
The Curse of Blue Star

In Galeadon, there was no one could be survived from being the decoy of the dragon more than three times. Laurent of Vienga flying ship is the first one who could! Until the fifth time of being the decoy, she found 'Red Blood', the first speaking dragon which she never met any of them speaking before. Everyone in Galeadon knew that the dragons are just animals, even though they are clever, tricky, and could give magic power to humans...but they were just a kind of animal. Not only speaking, but Red Blood also cursed Laurent and everyone in Vienga flying ship to the death! Hi there, thanks for reading and sorry for any errors for my English

Lindenni_Rodicas · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


"It curses us! It curses us!!" Laurent shouted in her sleep, seeing Red Blood shout the curse out again and again in her dream made her wake up. She breathed heavily, alone in her small cabin which only Fire-Feet could own it. Dragon's fire fever heated her whole body like she was a bonfire. Her shirt was wet with sweat stuck on her back.

Laurent never expected that Uhezga would use the mermaid's pearl with her. The pearl from mermaid or merman was a kind of magic item in the magic realm of Galeadon. Not easy but not difficult to find but it was very dangerous to get a pearl from the Mer clan because they are supernatural creatures like the dragon. In one Mer lifetime, they would have only one pearl. Mer's pearl was a magic item used in a magic potion to cure any kind of illness caused by magic. It was said that Mer's tear could revive death to live but nobody had ever seen Mer's tear, Mer's scale could cure wounds and broken bones, and whoever eats Mer's meat will become immortal.

Even though the smell of Mer's pearl potion could help her feel better, Laurent could feel that her body still have a high fever. When she felt fully awake, she heard the sound of fighting with the swords on the deck, she knew the Veinga ship was robbed. She tried to get up, grabbed the sword quietly, and tied it well with her belt but her right hand held her favorite short knife on her waist by instinct. She looked through a hole on the wood wall of her cabin, staring at a stranger going down.

She knew that she couldn't fight to beat anyone right now, actually not only right now, her skills for fighting were sucked because she don't need fighting skills to win, but to escape was enough for the sky pirates. The Vienga flying ship was the fastest flying ship in the realm, for robbery the treasure don't need to the crew to fight but to be fast. In Vienga, there were not a lot of people who were good as fighting but they had the ability to rob quickly.

Laurent slowly moved quietly, waited until he came closer, and hit him with the door.


She attacked that guy with all of her strength, he fell down and was laying down at her feet. She jumped over him to get out of her cabin and checked for his consciousness, he might lie down here for a big while.

In the past, although the ship was attacked so many times but enemies couldn't get down here before, this time the ship might be in a very difficult situation.

She ran up to the open deck. Hearing the sound of water, she knew that all the ships were above the Eireedar waterfall, the biggest water fall in Galeadon. Looked around from the stairs, seems like the enemies just arrived. The left and right with the battleships from Daren Castle and there was the Magus ship up above.

This was against the sky pirate's rule

Following the Sky Pirate's Rule, our ship couldn't serve or cooperate with the kingdom. There were three things the sky pirates would serve; money, gold, and treasure.

Getting on the deck, Laurent still hid in the hatch just open it a little bit to see things on the deck and watched him from there. Andrean was fighting on the deck with many guys from Daren's battleship. He glanced at her and gave a sigh that he was already noticed that she was over there.

Magus ship was one of the top three for the fastest sky pirates flying ship, in that ship have many famous sailors and pirates with skillful in for their ship. Even Vienga flying ship was in the first rank for speed and Nagus ship was just the second, so in this situation it's hard to say in this situation which Magus came which two Daren's battleships.

This kind of situation was easy to say, Vienga can't win with the heavy dragon hanging under the ship.

'we're outnumbered' Laurent thought.

Andrean tried to clear the way and came to her but after defeated two of them; there would be more and more of them.

Laurent watched him from there, her hand held tight on her short knife when she saw one of them with high skill of fighting almost killed Andrei, so she threw her knife accurately to enemy, the handle hit that guy and fell down before he could reach to Andrean.

Laurent ran to Andrean, and picked her knife back, she never kills, and because she doesn't want to kill, so she practiced a lot throwing things and knives until she was very expert at that. "What happened?" She asked when Andrean could come closer.

"Captain Clount betrayed us, he helps Daren to rob Red Blood," Andrean answered while he was busy fighting.

Laurent didn't understand, as she know, Captain Count was a friend of Captain Uhezga. How come he betrayed his friend?

"Just a dragon." Said Laurent with plenty of questions in her head while she was throwing her knife again to top infinity enemies. "Why don't Uhezga give him or sell to him?"

For the sky pirates, if someone wants to buy or pay more, it won't be wrong to sell.

"He wants our ship", said Andrean. Laurent could understand immediately why all sky pirates had been fighting like this. The answer made Laurent understand why everyone was fighting until the dead-end like this. We were fighting for the Vienga! The sky pirates without flying ships, how can we call ourselves they are the sky pirates.

Laurent's eyebrows still frowned, she didn't understand how Clount betrayed Uhezga, and the sky pirates hate to be flunkey of the realm.

"Take Red Blood out!" Uhezga shouted an order outbound but it seemed like no one could do that. Everyone was busy fighting, there were plenty of enemies. Captain Uhezga knew if we keep fighting like this, we all might die of tiredness soon. That's why he tried to keep Vienga ship light and fly faster, this ship needed to let go of Red Blood by now.

"Protect me, Andrean. I will do that." Laurent ran back to the hatch with Andreean after her. She got an idea to sneak out of the ship through the gun port, then she could release Red Blood, but when she was crawling out, there was a hand dragged and pulled her back.

"Hi boy!", a guy smirked with a gold teeth. put gunny-bag on her head, dragged her up to the deck.