounds.

She looked at Eliott. It was time for him to start yapping yet he only gazed at the prince who just spoke with sheer hatred. Guess her savior has some kind of authority here.

"And what do you want to do with her?" The king asked thoughtfully.

"I'll take her with me," The prince answered.

"And why will you take her with you? Who do you think you are?!" Eliott scoffed. He readjusted himself on the seat under the burning glare of the authoritative prince.

"Do you want her?" The prince smiled calmly.

"And what if I do? She'll be perfect as a slave during the day and warming my bed at night," Eliott smirked.

"Too bad none of those will happen. You didn't go to meet her when she requested your presence yet you want her?" The prince turned to his father and said, "I saved her so she's mine."

He wasn't asking for permission to take her with him, he was letting them know that he was taking her. He bowed slightly at his father and started walking out of the hall.

He stopped by the side of the woman who was still on her knees, staring at him with those brown eyes of hers that lurked something mysterious. "Let's go," He told her and began walking again.

He halted his steps again when she didn't follow me, "come with me if you still want to save that tiny little head of yours."

She sprang right up and gave each of the royal family members a deep bow, after she was done with that, she ran after her savior.

The worst part was finally over. She couldn't help the triumphant smile that curved her lips.

They were now alone, walking in the dark corridors of the palace. She had no clue where he was taking her to.

They were walking together but she made sure to keep at least two step distance away from him.

"What is your name?" His cold voice reverberated in the silent corridor.

"What?" She didn't get him. He stopped walking and turned to face her.

"If you're going to remain with me, they're a few things to note. I hate repeating myself. It'll do you more good than harm to not keep any distance between us."

She understood what he meant and immediately came closer to him. The distance between them was so near that she could feel his hot breath fanning her face.

"I'll ask again. What's your name?"

"Lily. My name is Lily." She answered.

"Lily....you certainly do smell like one" He inhaled her scent.

"Aziel. That's my name." He then turned and continued walking.
