
Chapter 27: Goodbye Belzaar

Mary-Allison Flagstone

He’s still here. In my bed. Christopher sleeps peacefully. Probably wiped from all the vampires he’s had to kill. ‘Vampires’, it will not be insane to me. How have I not encountered these creatures in my two-hundred years on this planet? But all my questions go away when I watch Christopher’s ribs rise and fall.

I can’t stop staring at him as he sleeps. All I want is to see those ivy-green eyes, but now, he’s just as beautiful with them shut. We agreed in the late hours of last night to leave Belzaar today. The ferry will be here in a few hours. While tourists unload from the raft, we’ll have the first mate load us, and when the ferry is empty of all its guests, we’ll ride out of Belzaar’s dark waters.