
The Cursed Duo

In a world where every universe is born and sustained by the imagination of its creator, Alex Lavender who later was called Levi—a seemingly ordinary yet misfortunate reader—finds himself pulled into an extraordinary reality. After a mysterious masked figure ends his life, Levi is thrust into a new world, where he becomes a character in an unfinished story, written by the hands of the author himself. Will Alex find a way to rewrite his fate, or will he be consumed by the story that was never meant to be finished?

Celestial_Creator_ · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: The Age of the Drifters

Today marks one month since I arrived in this world, and I've learned much about it. This world, without a doubt, is filled with magic. It has been 108 years since magic became accessible here. My mother often tells me tales of heroes who once protected the land from monsters and shared the rich history of this world.

This world, despite its magic, is much like the modern world I once knew—there hasn't been a significant leap in technology compared to my previous life. However, everything changed one fateful day. An earthquake shook the entire Earth, an event that altered the world forever. That day marked the beginning of a magical era, and people started referring to this transformed world as 'Eclipsara'.

The earthquake occurred on New Year's Day in the year 2000. With it, a new continent emerged from seemingly nowhere, while the remaining continents were drawn together and collided. This collision caused the landmasses to fracture, reshaping the world into five distinct continents.

On that day millions of people died due to the Earth Quake and after that many grieved for their family members that day marked as 'Fallen Day'. After a week after that day many rifts appeared in the sky and monsters poured out monsters resembling dark wisps with glowing eyes, Larger, grotesque humanoid forms covered in shadowy darkness., and monsters with twisted, skeletal bodies and glowing red eyes.

These monsters killed many humans that the population went down from remaining 6.5 billion to 3 billion. This caused humans awaken magic in them and they killed every monsters in the central contient which was the first to clean up.

As the central continent fell silent, a new hope began to stir among the survivors. Those who had awakened their magical abilities when humans got contacted with mana and formed alliances and established communities, united by the shared goal of rebuilding their world and protecting each other from further threats. They called themselves the 'Drifters'.

In the wake of the chaos, the leaders of these communities convened to discuss their next steps and established a new government known as 'Nexus'. Recognizing that while the central continent had been cleansed, the other continents remained infested with monstrous beings, the Drifters knew they needed to expand their efforts to reclaim their world and restore balance.

At the forefront of this movement was 'Thorfin', the highest in command, who rallied the Drifters to reclaim the other continents. Among his loyal companions were four individuals who had journeyed with him through the darkest days and survived the onslaught of monsters. Each of these brave souls ventured forth to forge their own paths, eventually establishing four separate kingdoms on the remaining continents.

As they set about building their realms, each leader nurtured their clans, cultivating unique cultures and strengths. They quickly became known as the 'Saviors of Humanity', revered for their valor and leadership in the face of adversity. The four kingdoms thrived, each becoming a bastion of hope for the scattered survivors.

Back in the central continent, Thorfin focused on strengthening Nexus, creating a united front against any threats that might arise. With the aid of the Drifters, he established a council to ensure that each kingdom remained connected, sharing resources and knowledge for the greater good.

The bond between the kingdoms and Nexus grew stronger as the leaders pledged their loyalty to one another.

The kingdom in the North was ruled by the D Clan called Darkfall, the most powerful clan among them, known for being the frontline Drifters who fearlessly engage the monsters in battle.

The kingdom in the South was governed by the A Clan also called Aether, renowned for their vast knowledge and strategic minds, though they ranked last in terms of combat power.

The kingdom in the East belonged to the S Clan also called Sphinx, tasked with ensuring that no monsters harmed the citizens. They served as the last line of defense, ranking second in terms of power among the four clans.

The kingdom in the West was led by the R Clan also called Reverent, which possessed the third most powerful combat abilities of the four clans.

Together, these clans formed a formidable alliance, each contributing their unique strengths to the collective effort of protecting humanity and reclaiming their world.

I am from the D Clan, and my father is the heir of our clan. I felt a sense of pride in my unique background, grateful that I wasn't just another commoner facing the trials of everyday life.

One of the most important things I learned about in this new world was the ranking system for mana cores, which is crucial for determining a mage's strength and abilities. The ranks for each mana core are as follows:

Viroth (All have sub ranks initial, middle, and peak)






These ranks are known to humans, but there are speculations about the existence of even higher ranks beyond Othyr. Currently, the highest-ranked human is Thorfin, who holds the title of Aureth-peak. The leaders of the four clans are all ranked Aureth-middle, while my father, Orion D. Tempest, the son of the clan leader, ranks Xeiron-peak. My mother, Clara D. Tempest, ranks Xeiron-middle.

In addition to the ranks of humans, there are also the Hollow monsters, which possess their own ranking system:


The weakest and most basic form of Hollow.






Stronger than Voidlings, with a more developed physical presence.






Considerably more powerful than Hollowborn, capable of significant destruction.






Mid-tier Hollows, significantly stronger and more resilient than Umbrawraiths.





Near-elite Hollows, more dangerous and commanding than Voidstalkers.





One of the most formidable ranks, far superior to Dreadlords.




Humans have encountered many of these Hollows, but a notable event occurred when Thorfin and the leaders of the four clans faced a Netherking-Overseer. They fought fiercely for three days and nights, suffering severe injuries but ultimately succeeded in defeating the beast.

Since that battle, humans have experienced a fragile peace, though they remain vigilant, as the occasional attack by Hollows still occurs whenever rifts appear in the sky.

This is what I learned about the history. Just as I was narrating, I heard a sound that made me happy.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Celestial_Creator_creators' thoughts