

Yosef Gideon is a Knight Templar, and veteran of the Second Crusade. He arrives in the Holy Land to carry out a confidential treasure mission for Master Balian of Jaffa County. The mission entails him and his elite squad of Knight Templars to receive Pilgrim Treasure and Holy relics from Jerusalem and safely deliver them in Jaffa. His journey brings him in touch with friends and foes who are eyeing the Pilgrim Treasure and Holy Relics in his possession. Unknowingly, a deep conspiracy is woven around him that will test his faith as he fights tooth and nail to defend his mission and safeguard their lives. Along the way, he gets cursed for standing by his values. Will he emerge victorious despite the odds against him? Read the novel to be updated. ... Please rate and review this story. Let me as well as others know what you think of it. 

Zebolo · Lịch sử
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147 Chs


Saturday 17th October 1192 AD

Late in the night as starlight pierced the dark Jerusalem night sky. The wind was blowing through the empty narrow streets, bringing with it a chill to make one shiver in their robes. October was generally a dry month in this city, since Yosef and Commander Gallo's squad arrived it had only rained twice.

Yosef left the house of Aram Noah. They had a lengthy and productive conversation when the children went to sleep. Despite being strangers to each other, the circumstances which had brought them together established a Christian bond of brotherhood between them.

He was deeply moved and touched by the battles Aram had to battle from the moment his wife fell ill until now. Yosef promised to help him pick himself up somehow so that he can provide for his family.