
The Cursed Legacy

Watch the Journey of Lucan and Malcon in the 18th century Europe

Jaadu_2910 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Meeting

After the meeting with his Professor he was walking down the hallways, he suddenly heard a violent explosion

Lucan rushed into the courtyard, his heart pounding with fear and confusion. The once serene space was now chaotic, filled with debris and panicked students scrambling for safety. Among them, he spotted the girl he had bumped into earlier, her expression mirroring his own shock and disbelief.

"Hey, what's going on!?" Lucan called out as he approached her, his voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction.

Before she could respond, a violent explosion rocked the academy, sending shockwaves through the courtyard. Lucan staggered back, instinctively shielding his face from the debris raining down around him. As he looked up, his heart sank at the sight of a massive chunk of the university walls teetering precariously above him.

Time seemed to slow as fear gripped him, his mind racing with thoughts of impending doom. He closed his eyes, bracing for the impact, but instead of feeling the crushing weight of the falling debris, he felt himself lifted into the air as if by invisible hands.

Startled, he opened his eyes to find himself being carried to safety by a mysterious figure. As they landed on the roof of a nearby building, Lucan stumbled and fell to the ground, his limbs trembling with adrenaline.

He looked up to see the man who had saved him, his features obscured by shadows. The man's piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into his soul, and Lucan couldn't shake the feeling that there was something otherworldly about him.

"Wakey wakey, man. You're safe now," the man said, his voice was silly.

Lucan blinked in confusion, struggling to process what had just happened. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"Hehe, I am a Vampire!" the man declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement like stars in the night sky.

"A vampire?" Lucan's voice wavered with confusion as he tried to process the revelation.

The man seated himself at the edge of the roof, his demeanor oddly relaxed. "Yes, you heard it right. I'm a vampire."

"Weren't vampires supposed to be extinct?" Lucan asked, his brow furrowing in disbelief.

"Please, drop me back to my academy," Lucan requested, his voice tinged with urgency.

The vampire's expression turned mysterious as he regarded Lucan. "What academy?"

Confusion clouded Lucan's mind as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "The one you picked me up from," he replied hesitantly.

Suddenly, realization dawned on Lucan as he turned to look at the academy below. His eyes widened in horror as he took in the devastation. The once grand structure lay in ruins, bodies of students and teachers strewn across the courtyard.

"I'm afraid you won't survive down there," the vampire said with a chilling laugh, his eyes glittering with amusement.

"What— What can cause such madness?!" Lucan's voice trembled with disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the devastation that had unfolded before him in a matter of minutes.

As the weight of the situation bore down on him, Lucan felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. The shock of the chaos and destruction around him proved too much to bear, and he stumbled backward, his vision blurring.

With a soft gasp, Lucan's world faded into darkness as he succumbed to the overwhelming emotions and the sheer magnitude of the tragedy that had unfolded before him. The vampire watched over him with a mixture of concern and intrigue, knowing that the events of this fateful day would set into motion a series of events that would change the course of Lucan's life forever.

Lucan's eyes fluttered open, blinking against the harsh hospital lights. As his vision cleared, he realized he was in a hospital bed, with the vampire watching over him, a smirk playing on his lips.

Startled, Lucan sat up abruptly, his heart pounding with confusion and fear. He glanced around the room, taking in the sight of other patients and their peculiar behavior.

"W-wake up?" Lucan stammered, his voice betraying his shock.

"Yeah, you're up," the vampire replied, his smirk widening slightly.

Lucan shook his head, trying to make sense of the surreal situation. "It's confusing," he muttered, his mind still reeling from the events of the previous night.

"What's confusing?" the vampire inquired, his tone casual.

"The sudden turn of events, and what happened in one single night," Lucan explained, his voice trembling slightly.

As he spoke, Lucan couldn't help but notice the strange behavior of the other patients in the room. Many of them were gently biting the necks of their relatives, a sight that sent a shiver down his spine.

"What's this place?" Lucan asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"Look at the window," the vampire said, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

Lucan got up from his bed and approached the window, feeling a surge of anticipation mingled with apprehension. As he gazed out, he was greeted by a sight that sent a shiver down his spine.

Outside, the sky was a dark-reddish hue, casting an ominous glow over the landscape. The moon hung low, its silvery light struggling to pierce through the thick clouds that veiled the horizon.

Lucan's mind raced with questions as he took in the surreal scene before him. "What part of the world is this?" he whispered, his voice filled with wonder and trepidation.

The vampire stood beside him, his expression unreadable as he regarded the crimson sky. "This, Lucan," he replied in a tone tinged with mystery, "is a realm unlike any other. A place where darkness and light, magic and mystery, coalesce in a delicate dance of power and intrigue."

"Oh... why did you only save me?" asked Lucan, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

"Well, well, I liked that grimoire of yours," said the vampire with a sly grin, "and I want you to be my partner."

Lucan's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the unexpected proposal. "Partner?" he echoed, his mind racing with questions.

"Oh, I almost forgot to reveal my name... want to know it?" said the vampire, his tone teasing.

"Well, if you saved my life, I suppose I want to know it," Lucan replied, unable to suppress a twinge of curiosity.

"It's Malcom. MALCOM THE GREAT," the vampire declared proudly, his voice echoing with theatrical flair.

"Ahh... Malcom, what a strange name," Lucan remarked, his lips quirking into a wry smile. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but find amusement in the vampire's dramatic introduction.

"Yes, I am a curse treater," Malcom confirmed, his voice taking on a serious tone.

"A curse treater? What type of curse?" Lucan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"The curse of the red moon," Malcom explained grimly. "It causes vampires to lose control of themselves and attack other vampires who are unaffected by the curse."

Lucan's eyes widened in realization as he grasped the severity of the situation. "So, you're able to treat this curse?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope.

"Yes, I am able to treat curses. Usually, they behead those who are affected by the curses," Malcom explained grimly.

"But I, Malcom, want to change that," he declared, his tone resolute.

As they were engrossed in conversation, a girl entered their room, her beauty striking. "Well hello, fiancé," she greeted, her voice melodic.

"Well hello, Remi. I am not your fiancé," Malcom replied, his tone firm.

"Oh no, no, you silly," Remi chuckled, brushing off his response. "Well, you forgot that you were escorting me to the ball tonight?"

Lucan observed the exchange with curiosity, noting the dynamic between Malcom and Remi. It was clear that there was history between them,

"But who is this man lying in the bed?" Remi inquired, her attention shifting to Lucan.

"Uh... he is a friend of mine," Malcom replied, evading her questioning gaze.

"Oh, well, it's time for you to rest," Remi declared, her tone laced with thinly veiled hostility as she directed her attention back to Lucan.

"Well... well. Ay, what Remi?!" Malcom protested as Remi took him by the hand, leading him out of the hospital room.

As they departed, Lucan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. "That was weird," he remarked to himself, his mind racing with questions.

As he pondered his next move, his gaze fell upon a note left on the chair where Malcom had been sitting. Curious, he picked it up and read the message: "Hey, I don't know your name... please make your way to the town hall by asking people around and find me at the place where most people are dancing."

With a sense of purpose, Lucan folded the note and tucked it into his pocket. 

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