

  Juliana's POV

  Having finished with my duty, I strode toward Ryan's room to see him.

  I pushed his door open and walked in, I stared around but I couldn't see him. I stride toward the direction that leads to his bathroom.

  I peeped inside but I couldn't see anybody. I walked around his room but I couldn't see any trace of him.

  If he is not around then why should he leave his room door open?

  I glazed my eyes thoughtfully but I couldn't get my finger on what exactly it was. I shook my head and sighed before plopping myself onto his king-size bed.

  But something slid on my head before I could even make it to the bed.

  "Maybe he is in his office," I thought.

  I smiled, anyway, a little surprise won't hurt. I started striding to his office despite the aching pain in my heart, and the feeling that something bad might happen.

  I sighed and shove away the negative feelings aside and proceeded to where I was going, which was no other than Ryan's office.