
New World


What do you mean by that?

How can an atomic bomb be a natural event, let alone create a new world?

Then where is my brother?" Kaiden couldn't hold back, as confusion surged up to his head.

The nurse extended her delicate, soft hand to Kaiden once again, trying to calm him. She placed her hand over his and began to tell him the story, much like a caring mother would tell a bedtime story.

"It happened about two years ago, shortly after you fell into a coma. It was an ordinary day until early in the morning when signals started coming from the Bermuda Triangle.

The government initially ignored them, as it was common to receive signals from there. But these were much stronger than usual. In an instant, it seemed like massive energy had emerged out of nowhere.

The entire Bermuda Triangle seemed to be collapsing in on itself, at least that's what researchers suspect at this point.

However, the enormous energy that was generated needed to be released somehow, and that's why the explosion happened."

Kaiden couldn't believe it.

On one hand, it was an inexplicable phenomenon that resembled a black hole, but it didn't expand, it only caused an explosion. He also realized that he had been in a coma for two years.

The nurse continued, explaining that due to this explosion, almost the entire world was affected. Radioactive contamination spread across the entire ocean, carried over land by winds and other means.

The shockwave also seemed to be a problem, causing extensive damage, not only to people but also to infrastructure.

The slightly pale nurse's lips, tinged with a light red, continued to explain that the explosion and energy caused massive earthquakes everywhere and some volcanoes erupted.

She also informed him that the tsunami wasn't the only one Kaiden experienced. There were several, which took infrastructure and people from nearly all coastal areas around the world.

In total, it seems several tens of millions of people lost their lives, and many are still missing or ill. There were very few survivors, almost none, who managed to withstand these natural disasters.

So, she figuratively tipped her hat to him, paying her respects.

"But what about my brother now?" Kaiden asked, wearing the same bewildered look as before.


The nurse took a deep breath and said that all of this might seem a bit sudden and unbelievable. Kaiden replied that it didn't matter, as he would have to accept it one way or another.

The nurse removed her right hand from Kaiden's scarred, rough hand and tucked her light brown hair behind her ear.

"Understood, I'll now tell you everything you need to know. After this tragedy occurred, nothing special happened at first, except that the sky looked slightly torn, and a bright, yellow-blue with a white undertone beam filled the horizon.

The shards looked like they were on the verge of collapsing, with a deep blue-white border.

It illuminated the entire horizon, more in some places, less in others. Especially at night, it appears to shine particularly brightly.

If you could look out the window, you would be able to see this spectacle now and possibly be rendered unconscious by its beauty."

As I've described before, this phenomenon is triangular and seems to encompass the entire Bermuda Triangle to the centimeter.

After the situation calmed down and they tried to rescue people, the government traced the origin of this phenomenon and identified the glowing barrier. Fascinated by it, they ordered soldiers and researchers to go there.

They sailed towards the bright light by ship.

But then, the barrier seemed to pull them in, not allowing them a chance to turn back. It devoured the ship and the entire fleet. They vanished from the radar screens until one last signal was sent back.

The brave men shouted that they were in free fall, then they fell silent. The signal lit up somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

After that, the government sent soldiers and researchers again, this time equipped with parachutes.

As time passed between events, the water level seemed to be dropping as well. The entire sea appeared to be on the verge of disappearing, but in reality, it was being absorbed by the barrier.

When the soldiers and researchers finally arrived at the barrier and passed through it, they couldn't believe their eyes.

They were in free fall and hastily opened their parachutes. Below them spread out a vast expanse of land. The horizon was no longer visible; instead, beneath them lay the entire ocean water.

Yet, there was still land.

Time went on, and the government spread joyful news.

New land had been sighted. Researchers noticed that this land was full of new discoveries.

Everywhere, there were new ores, fruits, animals, and resources. The government explored the surroundings and came across many unexplainable resources.

Here, there were things that didn't conform to the laws of the normal world. They seemed to levitate or suddenly freeze.

But then something bad happened.

The other world, now referred to as "Praeter," didn't just possess admirable resources, fruits, and animals, but also a civilization. These beings resembled extraterrestrial life forms.

However, they seemed by no means friendly and immediately attacked the soldiers and researchers. Without a chance of survival, they died and reported just before their deaths.

However, these extraterrestrial beings in no way resembled the green people with gigantic egg-shaped heads or any monsters from fantasy books.

Compared to them, even the worst creatures from fantasy realms seemed like plush toys in Praeter.

Kaiden swallowed and nervously asked how they would now combat these beings.

The nurse continued, explaining that the government actually just wanted to gather resources quickly and then leave.

But it was in vain, because theoretically, these extraterrestrial beings, called "Cryptids," could enter through the barrier at any time and devastate the Earth.

Therefore, desperate efforts were made to develop weapons for defense.

A brilliant inventor named Rolf Manklin managed to construct a chip with the available materials that could connect to the neural pathways, thus creating the same supernatural powers as those Cryptids.

From that point on, hope seemed to return. Initially, soldiers were equipped with these chips and were able to resist the creatures of Praeter successfully.

But compared to the soldiers, these beings continued to multiply.

So, the government decided to reintroduce conscription in every country.

Everyone from thebage of 18 years old must serve for 3 years and place themselves under these chips to confront the Cryptids of Praeter with supernatural powers.

The brave warriors are referred to as "awakend," and in return, high financial compensation and security are promised.

One can go from abject conditions to a luxurious lifestyle.

Kaiden appeared extremely agitated shortly thereafter and asked without hesitation if he could also seize this opportunity.

The nurse replied that it would theoretically be possible, but without limbs, she doubted he would be accepted.

However, he could take a test to find out what potential he could tap into, and the costs for prosthetics would be covered.

She added that even if the chip didn't grant powers—which often happens—you could control massive robots that connect to the nervous system.

Alternatively, one could also fight as a simple mercenary on the front lines, equipped with special weapons.

Kaiden then asked if his brother was now there and living safely. The nurse confirmed this and let Kaiden, who was exhausted, drift into peaceful dreams with closed eyes.


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