
Chapter 9

A few hours later, Ye Mo suddenly opens his eyes due to the System bringing up a screen, so he opens his eyes to read it.

[Ding! Host has entered the Qi Lo Realm, so Host shall be gifted a Bonus Pack as agreed. The Bonus Pack includes the following: 500 points and a 25 cubic meter Storage Ring.]

A small black ring fell onto Ye Mo's open palm, and he looks at it for a second before realizing this is something very good for him to have, since he can store everything in the ring now, rather than his giant backpack.

[Ding! Host needs to drip blood onto the ring and it will bind to Host.]

Cutting his finger with his sword, Ye Mo drips a bit of blood onto the black ring, which absorbs it and then enlarges slightly. Ye Mo puts the larger ring onto his finger and it shrinks down to fit on it perfectly. Ye Mo recalls he hasn't checked his status since he broke through, so he figured he should and brought it up.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Lo Stage 1

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 170

- AGI: 160

- VIT: 210

- INT: 140

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Points: 685

- System Level: 2]

"So I really did end up getting the Death attribute or element, whatever it is called. I guess I am pretty lucky, huh." Ye Mo laughs while noticing his new status.

Ye Mo opens his backpack and takes out the Blood Crystal Fruit, Green Spotted Fruit and the Yin Fruit and puts them into his storage ring. After that he sells the backpack to the system for 60 points. After that Ye Mo stands up and stretches his body while asking the system to guide him towards a beast, since he is hungry.

Following the arrow for a few minutes, Ye Mo finds a small cave and he enters it without care since the beast is only Qi Ji Stage 7. Walking through the cave for a few minutes, he spots the beast laying in the middle of an open area. The beast is a wolf that has a multi color fur, so he curiously analyzes it with the system.

[Qi Ji Stage 7 Illusion Wolf.]

"Illusion wolf huh. I guess that is why it has multiple colors. Well whatever, not like it can trick me due to my mental energy anyways." Laughs Ye Mo as he brings out his sword and tests out his new skill, Lightning Slash. His sword got covered in a large amount of lightning, and the surrounding grass in the cave actually started burning up because of it.

A bit surprised at the effect if his skill, Ye Mo slashes his sword towards the now awake wolf. The wolfs eyes shine with a weird light and Ye Mo felt as if something happened, before he realizes it was probably an illusion, but it was useless on him. Laughing at the foolish wolf, his lightning covered sword stabs it's right side, causing it to instantly get split in half.

A bit surprised at the strength of the skill, Ye Mo cuts out Inner Core and sells it to the system for 400 points, also getting 150 from the wolf kill, for a total of 550 points. After that he cuts all the edible meat from the wolf corpse and eats it until he is full, after which he leaves the little cave and heads back to the lake.

Once there, Ye Mo sat down and activated his Death Mantra technique and began drawing Qi towards himself, guiding it to his greedy dantian. He notices that the Qi revolves around the new ball of darkness that appeared in his dantian after his breakthrough, as if it was the God of Qi or something.

2 days later, Ye Mo opens his eyes as he felt his dantian double in size, which indicates his breakthrough. Noting how long it took him to breakthrough compared to the Qi Ji Realm, Ye Mo figures it will only get harder and harder to breakthrough, taking even longer than this. Ye Mo sighs before he opens his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Lo Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 185

- AGI: 175

- VIT: 225

- INT: 155

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Points: 1295

- System Level: 2]

Looking at his points, Ye Mo realizes he is pretty close to being able to buy the Mysterious Steps skill from the system. Since he just finished cultivating, Ye Mo decides to go hunt a stronger beast this time.

"System, can you guide me towards a beast that is either Qi Lo Stage 1 or 2 for me to fight?" Ye Mo asks.

[Ding! There is a Qi Lo Stage 1 beast 3200 meters East of Host. Please follow the arrow.]

Following the arrow, Ye Mo takes a mere hour to run the full 3200 meters. When he reaches the end of the arrow, Ye Mo notices that he is at another pond, similar to the one he stays at. A bit surprised, Ye Mo looks around for the beast. After searching for a few seconds, Ye Mo suddenly feels a sense of danger from behind him, so he instantly jumps forward, narrowly dodging a sharp claw that was aimed for his head.

Looking back, Ye Mo can finally see the beast. The beast is a panther that is black in color, with purple dots on it's skin. Feeling a bit of danger from it, Ye Mo analyzes it with the System.

[Qi Lo Stage 1 Nightmare Panther. The panther has the Darkness Element. Be careful of sneak attacks.]

No wonder he didn't see it until it attacked, Ye Mo thought as he takes out his sword. He stares at the panther before he rushes at it with his fastest speed while also using Lightning Slash. He appears in front of the panther instantly, stabbing his sword straight towards it's throat. The panther jumps up and appears 5 meters away from him unharmed, only have slight burn marks on it's fur.

When Ye Mo is about to rush at it again, it used it's darkness power to turn invisible, so Ye Mo stood still in the same spot as before. Closing his eyes, Ye Mo uses his mental energy at full force and inspects all around him in search of the panther.

Ye Mo felt it's presence directly behind him, so he uses Lightning Sword and Stab Burst, stabbing his sword directly behind him, piercing the middle of the panther, leaving a large gash on it's body. The panther was also attacking at the same time, so Ye Mo was injured by it's claws, leaving 5 deep gashes on his back. His Grade 3 robe couldn't block the attack at all, all it did was slightly lessen the damage.

Grunting in pain, Ye Mo turns around and uses stab burst once again and slashes his sword straight towards the panthers throat once again. It tried to dodge it once again, only this time, due to the large wound on it's body, it's speed was slowed, so Ye Mo manages to stab it straight through the throat. The panther lets out a muffled roar, before it collapses onto the ground.

Ye Mo can still feel the pain on his back as he cuts out the Inner Core from the panthers head. Remembering that there is a pill shop in the system, Ye Mo sits down near the lake and opens it up.

[Pills Shop(G.2)

- Grade 2 Healing Pill: This pill will increase your rate of healing external wounds by 30%, and internal wounds by 5%.(500 points)

- Grade 2 Qi Gathering Ping: This pill will increase your rate of gathering Qi by 35%.(750 points)

- Grade 2 Cleaning Pill: This pill will remove any poison below Uncommon grade.(1000 points)

- Grade 2 Berserk Pill: This pill will cause the consumer to enter a berserk state, increasing their strength by 70%. The effect lasts 30 minutes.(2500 points)]

Not minding the price at all, Ye Mo buys a Grade 2 Healing pill and directly swallows it before sitting down and activating his Death Mantra, since it can also heal his wounds slowly.