
Chapter 4

After he drags the lightning boar back to the lake, just like with the wolf, Ye Mo cuts the hide off of the boar and cuts pieces of the meat off it's body. After cutting all of the meat, Ye Mo puts most of it on the hide and wraps it up so he can eat that at a different time.

He eats a few pieces of meat and after his hunger is gone, Ye Mo feels his body strengthening due to the Qi residing inside the beasts body. Ye Mo decides to check his status to see what changed on it.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 23

- AGI: 17

- VIT: 53

- INT: 12

- Skills: Stab Burst(G.1)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration

- Points: 120

- System Level: 1]

"My strength went up by 3 while my agility went up by 2. Not bad, this meat is a lot better than the wolf meat from before. I guess it is because the boar was stronger." Laughs Ye Mo aloud. This way, as long as he eats raw beast meat for a while, his stats will be higher than they should be, resulting in risk in the world going down a bit.

Looking around the lake to see if there is anything useful, Ye Mo only finds a few fruits which he scans using the System.

[Blood Crystal Fruit: A grade 3 fruit that can be used to create a Grade 3 Blood Replenishing Pill.]

[Green Spotted Fruit: A grade 2 fruit that can be used to create poisons that can weaken ones senses.]

[Yin Fruit: A tier 4 fruit that can be very useful towards cultivators whose element is Ice.]

"I don't really know much about the grading in this world, but even I can tell that these are all some pretty good fruits, especially that Yin Fruit. System, can you tell me what these elements are though? I don't have anything like that." Ye Mo asks the System.

[Ding! Host doesn't have an element currently because only cultivators who reach the Qi Lo realm will gain their element.]

"Hm, so that's it. Well, I will get there eventually, I should just keep these fruits on me, but I don't really have anything to carry them with." Grumbles Ye Mo.

Then, he suddenly remembered that the Shop should have something like a backpack in it. Opening the shop, Ye Mo looks in the ETC tab and finds what he was looking for.

[Grade 4 Iron Skinned Bear backpack: A backpack made of the hide from a Qi Sa Iron Skinned Bear.(100 points)]

Although it is expensive, Ye Mo buys it without hesitation since he can use it to carry useful things he finds in the forest, and it is also very durable and can probably be used as a defensive item if need be. After buying it, his points drop to 20 and a big black backpack falls onto the ground in front of him.

Picking it up, Ye Mo notices it isn't that heavy, so he opens it and sees that there is a lot of space inside. He places the three fruits in a corner and then puts the hide with his boar meat into a different corner.

Placing the backpack on his back, Ye Mo doesn't feel much of a difference in weight, which makes it better for him. Walking to the lake, Ye Mo drinks a bit of the water and then walks in a random direction.

"System, can you lead me to a place where I can increase my strength quickly?" Ye Mo silently asks the System.

[Ding! There is a cave with a natural spirit spring in the depths of it north of here. There may be a few beasts around the cave, but if Host is careful and manages to get to the spirit spring, Host's strength will increase rapidly. Please follow the arrow.]

Feeling excited that there really is a way to increase his strength quickly, Ye Mo follows the arrow provided by the System while keeping himself on guard against any attacks he might face on the way there.

Ye Mo is surprised that he didn't get attacked by any beasts along the way, or more like, there were not any beasts at all along the way. A tab confused, Ye Mo asks the system.

[Ding! Host did not encounter any beasts because the beast guarding the cave area is a Qi Ji Stage 7 beast. Host is recommended to either leave and increase his strength more before returning, or take a risk and sneak past the beast.]

Finally understanding why there are no beasts nearby, Ye Mo starts to ponder to himself. If he leaves now and increases his strength more before returning, he will certainly have a higher chance of entering the cave and reaching the spirit spring, but who is to say the beast won't increase it's strength as well. It does have the spirit spring to use, after all.

