
The Cursed Legacy

Watch the Journey of Lucan and Malcon in the 18th century Europe

Jaadu_2910 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


"Hey Lucan... OI, LUCAN!"

The shout jolted Lucan awake, his dreams dissipating like morning mist. He blinked groggily, trying to focus on the voice that had dragged him from his slumber.

"What happened, Mother?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes and scratching his head.

His mother stood in the doorway, a basket of laundry balanced on her hip. She gave him an exasperated look, her eyebrows raised in a mix of amusement and frustration.

"You know that you're going to London tomorrow, right?" she said, her voice carrying the tone of someone who had repeated herself far too many times.

Lucan sat up, his blanket sliding off him and revealing the clothes he had fallen asleep in. "Oh, right. The trip," he muttered, his mind still sluggish from sleep.

"Yes, the trip," his mother repeated, shaking her head. "Honestly, Lucan, how could you forget something so important? You'll be studying under one of the greatest scholars in the country."

Lucan stretched, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep. "I didn't forget, just… temporarily misplaced the thought."

His mother rolled her eyes, setting the laundry basket down with a soft thump. "Well, get your things together. You need to be ready. Your father is already up and about, making sure everything's set for your journey."

Lucan finally stood up, stifling a yawn. "Alright, alright. I'll get ready. Just give me a moment to wake up properly."

As his mother left the room, Lucan glanced around at the organized chaos that was his room. Books and papers were scattered across his desk, clothes draped over the back of a chair, and a half-packed suitcase lay open on the floor. He sighed, running a hand through his unruly hair.

"London, huh?" he mused to himself. "This is going to be interesting."

He began gathering his belongings, mentally preparing for the adventure that awaited him in the bustling city of London. As he sifted through the clutter on his desk, his eyes landed on a familiar, worn tome. It was his light grimoire, its cover etched with intricate symbols that glowed faintly in the dim morning light. He picked it up, feeling the reassuring weight of the book in his hands.

"Can't forget you," he said softly, placing the grimoire into his suitcase.

His gaze then shifted to a corner of the room where a sheathed longsword rested against the wall. The blade was unlike any other, emitting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the dim room. Lucan unsheathed it partially, watching the light dance along the edge of the blade.

"Never know when you might need a bit of extra light," he chuckled, carefully placing the sword next to the grimoire.

With his essentials now packed, Lucan felt a surge of anticipation. This wasn't just any journey; it was a step into a world filled with mystery and magic, far beyond the quiet life he had known. And with his grimoire and glowing longsword by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"London, here I come," he whispered to himself, a determined smile spreading across his face as he closed his suitcase. Little did he know, this trip would be the start of a journey far more extraordinary than he could ever imagine.

As Lucan took and packed his stuff, he got out of the house and looked up to see Freya slowly approaching him with a smile on her face.

"So, you're going, right? Well, I didn't expect you to be selected," she chuckled.

"Well, yeah. I think they took me in because of my light magic," he replied with a slight smile.

"Must be really lucky for you... Well, you know that part of the city isn't good on the slum side," she said, her expression turning a bit more serious.

"Yeah, I know. I'll keep my distance from there," Lucan assured her.

Just then, his father's voice boomed from behind a horse-drawn carriage. "Ay, Lucan! Come fast, we don't have all day here!"

"Alright, Father," Lucan called back, then turned to Freya. "Bye, Freya."

"Alright, bye," she said, watching him with a wistful look as he slowly departed from the town.

Lucan climbed into the carriage, setting his suitcase and the sheathed longsword beside him. His father flicked the reins, and the horses started moving. The town of Ebonfall receded into the distance, its familiar sights and sounds fading as they embarked on the journey to London.

The road ahead was long, winding through forests and meadows, each turn bringing Lucan closer to his new life. As they traveled, Lucan couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. He looked down at the grimoire in his lap, tracing the glowing symbols with his fingers. This book, along with his light magic, had earned him a place in the prestigious academy in London. It was an opportunity he couldn't have dreamed of, yet it also meant leaving everything he knew behind.

"Thinking about something, son?" his father asked, breaking the silence.

"Just... everything. It's a lot to take in," Lucan admitted.

His father nodded. "I understand. It's a big change, but it's a great opportunity. You've got a bright future ahead of you, Lucan. Just remember to stay true to yourself and be careful."

"I will, Father," Lucan replied, feeling a bit more reassured.

As the day turned to dusk, they reached the outskirts of London. The city loomed ahead, its skyline a mix of ancient spires and modern buildings, all bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. Lucan's heart raced with anticipation as they crossed the city gates, entering a world that promised adventure, knowledge, and perhaps, a touch of danger.

The carriage wound its way through the bustling streets, eventually stopping in front of a grand building. The academy stood tall, its imposing facade a testament to centuries of learning and magic. Lucan took a deep breath, gripping his suitcase and sword tightly.

"This is it," his father said, looking up at the academy with a sense of pride. "You're going to do great things here, Lucan."

Lucan acknowledged the intricate carvings and grandiose spires of the academy's architecture, marveling at the blend of ancient artistry and modern design. Each detail seemed to whisper stories of the past, of legendary scholars and powerful magics that had shaped the world. He paused for a moment, taking it all in, then looked back at the carriage and his father waiting beside it.

His father gave him a nod of encouragement. "Remember, son, this is your time. Make the most of it."

Lucan smiled, feeling a surge of determination. "I will, Father. Thank you."

With one last wave, he turned and ascended the steps of the academy, each step echoing with the promise of new beginnings.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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