

In "The Curse of Azazel," a sassy librarian named Isabella unwittingly frees a grumpy demon named Azazel from a centuries-old curse. But things get even more complicated when Isabella realizes she's the only one who can help Azazel break the curse before he loses his powers and becomes a mere mortal. Join these unlikely allies as they navigate the world of cursed demons, snooty angels, and the occasional pesky mortal, all while trying to save Azazel's hide (and Isabella's sanity) in this witty, action-packed supernatural romp! "Help break the curse of Azazel and lift my spirits by commenting, voting, and sending power stones - I promise I won't curse you too!"

Redpen · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Thunder and Comfort

Isabella was peacefully asleep in her bed, her dreams weaving gentle stories. The patter of raindrops on the window created a soothing melody, lulling her deeper into slumber. But the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a thunderous crash and a blinding bolt of lightning that split the sky.

Startled, Isabella bolted upright, her heart racing with fear. Thunderstorms had always unsettled her, evoking a deep-seated anxiety. She glanced around her room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings, but the darkness outside and the relentless rumble of thunder only intensified her unease.

In that moment of vulnerability, Isabella's thoughts turned to Azazel. She knew he was just in the next room, and the idea of seeking his comforting presence brought her a flicker of relief. Without hesitation, she rose from her bed and hurriedly made her way to his room.

As Isabella swung open the door, she found Azazel awake, his eyes already open. The corners of his lips curled into a mischievous smile as he observed her sudden entrance. "With all your strength, you're still afraid of thunder," he teased, his voice tinged with amusement.

Isabella, her fear momentarily forgotten, retorted with a mix of playfulness and defiance, "And are you not afraid of thunder too?" Her eyes sparkled with a challenge, daring him to deny any trace of fear.

Azazel chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the banter. He knew his response would catch her off guard. "Afraid? My dear Isabella, I am the god of thunder and lightning. Why would I be afraid of them?" he boasted, reveling in the power his title bestowed upon him.

Isabella's eyes widened in surprise and amusement. She hadn't expected such a response. In that moment, she saw beyond the mischievous facade and realized that Azazel, despite his immortality, still held a sense of humor and an ability to embrace the extraordinary.

"Fair enough, Lightning God," Isabella replied, a playful glint in her eyes. "But even gods need someone to lean on during a storm." With that, she moved closer, finding comfort in his presence, and nestled herself beside him on the bed.

Azazel, momentarily taken aback by Isabella's proximity, soon relaxed into the moment. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, his touch offering a sense of security and warmth. They both found solace in each other's company, their fears momentarily forgotten in the embrace.

As Isabella and Azazel lay in each other's embrace, their breaths mingling in the tranquil air, a silent intensity filled the space between them. Isabella's gaze shifted from the remnants of the storm outside to Azazel's captivating green eyes, which seemed to shimmer with a hidden magic.

Drawn by an inexplicable enchantment, Isabella felt a surge of courage within her. She leaned closer, her heart pounding with anticipation, and pressed her lips gently against Azazel's. The touch, delicate and tender, spoke volumes of unspoken emotions and uncharted territories.

Azazel, initially taken aback by the sudden shift in their dynamic, soon surrendered to the enchantment of the moment. He reciprocated the kiss, his own emotions mingling with Isabella's, weaving a tapestry of desire and newfound intimacy.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the heat of their joined lips and the palpable energy that crackled between them. Time stood still as they explored the depths of this newfound connection, their tongues dancing in a gentle rhythm.

Without breaking the kiss or his hold on her body, Azazel stood up on strong legs, taking Isabella up with him. Holding her legs around his waist, he positioned her exactly where she was coming out of her skin for him to be, sending a twirl of pleasure through every cell in her body at the maddening sensation of having his hardness nestled between her thighs.

The warmth of Azazel's hands-on Isabella's ass seeped through the clothing of her dress, the heat of his length throbbing

against her center. Hot, so hot that her skin burned.