Sneaking in might be dangerous, but it might also be an opportunity to him. If he manages to sneak past the beast, he can rapidly increase his strength by using the spirit spring, and after he has sufficient strength, he can leave and kill the beast, gaining more profit from it. The only problem is the massive risk of sneaking past the beast. If he fails and gets noticed, there is a high chance that he will be killed by the beast.

In the end, Ye Mo decided to increase his strength before attempting to enter the cave. It's not that he doesn't want to try, it's just that taking the risk with less than a 10% chance to succeed is just not something Ye Mo would do.

After the System left a mark at the cave, Ye Mo decides to return back to the lake to use as his temporary base for now.

After Ye Mo returns to the lake, he has the System guide him towards a beast with similar strength to himself once again. After following the arrow for a few minutes, Ye Mo comes across a small cave. Looking around the cave entrance, Ye Mo notices that there are a few bones around, most likely left behind from the beasts meals.

Ye Mo takes his dagger out of his belt and silently walks into the cave while hiding himself in the darkness in hopes of keeping his presence hidden slightly more. After walking in the cave for a while, Ye Mo finds himself in a larger area, where a beast is resting in the middle of.

The beast is a huge snake! Ye Mo stares at the 15 feet long snake that is curled up into a circle that is resting in the middle of the large space. A bit worried, Ye Mo uses the System to scan the beast and brought up it's info.

[Qi Ji Stage 4 Poison-Marked Snake. Warning! Beast has a 1% part of Dragon bloodline in it, which gives it the poisonous power. Please be careful.]

Ye Mo inhales a breath after reading the screen that came up. The snake has a 1% part of Dragon bloodline in it, yet it already gives it a powerful poison. Just how strong are dragons really in this world. Ye Mo wonders as he quietly sneaks towards the snake.

When he is within 5 meters of the snake, it suddenly opened it's eyes and sprang straight towards Ye Mo at a fast speed! Ye Mo somewhat expected this since snakes have great perception. Ye Mo hopped back and narrowly dodged the attack, resulting in the snake angrily hissing towards his direction.

Ye Mo silently holds his dagger tightly in his right hand and holds it in front of him, watching the snake in front of him. Perhaps the snake got annoyed due to the waiting, it leaped towards Ye Mo once again. This time, Ye Mo dodges towards the left while stabbing his dagger towards the spine of the snake.

The snake panicked since that is it's weak point, so it opens it's mouth and spits out a ball of purple mist that rapidly heads towards Ye Mo. Shocked, Ye Mo tries to jump away but the purple mist still hits his left arm, which rapidly starts to burn and cause his a lot of pain.

Ye Mo screams out in pain and almost falls to the ground, but he knows that if he fall he will surely die, so Ye Mo grits his teeth and looks towards the snake. The snake is also looking towards him, but it seems to be very sluggish. Ye Mo realizes that spitting out that purple mist must have taken a toll on the snakes energy, which gives him a chance.

Ignoring the stinging and burning pain from his left arm, Ye Mo grips his dagger and rushes towards the snake at his fastest speed. The snake tries to back up, but due to the lack of energy, it is only able to use less than half of it's original speed. Ye Mo appeared in front of it and stabs his dagger towards the center of the snakes forehead.

The snake manages to dodge the stab at the last second by lowering it's body and is about to retaliate by biting Ye Mo's waist, but he was waiting for this. Once the snake lowered it's body, Ye Mo used his skill, Stab Burst, and changed the direction of his stab towards the spine of the snake. The snake, not being able to react in time, was directly stabbed in it's spine.

The dagger stabbed fully into the spine of the snake, leaving it paralyzed and unable to move now. Although it is not dead yet, it is not much different at this point. Removing his dagger, Ye Mo notices that it is almost fully corroded by the poison in the snakes bloodstream. Shaking his head, Ye Mo uses the last of his strength to stab the snake in the forehead, killing it off, before he collapses onto the ground and passes out from pain and exhaustion.