

Chapter one

The Long cooking and serving of customers left Felicia Clinton very aggrevated and tired. The only thing she wanted to do was to go home and have an ice cold bath, but she got even more upset when she saw more customers trooping in the resturant.

"can I get a drip Coffee, please" one customer said.

" yeah, would you like anything to....

" I'd like the spaghetti and Meat balls "Another customer cut in.

" yes, one sec, i'll be right back at...

" more chicken wings!!! Another customer yelled rudely.

That was life in the resturant, cooking and serving rude customers, to make matters worst, she didn't have an assistant or an employee to work for her. She had Just bought the resturant and she didn't have enough money to employ People.

"Can I have a bottle of water, please?

Turning to see where the gentle yet thick voice was coming from, she saw a man all dressed in black, his face was defined and strong, his eyes were like the blue sapphire, he had a very thick, dark eyebrows, his eyelashes were so thick and Long, his nose slender and pointed, he had a well defined cheekbones, his jaw had an angular shape. Just another regular customer, Felicia presumed.

"of course" Felicia smiled at the man and he smiled back showing his perfect White teeth.

In no short time she was back with a bottle of water.

" would you like something to go with the water?

" no, i'll be on my way now "

" can I at least get your name " Felicia asked smiling. Turning back, he looked at her, smiled and then turning back again, he left the resturant without saying a word.


It was 10:05pm when Felicia closed the resturant. She was headed home now, on her way home she got a call, it was Jenna, Felicia's Sister calling to check up on her as usual.

"hey sis, what 's up, tired already?

" yeah, you got that right"

"we' re having a party tomorrow night, coming?

" maybe, it's kinda lonely on the road can I call you later?

"oh alright, call me when you get home"

Felicia hastened up her steps, it was really late, the only sound that could be heard on the cold and lonely road was Felicia's clapping heels.

On the bridge she saw what seems to be like a person but she wasn't sure "it could be anything" she said. As she got closer, her visión was clearer and it was a woman in her mid fifty. "oh my" she said. Felicia has watched a ton of movies to know things could or could not go wrong, but it was the only way home and it was late. Getting past the person, she heard her name. "Felicia" the strange looking woman replied with a Some what masculine voice. Scared and horrified, Felicia took to her heels but the stranger followed. It was dark and lonely so no one heard the loud noises Felicia made and the stranger was getting closer and she was getting tired, she fell to the ground, her heels where broken and her ankle was hurt, there was no escaping. As the stranger approached, she called out and said words that seemed like she was begging. With powerful grips, the stranger grabbed her and after a few tussle, stabbed her and tossed her over bridge into the water.