
Chapter 3

Emma and Molly arrived at the airport the next morning, bags packed and ready for their trip to Italy. Marco greeted them with a warm smile and led them to their plane. As they settled into their seats, Emma couldn't believe that she was actually going to see the castle in the photo. She had spent the past few days researching the location, but she still couldn't find any information about it. It was almost as if the castle didn't exist.

As they flew over the Italian countryside, Marco pointed out the landmarks and told them about the history of the region. Emma was fascinated by his stories and couldn't wait to see everything for herself. When they finally landed in Rome, Emma's excitement was at an all-time high.

Marco took them on a tour of the city, showing them all the major sights and introducing them to the local culture. As they walked through the bustling streets, Emma couldn't help but feel like she was home. She had always loved traveling and experiencing new cultures, and being in Italy felt like a dream come true.

But as the day drew to a close, Marco led them to a small, rundown inn on the outskirts of town. "This is where we'll be staying," he said, opening the door to a dingy room. "It's not much, but it's all we could afford on such short notice."

Emma was disappointed, but she tried not to let it show. She was just happy to be in Italy, even if their accommodations were less than ideal. She and Molly settled into their room, trying to make the best of it. But as the night wore on, Emma couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. She had a sense of foreboding, like they were walking into a trap. She tried to brush it off as her imagination, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

As she drifted off to sleep, Emma made a decision. Tomorrow, she would confront Marco and find out the truth about their trip. She was determined to uncover the secrets of the castle, no matter what it took.