In two strides, Azazel had her against the wall. He rocked against her center, just once, and it ripped a pained whimper out of her.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," he gritted out against her lips, his body stiff and rocklike beneath her hands. "Tell me what's okay for me to do."

Isabella was soon in the moment, resting her hand on Azazel's chest and pressing her body against his.

The kiss was soft and gentle... And perfect.

She exhaled deeply when they pulled apart, her cheeks hot. Her chest heaved with each deep breath she took; sparks flew all around her, and her body shook with pleasure. She wanted more.

"So... " Azazel was about to speak when Isabella crashed her lips hungrily into his and kissed


His grip tightened around her waist, and they moved around like some tango while kissing.

Finally, he pressed her against the wall, and she gasped, her body on fire. He slapped his hand on her butt and squeezed.

" I like that," she moans, and his lips found her neck's side, working some magic. His other hand moved up her thighs, sending waves of electricity through her.

Isabella was dripping wet by the time Azazel's hand reached between her legs. He hesitated for a second, but she thrust her hips forward and guided his fingers down there. She was too turned on to back down now. So instead, he began to kiss lower, groaning deeply, while his fingers made small circles around her swollen, wet folds.

"Oh, gosh!" Isabella half-screamed when his finger brushed over her clit.

As the room filled with charged anticipation, Azazel's longing collided with his sense of responsibility. He stopped and gently held Isabella's face in his hands, his eyes searching hers for understanding.

"Isabella," he whispered, his voice laced with a mix of desire and restraint. "We need to stop now, before we let our desires cloud our judgment. I don't want either of us to regret this in the morning."

Isabella's breath hitched, her eyes widening in surprise and a tinge of disappointment. Yet, deep down, she knew Azazel was right.

She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "You're right, Azazel. We shouldn't let our desires lead us astray. We need to preserve what we have, to protect the purity of our connection."

They held each other's gaze for a lingering moment, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. It was a testament to the depth of their connection, the strength of their bond.

With a bittersweet smile, Isabella slowly retreated, her fingers gently trailing along Azazel's arm as she took a step back. "I'll go to my room now," she said softly, her voice filled with both longing and acceptance.

Isabella's heart raced as she quickly slipped out of Azazel's room, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. She closed the door behind her, leaning against it for a brief moment to collect her thoughts and steady her racing pulse. The air felt charged with an energy she couldn't quite comprehend, leaving her breathless and craving for more.

With shaky steps, she made her way down the hallway towards her own room. Each footfall echoed the internal battle within her, torn between the desire to stay and explore the depths of their connection and the need to respect Azazel's decision. It was a delicate dance, where passion and restraint intertwined.

As she reached her bedroom door, Isabella paused, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Her mind was filled with a myriad of emotions, a whirlwind of longing, confusion, and the lingering taste of what could have been. A part of her yearned to run back, to throw caution to the wind and surrender to the intoxicating allure of their connection. But the rational voice within her prevailed, reminding her of the importance of boundaries and the preservation of their bond.

Taking a deep breath, Isabella opened the door and stepped into her room, the familiarity of the space offering solace amidst the whirlwind of emotions. She leaned against the closed door, closing her eyes and allowing herself a moment to process the intensity of the encounter with Azazel.

Her mind replayed the fleeting moments, the electrifying touch of their lips, and the warmth of his embrace. It was a dance of passion and restraint, a delicate balance they had chosen to uphold. Though her body craved for more, her heart understood the importance of patience and respect.

Gently shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Isabella approached her bed and sat down, her fingertips tracing the delicate fabric of her sheets. She couldn't deny the longing that lingered within her, the desire that still coursed through her veins. But she knew, deep down, that this was the right choice, the choice that would safeguard their connection and allow it to flourish.

As she lay down on her bed, her mind and heart entwined in a tapestry of emotions, Isabella let out a sigh. Sleep beckoned, offering a temporary respite from the whirlwind of the night.

With a final thought of Azazel, a gentle smile gracing her lips, Isabella closed her eyes, surrendering to the peaceful embrace of slumber. In her dreams, their connection would transcend physical desires, reaching a realm where their souls could truly intertwine.