
The Crown of Obelisk

Before I start, first, the devil tag is more so for demonkin related existences. Secondly, there will be heavy swear words here and there as I plan to write this more like I talk to get better into the character. Lastly, I haven't decided if there will be R18 scenes or not, caution will be given at the end of the previous chapter if so so they can be skipped. Now, without further ado...... In the year 3085, we find our character Derek Caldwell starting, what's anticipated to be, the greatest VRMMORPG to ever hit the market. Obelisk, where anything and everything is possible. This is a first of it's kind game that everyone would start playing worldwide. Join him as he battles his way to stand at the top of this new world. However, the real shocks don't come until the updates start hitting the game. Will Derek be able to survive what's to come in an all too near future?

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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Welcome to the world of Obelisk!

" That's right people! As you can see from the countdown clock behind me, there are a little over 10 minutes remaining before the new hit VRMMORPG opens its servers for the first time!" A beautiful blonde in her early thirties smiled at the camera as she gestured over her left shoulder. A live broadcast covering the game shined from the wall hanging TV in front of Derek. The youth rubbed at his face hard before standing up to look at himself in the mirror, listening to the broadcast so he still had any news he may need. " This game is going to change the whole meaning of the word for everyone. In the game time is sped up, so for every 10 hours a player plays in the game 1 hour goes by in the real world, a first of its kind! Also, the game's 2000 beta testers leaked that this is a game that is not confined by normal constraints. They all said the freedom this new world gives is unbelievable. Hundreds of thousands of different possible skills, races from every walk of life imaginable, millions of items, and they even gave us a clue to the game's biggest feature. That's right we are talking about Legacies! Billions of different beings exist in this world as heroes, gods, legends, and myths that impart their power onto players! There is shocking news however that the beta testers revealed just yesterday. Apparently, every player will be able to obtain up to 3 legacies, but only a single person can own each specific legacy. From the way it looks, these are going to play a huge role in how everyone will proceed in the game."

As he listened he winced as his reflection glared back at him. 6 years ago, Derek's parents were killed in a nasty car wreck while he was in the backseat. Because of this incident he had ropey scars in quite a few places. He was a whopping 5'7, had spikey stark snow white hair, and vibrant electric blue eyes that seemed to glow from their color. Sadly scars mar his once handsome face, the most prominent being one that ran from the center of his lip down his chin and almost to his Adams apple. He had a healthy but small stature about him. He took good care of himself, but he spent most of his time playing games these days so he was kind of frail. He had been living off the wealth his parents had left to him in their wills. He lived comfortably in a small 1 bedroom apartment with everything he needed for his day to day life, spent alone in solitude. He sighed before he looked away from the mirror again focusing on the TV.

" One more minute folks!" The older male anchor spoke up now looking genuinely excited. " Everyone get ready to log in. The developers strictly said the servers will open at exactly 2pm!" Derek quickly switched off the TV and ran over to his bed. He laid down before gently slipping his brand new platinum VR headset. There were 4 tiers of headsets, bronze which allowed someone to play for 12 hours straight, silver which allowed 24, gold which allowed 48, and lastly the platinum which gave a full 72 hours straight of play time. The headset would nourish the body while the player was logged in so that there would be no damage and would even give a refreshed feeling. Once a player reached their time limit, they would forcibly be logged off and have to wait 8 hours before they could log in again. There were rumors of a headset designed by Oblisek's main branch that was even better than a platinum one, but there was a single bit of concrete proof anywhere so everyone just thought it was a myth. Derek took a deep breath as the timer finally hit 0.

" Let's do this, link start!" Derek spoke low and clear. A bright light flashed across his vision before his body went limp and his consciousness was pulled into the game.

[Welcome new player to the world of Obelisk!]

Glowing white text appeared superimposed over Derek's vision blinked twice before a new screen appeared in front of him. The character creation took a minute as Derek read through all the information of the different races and classes he could choose from. Finally he finished and realized that while he could change quite a bit about his character there was no option to change the actual appearance. "What the hell? Are we supposed to play looking like ourselves? No one mentioned this at all." Sighing he clicked continue and was prompted to distribute his stat points. He didn't even have to think too hard knowing his own playstyle. He confirmed his selections before his vision blackened again, text scrolled across his vision showing him his character screen.

[ Name: Stryker ]

[ Race: Werewolf ]

[ Class: Berserker ]

[ HP: 100/100 ]

[ MP: 20/20 ]

[ STA: 250/250 ]

[ STR: 15 ]

[ AGI: 20 ]

[ INT: 10 ]

[ DEX: 8 ]

[ CHM: 8 ]

[ CON: 8 ]


More stats will be added later as needed. Quick run down for those who don't know: HP health/hit points, MP magic power also known as mana, STA stamina, STR strength, AGI agility or speed, INT intelligence, DEX dexterity, CHM charm/charisma, CON constitution or mental fortitude. 8 is the base stat for a normal human in this so that goes to say he is 2½ times faster than a normal fit human and so on and so forth. Hope you have enjoyed the first chapter!