
The Cursed Duo

In a world where every universe is born and sustained by the imagination of its creator, Alex Lavender who later was called Levi—a seemingly ordinary yet misfortunate reader—finds himself pulled into an extraordinary reality. After a mysterious masked figure ends his life, Levi is thrust into a new world, where he becomes a character in an unfinished story, written by the hands of the author himself. Will Alex find a way to rewrite his fate, or will he be consumed by the story that was never meant to be finished?

Celestial_Creator_ · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: The Main Character

In the far East, on a large continent, there lives a clan called the Sphinx Clan. Within this clan, there is a small girl who appears to be only five months old. She has striking white hair that cascades softly around her delicate features, creating a stark contrast against her warm, tanned skin.

One tranquil night, the world was enveloped in a soft blanket of darkness, with the moon hanging high in the sky, casting a silvery glow that danced upon the landscape. Stars twinkled like distant gems, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, creating a soothing whisper in the cool night air.

While her parents were sleeping, the girl sat cross-legged on her bed, looking as if she were meditating. She focused her mind on her mana core, determined to increase its rank. After a period of time, her efforts paid off, and her rank finally increased from Intial to middle of Viroth.

As she opened her eyes, they gleamed with a brilliant red, and she sighed inwardly, "I need to speed up so that I can gain power quickly and defeat the Hollows that are coming in the future."

Well, I'm a regressor, and as you all know, I need to defeat the hollows that are threatening the world—just your usual hero business. But here's the twist: there's also this incredibly mysterious person I have to deal with. He's the leader of a massive organization that spans the globe, and get this—his base of operations is said to be in the middle of Desolath, a continent that seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the opposite side of the planet! Yeah, I know what you're thinking: "How cliché!" But hey, if the narrative insists on throwing challenges at me, I guess I'll just have to roll with it, right?

This organization is called Abyssal Garden, and it mysteriously emerged twelve years from now. Since its arrival, it has engaged in fierce battles against the Nexus for no reason and when the head of Neuxs Thorin asked the leader of this organization why he is doing this before he died that leader just told For fun.

I have a grudge against him because he killed my father. In my previous life, I fought against him every time I encountered him, seeking vengeance for my father's death. But one fateful day, just before he struck me down, he sneered and said, "You are pathetic." Those words cut deeper than any blade, igniting a furious anger within me. 

After that, you all know I was reincarnated to the day I was born. Just a month after my birth, a system appeared before me, informing me that it would help me grow stronger. It revealed that I had received a blessing from the Creation God and disclosed my main objective: to kill the leader of the Abyssal Garden, a figure known as Abysswalker.

As the system's interface flickered to life, I could see my progress and potential laid out before me. I also awakened my mana core earlier than in my previous life, allowing me to start increasing its rank much sooner.


Name: Lyra S. Ravencrest

Age: 5 months

Title: [None]

Physique: Genesis(Dormant)

[The Genesis Physique represents the ultimate embodiment of creation and vitality. This physique is infused with the essence of life itself, granting the user unparalleled resilience and strength. With this physique, the user's body can adapt and regenerate rapidly, allowing for swift recovery from injuries and enhancements in physical abilities.]

[Other Info blocked to unlock you need to reach a certain level.]

Mana Core: Viroth - Firith



Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 18

Endurance: 12

Intelligence: 25

Luck: 20



All-Seeing Eye: This ability grants the user the power to perceive and analyze the information of others. With a mere gaze, the user can unveil a person's stats and the skills of others.


These are my skills and stats. As you can see, my father, Kain S. Ravencrest, ranks around Xeiron-Drithos, while my mother ranks around Xeiron-Syros. Kain is a tall figure with striking white hair that frames his sharp features and piercing red eyes. He has a powerful presence, often wearing dark robes adorned with intricate patterns. My mother, Elena D. Ravencrest, has long black hair that flows down her back and captivating emerald eyes. She embodies grace and strength, often dressed elegantly. They are both powerful mages in their own league.

They share a good relationship with the heir of the D clan, Orion D. Tempest. I know this from my previous life, but I never liked him. He is weaker than me, with his mana core ranking stopping at Kyros-Tyris, while my rank is at Xerion. I hated him for not even trying to protect his family when it was destroyed by the Abysswalker.

Well, that's it. Sometimes I feel he is mysterious to me, but I don't care; I just need to focus on increasing my mana core and surpassing the rank I achieved in my previous life.

With those thoughts swirling in my mind, I took a deep breath, letting the weight of my ambitions settle around me. The room was quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustle of the wind outside and the faint ticking of the clock. As I settled into a comfortable position on my bed, my eyelids grew heavy. The world around me began to fade, and soon, sleep overtook me, wrapping me in its gentle embrace

The night was silent once again, a calm blanket draped over the world as if waiting for the dawn of a new day filled with possibilities.